Show i 1 e f d IrE the tho tie latest thing In corset styles bo ho boI hoN N I practicable the day of ot the tho fat tnt woman womac u has ban Indeed come No longer loncer will she nho RhoLo sheho bo Lo compelled to patiently bear that un uncomfortable uncomfortable comfortable feeling of at being observed by lIy byall nil all because of ot her bOr obesity Nor Non need sue she suffer martyrdom any longer lancer In tight stays and The Tho has hns met the tho enemy conquered Obesity lies prostrate In the dust A woman now noT may Indeed be as a old olti as ns she looks loo s and her ber looks are arc sub subject subJect jeet to her lIer own sweet will willAnd willAnd willAnd And nil this because someone han hao In Invented invented vented a rubber corset cornet cornetA A Garment It Is I not a n straightJacket model modal either cither that binds grips and pinches but n a nOrm firm Orm substantial comfortable kind of or a asta stay sta It was Invented especially for tor stout women and many are already In the seventh heaven of at feminine delight over Its advent When not In use tile the corset corBet seems but n a flimsy graceless piece of ot flabby rubber robber that might be anything from tram a rubber blanket to a o largo large bathing cap But Dut when placed In Ie position on the body It Is Isn Isn isa n a grateful graceful comfortable support that gives perfect freedom of ot movement More Ioro than thoe that It Is said to bo ho a champion reducer working nil all tho time ned al oJ always i ways was on ou tho the Job It Is made very long lone over oer tho hips and back with the fronts shortened a n little Suspenders attached to the tho front of ot corset comet through brass brAls eyelets keep tho abdomen down Those suspenders are arc doubly douLly to prevent their break breakIng lug Ing through the tue rubber Of Ot course there aro are bones In the cor corset corBet corset set Bet They arc are exceedingly strong and being 11 ln made of ot genuine whalebone are very Tery pliable The rubber corset comes In Ie two different models For Tor princess or gowns tho the model IB is closed down clown tho the back and fastens up the front Iho Tho other design Is Intended especially for tor stout women and avoids olds the tile necessity necessity sity of ot tight lacinG down tile the back It Itcan can cin bo worn worn orn na ns snugly ly or as DB loosely as ns desired There seems lIe ms to be but ono one bar barto barto barto to the rubber corset and that Is Its price Tho cheapest sells for tor about Another Obesity Aid Ala There Is 15 not much difference this sea Ben season Benoon season son oon and last In the regulation corset this years yearl being cut a n little lit lower loner lu iu tho tim bust hust though thou h It Is still very CIT high bl h Under tile the arms atma however they are oro cut higher than last year Thin Is another boon to stout women Many lauT of ot thorn them are aro as fleshy under the arms as ns around the tho bust hust When the corset c Is III laced tightly the tile flesh llesh under tinder the arm protrudes protruded i In an unsightly manner With tho lie now cut corset cornet a 1 high close underarm effect in is obtained thus throwing nil all of ot the flesh to the tho front of ot the tho bust bu t nonce Hence tho ho fullness Is not distributed around the figure In the graceless f fashion so 00 notice noticeable notiCeable able In the tho model Tho straight back with no opening la is preferred for tor slender olender women the front Is closed with lacings The reason why most women are BO so about their figures Og r when they hivo attained some age Is that they thoy did dd not care caro for tor them thorn properly when bell young joung oun The first corset Is II Indeed n most mORt Im Important tm portent event of ot far reaching c c consequence to the tile young roun girl Care In fitting It be bc exercised ed and if ii possible n a should be consulted who what lint portion of or her ber figure needs support the tho most moat and what part can bo be left lett to Itself Then too n a woman oman should change her cornets coida co ets as her figure changes s sAnd And the time of ot all nil times when n a woman cannot be too careful of oC the th fit t of oC her corsets ia Is between the tile ages ores of ot 20 0 and SO 81 |