Show I I i 7 i TUr EXAMINER Published Every Evory Day In tho Year Yearby Yearby Yearby by The Tho Standard Publishing Corn Com Company pany Entered as lG matter u it utho I the tho co Ogden Utah under Act of Congress I Communications to thin this paper are aro limited to words SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered D by b Carrier ta tn Ogden City Including Sunday Morn MornIng Ing lag Examiner In advance At end of month JC i Single copies BY BYMAl MAl MAIL IN ADVANCE The Tho Examiner Is sent by mail mall mailI I outside of or ci Ogdon Ogden per pOl year I At least quarterly In j FEARLESS and INDEPENDENT The Tho Examiner Is a n strictly Inde Independent e I pendent newspaper It gives glos all 11 1 an equal show Tho The Examiner has bas no favorites and no enemies to punish It ft will willI I I I give tho the news unbiased and un unprejudiced r prejudiced Communication will be bo l lon on all subjects presented presente In re ro respectful fI language from Inn Indi Individuals but tho the truo true name must f fl i published In full All and communications by nom do de deplumes plumes or assumed name will oe thrown In tho the waste ba la t The rhe bravo brno man never hides hl e an nn assumed name namo Dont ask tak the theE I I Editor E to bo ho responsible for what you yuu aro ashamed of I I Subscribers will confer conf r a n favor i iby by informing this thin office of oC failure I to receive Tho Examiner E before their breakfast Tho The Morning Examiner can cnn bo ho found on sale by the tho Independent News New Co Salt Lake City On all through trains leaving Ogden Osden on The Tho Southern Pacific Railway Tho The Plon P Pacific Railway wa and amid Tho The Oregon Short LID Lino Examiner patrons win wILt confer a n favor on tho the management by br ro rG r porting to o this office whenever they thO fall fail to find tho tIme papers st Et t tho the designated dost places I I I I Favorite Line Lille Lillet t Childrens and Misses Shoes I I L Sons Co are arc having an especially heavy de do demand demand domand mand for their HERCULES shoes shoos for Misses and Children a specialty which has for six or eight years been a favorite leader with a large number of I the patrons of this I house These Moes Eloes are war warranted warranted I ranted absolutely all solid I leather throughout They are I made on three good lasts are I carried in Patent Leather Box BoxI II I Calf Gun Metal Velour Calf T and Vici Kid in Button Bal Balti ti t l fand end and Blucher styles t I They sell from 6 5 to 8 for chil children I dren at 25 to 50 They sell from 8 12 to 11 for d children at to 1 They sell from 1112 11 12 to 2 for Misses at to For this wet weather you need a solid leather leathor shoe shoeI 1 Therefore this shoe is especial especially I t ly good for school weart wear I 1 H r rt ri t t i S S S NATURES CURE C Q t Q o FUR FOR The conditions and causes luses C which produce Rheumatism all suggest a n healthful vegetable remedy surest and safest cure The Time disease is brought about by the thc accumulation of uric acid an irritating property In the blood This causes n a weakening and souring of the circulation circulation circulation tion which then becomes unfit for nourishing the body while the deposits of uric urie acid in iii the nerves muscles joints and bones produce the pain and agony of Rheumatism To treat the he trouble with medicines containing pot potash potash ash or other strong minerals is simply adding another poison to the already weak diseased dis ased blood sapping it of its remaining vitality and perhaps in inthe inthe inthe the end making n a physical wreck of the sufferer The one safe and only cure for Rheumatism is S S S It is natures remedy for this disease made entirely from Irom healthful vegetable ingredients extracted c from the roots herbs and barks of the forest and fields S S S goes down into the blood and anti removes every trace of the cause of Rheumatism cleanses and purifies purifica the circulation and restores health and comfort to those who are suffering from Irom this painful disease There is but one way to be sure you are arc not dosing your system with mineral medicines and aud that is to take tz c S S S Book on f Rheumatism and any medical advice free j THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA GA J 1 Tal 1 SPECIAL J y r 1 CLEAN UP SALE J j jv v o 1 Tr Ir mJ J Every Evey few weeks we wo get an accumulation of odds and ends i r 1 of various articles which winch in iii order to make room for new stock j have been taken off our shelves These goods are arc all in fine finc condition but hut as we wc have only a few of each kind on hand haud we will make special low prices on them thorn to clean them up this week Ve Vc A will ill have sales sules of this kind every overy once in a while and you will save money by bJ watching for them and taking advantage advantage advantage tage of them theme e The following arc aro the items for this week and aD are arc good goo S Sonly only till February first J S Cutting Culling s a Jam per tin lOc Fancy Table Plums per tin lOc Batavia Raspberries or Strawberries per tin Un Apple Butter t tIdal Ideal Idal Scouring Soap something like 3 cakes caes for lOc L something some hl g like Dutch Cleanser 3 cans cana for tor lOo Axle something like Bon Don Ami 3 a for bc A little more of that high grade wade regular Teas at lb Besides dozens of other othor odds and an ends which we have in our lOc and piles at less loss than one half price Edgar Jones Co THE PLACE WHERE THEY HAVE H VE THE BEST FRUITS FRUIT AND VEGETABLES VEGETABLES VEGETABLES r 1 W For the Next T 60 t O Days Dys We will make mako a special contract covering a period of ot 11 years for our Carey Caroy Act land and perpetual por water rights in Sunny Suun Millard Coun County Countr ty tr 11 YEARLY tt 4 1 A lb KT A 1 II U MONTHLY MONTHLY 4 I I PAYMENTS 40 0 50 PER ACRE PAYMENTS By paying 50 00 down you OU may ma select forty fort acres acrea choice chalco land and r pay pa balance monthly or yearly Tho second and third year yonI payments payment aro figured at two dollars donors an acre acro Choice bench lands Absolutely too the best water rights right In Utah Crops this year rear oar Young man your chance to become Independent Investigation earnestly Invited Information from i Wenger Roston 1 ECCLES OGDEN UTAH Burtner lands hands COe Co JUDGE SALT LAKE CITY Ii 4 1 I i |