Show I C Continued from Pago Twelve II I I I JIZ EY EV P tS i CHAPTER Continued j I i And when whon she had summoned assist assistance alice ance When the castle castlo was stormed storm cd I as It were wore by br gendarmes My own i peril would be extreme extrema I It was hopeless to prevent the thO In Inevitable InI I evitable The rescue of Captain Forbes would be accomplished i my m I I complicity In the tho Intrigues of ot Dr DrI I I and Madame do would bo be taken for granted Expostulations I I would he useless My very presence I In the chateau would would be faco face evidence i j of my m guilt And EO I had played my desperate Ii game to no purpose I To save myself that was my m one thought Two courses lay ay before me meS S Could I make mako my mr way to Captain Forbes Could I effect his release rease be before before fore foro Helena returned with help It U that were possible and If tr I could t hastily make mace my position clear dear to the tho kings messenger all might yet oct be bewell bewell bewell well At least BO so far as 15 the establish establishment establishment ment mont of my Innocence was concerned Or I might overtake Helena Brett To her hor I might make mako my confession conCession And If tr she Rhe were persuaded not only that I was W 5 acting in her hor Interests but that my m plan to clear up Sir Morti Mortimers Mortimers mers iners disappearance promised success I 1 might even eon now be successful success fill filli i L It was IlS my mr fear tear that she would scorn scornfully i fully refuse both to believe bellove my m story I and to accept my aid that made me HID f hesitate as to this course It was Dr who decided for tor forme torme forme i me meHo He Ho had appeared on the terrace be below beI low and ho he was following Helena I Brett Bretl Bretti I 1 i had bad read Captain Forbess message I as ns well as Helena Helona Why then could I there thero not have been heen a Il third person i Interested in the strange antics of the tho thoI I mirror And If Ir this surmise were true If It Dr Stana or 01 Madame de dei i had read rend the message They The I had bad ba not hesitated to use desperate ex exI I I 1 to gain their purpose Would Dr Stana hesitate to use uso means as asI I desperate to prevent Helena Holena from fromi i summoning help I I asked ask cd myself m se this startling ques question question I tion as I 1 took the stairs two at a time timeto to the tho great hall hail The main entrance e enns was locked For a moment I thought I that I was a prisoner In Ia the chateau as aswell aswell aswell well as Captain Cap Forbes Even now I Iam Iam Iam am not certain that such was not the Intention of ot Madame de do But Dr Starra had gained the terrace by bya bYa a small door close by b the spiral stair staircase staircase staircase case In his haste be had forgotten to lock this door I Desperate as was my own haste I took toole the precaution of locking the side door after me and placing tho the key Ice In Ini i ray lily m pocket My reasons for this were vague ague enough It was as an Instinct that prompted me to take tako the precaution rather than deliberate reflection But perhaps I might bo ho able to regain the chateau In duo due time by this side en entrance entrance entrance trance and none nono be the wiser For Foras Foras Foras as as far tar as I know I had effected my m exit unobserved In the meanwhile I 1 ran swiftly after Helena Helen and Dr I had lost eight sight of both I 1 soon came to an end endI I r of or the promenade It led directly Into 41 i the main street of tho the village Now ow s that I had bad gained the village street I r looked eagerly about for them thom Neither was In sight I guessed that Helena Brett would make her way as soon as asI I L possible to the hotel where known What hotel That was the question I 1 I r i halted an urchin and nd asked him himI I the name of or the best hotel In Alter t II hofren Oh the Grand hotel botel ho lie an answered anI 4 I without hesitation that Is where hero all the English lords and Amer American Amert t f i ican lean millionaires stay C I f I Then let him take me hither I It t I tempted him with a franc r I Evidently tho the gentleman Is In a aI aI I hurry hurr hurrI I assured him that I r was and prom promised promised him two francs If I could reach tho the hotel before a lady whom nhom I 1 was following Then the tho gentleman must go by bytho bytho bythe tho the short cut cutI cutI I sped after tho tile urchin down tho the vII lage lago street This street Is 15 one of or the tile most quaint In fn the tho whole world There are two stories of oC shops on either side The I pavement of o the shops below Is IB roofed I over this covered passageway Is IB the pavement for tho the second series of ot otI I shops hops above aboe I was on the lower pave pae I and this explains how I was wase e c to reach a flight of steps the tho cut tho the youngster had promised before borore Helena or Dr Stana At tho the foot of these t ese steps the young youngster youngster oun ster bolted assuring me that I 1 should find the tho hotel when I had reached the tho top orthe flight These Theno steps pierced t wall alJ of ot one ono of ot the tho houses of oC the tho street The flight was straight or lr tho the first firstI I t 20 or so no then It turned curiously on ona ona ona I a landing at right angles Hero Here I 1 was as in n I groped my i way war for tho the continuance ot or the flight I The Tho first series aeries of steps I I began bean to see t dimly had ended at a sort of or porters I lodge I learned afterwards that this I WAS a private entrance to the hotel 1 4 above aid aad that in tho the f I little roo room j porter Dorter was accustomed I to bElt elt eltI I I 1 was still feeling my mr way cautious cautiously ly I about for I had not yet et seen that the flight of at stops was continued at right angles and the steps were broken and uneven when the tho circle of ot light at tho the foot of the stops steps lead leadIng leadIng leading Ing Into the street was IVas blotted out At first I hoped It might bo be Helena BaJena But Dut It was a man and he was leaping up the steps In desperate haste I guessed it to bo be Dr But ButI I had no intention of letting him know that I was following him I pressed close against tho the wall to let him pass To my astonishment ho he darted into the empty empt porters lodge and crouched down In the th gloom loom I hold my breath watching hardly hard an au arms length from where he stood motionless Again tho the circle of light was blotted out A woman was nas rapidly ascending the steps I J could hear her catching i her breath It was Helena on her way wa to tho the hotel botel for aid And now I am forced to a confession that will deepen the sympathy or con contempt contempt contempt tempt felt for me when I related the tragedy at the tho beginning of my DIY nar narrative narrative But I have determined to make malee myself m no hero For now again came camo that curious paralysis of will Again as in the tragedy of the Alps horror robbed me for tho the moment of power POWel to act in instantly instantly I had bad caught the glint of f 4 I IT T 4 il I I VIty p S I It t t I 1 S z m I I i J J 4 d I It Was W s an Unequal Struggle steel I know knew that Helena was doomed unless I hurled myself instantly on the treacherous assassin I 1 did Indeed fling myself headlong on him but huit only after ho he had fired There was a crash of shattered glass the shot of ot his revolver was still echo echoIng echoIng Ing lag In the tho stairway ay as 1 I grappled with him It was an unequal struggle I felt Dr hairy hair hands hand close about my m throat b ont and I was w s hurled backward CHAPTER I Am Rudely Enlightened The force of o the blow had stunned me for the moment Presently I heard Helena Holenn calling for or help I 1 struggled to my feet and md leaned gasping against tho the wall Are you ou much hurt sir Ir she asked in French In a cool matter of fact voice She had not recognized me In Inthe Inthe Inthe the I am not hurt at all I replied In English But 1 I am lm sorry Miss Brett that that villain has made his escape I fancy fanc I heard some one rush after atter him she continued coming to mo me closer and trying trIng to distinguish my features I l am Mr Haddon I said quietly She repeated the name vaguely Tho The coward covard I added There was an awkward pause pausa We Ve began to ascend the second flight of stops 1 I am afraid you are assuming a name namo to which you ou have havo little right Mr Haddon she sho said gently gentl I be b hove that you saved my m life lire Just now I am much obliged to you t She extended a white hand band in the tho gloom There Thoro was absolutely ab nothing of In tho action And for myself I J was cynically lIy unmoved I received her hor thanks almost guiltily and a little sullenly I little thought Silo she continued dreamily that you of all men would save s e my life It savors flavors a l good deal d al alo of o the melodramatic docs does It not It Itis Itis itis is very ery ar strange At the best It was a lucky luck accident Miss Brett Frankly Frankl you ou aro arc unhurt rather because C tho the man was a bao shot hot than because of any assistance I gave gwo you yell I spoke tho the words word thoughtfully tho and aDd quito quite sincerely I knew only too well that my Interference would have been too late had Dr SarvaR aim been moro more sure It seemed to 1110 mo little less leas than a miracle that Helena Brett should be unwounded I could take takeno ke keno no credit for Cor or that myself Far Fal from that I 1 should tell her the absolute truth If I I were honest I would say sar to her On the contrary I have hae proved myself to be a coward again Infinitely more moro BO so than when Willoughby lost his life Then I J was wa exhausted physically powerless Now I have hayo failed still by br the tho fatal three seconds because tenor held mo me spell spellbound spellbound spellbound bound for the moment It makes lit little littIe tie tle difference so tar far ar as my m courage or cowardice Is concerned that you ou are living while Willoughby died In either case I have been licen equally weak That was wa what I should say sar to her If I were an honest man But I did not You YOli see I am frank In those confessions Really Reali then I am showing allowing that In this Instance I J was oven even a greater coward than before For then I at nt least told tho the truth I Idid Idid Idid did not conceal from her liei the hideous word had spoken before ber re rehe he died Now Not I was WIS concealing from hor her the fact that I knew I deserved the reproach as keenly keen I We had reached the top of oC the steps We walked slowly toward tho the Grand hotel Helena I could see seo was con concerned corned with her own thoughts as much muchas as was wag I For a moment the shock of the accident had made her forgot forget her errand Now that wo we were near the hotel Its urgency came to hOI her with re redoubled redoubled redoubled doubled force She was debating whether she should take me Into her confidence She was saying to her herself herscH herself self scH I was sure that it would be bo a generous reparation for her hel unjust censure of me on the terrace of tho the hotel at Lucerne Lucerno If she to tomo tomo tome mo me the deliverance of Captain Forbes Why she sho asked slowly should that man have lain in walt wait for mo mc there thero Was he a common thief do you think No I answered after some somo hetta hesitation tion He Heis is a Bulgarian a political ad nd adventurer adventurer I am afraid Miss Brett that he has had much to do with the disappearance of your brother She Sho paused pau ed startled How should you OU know that hor her voice vibrated with suspicion Because I have learned something of o him at the chateau I am n a guest there I r pointed to 10 the tho castle towers across the valley aller You are arc a guest of o that woman Madame de do r Yen Yea 1 cr Then sir sh au she was hastening her steps and with Uh cold hostility it Is certainly not to you oti that I 1 should be appealing for tor help Miss Brett I said with some hit bit bitterness you ou draw your conclusions u very cr hastily Is It Impossible for pu to believe that I 1 wish to help you that I J wish to make mako atonement to you for the suffering stuttering I have hae caused you unconsciously She Sho looked at me Intently her hor eyes still wide with distrust But Dut you ou are arc at tho the chateau she repeated You are a friend of oC that Infamous woman who has ruined my brother rother If It you ou a are re hor frond friend r md bow how can you ou bo be mine mineI miner I r have not said sold that I am her friend I protested quietly But mit IJu you are arc at the chateau She Shie spoke the tho words obstinately That fact was In her eyes an lG argument Yes and naIl I know that On plain Forbes Is detained there 1 know that ho he has just signaled to you that fact and and has asked you YOLI to get help And now no I want you ou OlI to leave the matter in my roy hands I demand that as my right It is a task lask I have havo sot set myself Once you said to me that I should save savo a life for the tho life that thal was lost through me I You have hae already made that repa reparation reparation ration D Mr Haddon she said almost humbly Fate has punished me that I should have judged you ou so hastily has lily and so wrongly I INo No no I spoke In fierce remo never he be Just to tome tome j I me That was an ai accident I r tell you yelL ou I do not like you less Jess say sa saso so 50 It was hopeless to mako make her under understand understand understand stand now I should have havo confessed my cowardice sooner If T I wished to be believed She Sho had judged as at Lu Lucerne Lucerne Lucerne cerne And this judgment ju caused mo me much the tile greater pain Listen I drew her to a garden seat A life for a life that Is IB what you ou said But If Instead of a life liCe it were a mans honor that I could COull avo if It were tho the honor of or your our brother brothel Her lips trembled She leaned to toward toward toward ward me in her hor appeal Oh you ou would crush me with tho the weight of my m gratitude Save my ray brothers honor and and andI I should then stand equal with other men In your our respect Yes she said faintly her eyes bright with unshod tears Wo We ro need needa flecia a friend so much now Wo We are In such deep distress because of my mr poor brother Evidently you ou know of his hla disgrace Shame blanched her cheek i I know something of I It H I r said id with sympathy Tell mo me Miss Brett Brott do I not bear a marked resemblance to your our brother At first sight it Jt is startling sho I cried eagerly When my m mother and andI i I I saw you ou at Lucerne we thought you were wore ho lie When Then we learned that you were wore with Mr Willoughby at the timo time of his death you ou can understand how bitterly wo we resented our disappoint disappointment ment mont Forgive me If I I am again sus suspicious I but that I should find you ou I the tho guest of o Madame do now at this time If I am to help holp you you must trust I mo me I will I do Implicitly tI Yes Even Een though circumstances seem Beem I utterly against me ine Even Een though I Imay Imay Iala may ala seem seenia a friend of ot Madame de do Var to be In league with her against you ou She hesitated She Sho Is a dangerous woman If my poor brother has fallen fallena a victim to her horrible beauty 1 I shall be on my iy guard I replied lightly smiling at her fierce resent resentment ment t But Dut you rou to be her he guest Is that wise How cnn can you ef eC effect feet tho the release of Captain Forbes if it I IOU you OU remain at tho the chateau How can I learn tho the truth concern concernIng concernIng concerning Ing your our brother how can I do my m ut utmost utmost utmost most to savo his honor If it bo he not yet |