Show GOLDFIELD ENJOYING GREATER ACTIVITY John Hawley of Goldfield Nevada was conferring with Secretary Rey Reynolds Reynolds rte of tho time Club today and Incidentally giving his views on the tho prospects of the famous camp Things have havo been rather slow for fora rora a while he said and Hand I guess they tho have hae boon been something that way wn way here hore In Ogden Things have hae begun to to pick up however and the outlook Is consider considerably considerably considerably ably brighter The Tho big mill of oC the Consolidated CC company started up recently and Is Js now handling COO GOe tons of ore per day da Tho Florence mill with a n capacity of tons per day clar will be he started within a few days das Thus with the five custom mills already al nl already ready read In operation there thero Goldfield is handling at least 1000 tons of ore peT per day da |