Show Teach Your Y our Child To Save nl Eli average child generally ha hH has very t C Incentive to save lye All tho of ot lito aro provided for tor him with n a lavish Llah hand band and he rarely ques their source Beurce Thrift therefore Is not oco Oce of ot tho the natural virtues of child chillI childhood hood and It Is demanded of oC all nil mothers mot ers tWit that they th r shall guido Ido their om In the th careful I lu itt the tho small Hums earns or ot money which kind relatives bestow upon the ones oets It Is to hero that tho Iho foundation for tor the tho habits of at a n ore are re often orten laid Tenth Teach the children fIrst to think thin of ot others and to put pot naldo aside If it only on n II penny for tor those who ho are uro poorer themselves have havo accumulated enough to b W Of or use let them thew buy a few Gowen or a n little fruit tor for n a Ick lck child or nn on old person ned and give Io It I themselves to show them practically the value of oC sympathy If It the children havo haro a small o t of their own It gln them some Idea I T of ot the value of ot money and If It they aro are to some useful article with It tny y lIUO such things more Children should also be bo encouraged to tolay tolay lay InT by br a I portion for tor the future end not too distant should hould be chosen at lit first firsta a thing thin that they wish very ery much to nod Dud can cnn buy bur If It they the save enough to do du so a little Journey that they tuny may mo take If It they have blye the tho money for tor tho tilo expenses something whatever It may be he that they can cnn attain In a reas rens reasonably short abort time But Dot you must wUI L be lie careful not Dot to bore tho children Too roo much preaching ou on the virtue ot saving will have anything any thin tint hut tho desired effect See then that the tho youngsters also spend a n little money on pleasures Iet Let them hUT buy sweets or anything elso eio that may tuny be bo n no na nil treats only oely make them know should come lost last not first and that what b Ia wasted cannot bu bo regained J L |