Show MARINE DRAMA fOllOWS RAMM NG N Of W U T STA 4 lINER 1 r Bit Bif by Bit Bif Came News Ne vs by fay Wireless of Collision of Republic and Florida in Dense Densa Fo Fog Rescue of Over Ov r Six Hundred Passengers Condition Con of Sinking ing Ship Summoning Sp moning of er Liners and Cutters Thousands of People 7 I Awaiting Information Regarding Retarding Friends and Loved Ones New York Jan 23 Grave anxiety prevailed J ailed here hert today and tonight as aM I the result of oC the thrilling marine narino dramn drama enacted off ocr Nantucket following tho the ramming early today ot oC o othe the big White Star liner Republic with frith SOUlS sous aboard by tho the steamer I Florida of the tae Lloyd Llo Italian line i I Tho fhe wireless telegraph played an Important part p ot in n the grave gravo incidents happening at sea sen far tar from the shore and proved Ua ha utility as It had never dune done before befaro lit Hit by br bit it told tho rho tale first an announcing anI I the news of the collision anti and the plight of oC the liner The fhe now news came from the tho Injured ship itself Then the wireless told toM of or the rescue of oC the Republics passengers passenger tho rho con condition from time lime to time ot of tho rho sinking pinking nhip and summoned from tho rho adjacent seas the tho White Star liner Baltic tho the French steamer La Lor tier ratite alue 1 the and tho the revenue cutters sad and Gros Gros ham hart Tonight at S 8 the wireless brought reassuring news from Captain Ransom of oC the tile Baltic He lIe said Bald the Re Republic public was afloat that the Florida with wll h her own people and most of those I from taro tho iho Republic aboard close to toa toaI a thousand I people in till nIl was nearby and the Baltic was near the thc scene landing h by hy road ready roady to lo render old aid Tho steamers ft La Lorraine and Captain Ransom Hansom said sold wore also allO In Inthe till the vicinity and tho rho Republic through hr bar h r wireless outfit was directing tho the movements of these ships of rescue It is 6 presumed here that the load Joad I of DC human freight aboard the tho Florl Florida la will be during tho rho night permitting to io the rho o I staunch liners and that all the s will stand together until revenue cut cutters te a and wrecking vessels ve c which have hae hat o been heen dispatched can reach the tho scene l I The Florida has bas her tier hows bows crushed in wireless dispatches stated slated sL ded tonight which would indicate that she sho was the lire theve vessel tassel ve that crashed Into tarp the Hc He HeIt I It J 11 C The 1 he fog Is still heavy tonight all along the We coast but hut the weather Is mild and there Is comparatively little HUlo wind and tho rho sea is calm which Is a Messing in fa the face ace ot oC o the tho serIous sor ous Illation f Tonight tho th offices of o the rite While Whito Star Sial line IIno remained open as all through the day clay to await news of 0 the progress of o events off Nantucket and to reassure tho iho streams of anxious callers allers for tor Information mallon Persons with friends aboard the tho Re Republic public stood about aboul in groups awaiting with the iho the tho latest news I I Vice President I P A 1 S Franklin of oC o I the fire White Star company was In i charge assisted by hy half a dozen other officials and sari clerks In answering In Inquiries n and directing so far ac aG is 16 s pos possible possible sible stole the tho work of rescue A harbor steamer the General Put PIll Putnam nam ram has been chartered and IB is ready randy to steam to 10 sea to meet the tho Ilot Florida Ida or any an other t essel that may mar bring brim the rescued passengers to o port The White Star offices will be open all aU Sunday Sunda for the purpose of o expedit expediting ing In relief measures and keeping the public Informed of the situation lon I The steamer Republic a tourist steamer loft Ion New Kew ew York fork on Friday for Mediterranean ports There wore tt oro on onboard onI onboard I board oard 2 O first class passengers il ilIn In the steerage sad and a crew of oC i Stops were wem scheduled 1 at tho rho Azores i Madeira Gibraltar Genoa Naples and Alexandria Captain r 1 Scalby a vet veteran t eG cl cleran eran Bran seaman was In lu command Other Othel officers aboard included J JS S chief chic steward and R J 1 L Barker pur por purser purser ser sot The proposed cruise cruis of oC the thc ship at al attracted attracted many man notable trat elers among them th m General Brayton raton Ices Ies a New dew York lock financier Archbishop Bir BG chose ch sr se of oC Montreal James B Con Connelly nelly Welly the writer o of Sea Tales Mm II H J Griggs wife of o the rho president of or ortho the tho Bank Banh of or New York Alice Allee Moro the tho author Mrs lies Irs H B Arm Armstead Armstead Armstead stead mother craftier of a well known brown mining engineer r Mr air and Mrs airs Hoover Qt of Seattle who were ic ere on at a tour around the tho world in an automobile Prof John lohn JohnM M lt 1 Coulter Mr air Ir and Mrs airs David S Cowles Count Alexander S I Dell Bell Rev Rey fie J W l Ward Mrs alts rs John T Davis of or Washington her son and daughter Dr D A G Wagers Captain CaptainE E A Victor arayas of Gooch Coach Bohar India Indin who n ho was ans n on tho rho last halt half of a journey journe around the world John F Coacher President Emeritus of tho rho 1 Womans college of or Baltimore and S Earl Taylor Ta lol tart ary of tho rho Young peoples department ward board of oC foreign missions qt the tho Episcopal L church The Tho first WH of or the disaster came camo in the form arm of a wireless 1 re ae received calved both hoth here and sari in fn Boston The Phe message came from Captain Si S allt It read road When n hen 2 miles south of Nantucket lightship this morning was wan run Into h b ny an unknown vessel room n Hill full of water Can remain rl maln afloat No o danger au an l no lives lost los The Tho news nevra that all alJ hands hand were trace safe safA I hue buoyed ed up hope that even cren tho rho Republic RO ll tIl might bo ho saved I f I Tho transfer of the Republics Re pas V s 3 to the he I Baltic Rn was 1 speedily uI and fm 1 l lu u 4 m III both Loth tho rho Baltic and the thc Florida Iol started for Now New York fork If the Baltic I rocs goes at her hel overage speed and does not delay to lo act as convoy for tor the tho Florida she should reach teach New ew York Sunday Sunda afternoon I |