Show PARAGRAPHS I 1 I The TI e late sermon on oil llio thu subject ot Qt r I gambling seems ta la he worrying som j people They Ther The think the author to t stick to the crimes of or Herod anti antl Judas Jud lH and anel not bo lie so personal Here hero aro a lot of policemen who rland ready rOHI rad to testify that gambling g exists contra to tho the law and anti hero Imro h ro roIs Is a I minister who can cm and does testify Every ono one scorns scams to know where tho ho Tiger Is Now who will put putu tho the bell bellon on the cat Move love that the mayor majI oo ua with full Cull power lower to net act f Salt I Lake ikc Is not going to stand Cor or orone j jone j jone one criminal woman being able to t j herd a lot of other otiler criminal women to L the polls polIs on election day d Ogden O den has lias T I stood Iou for It so o long that lint politicians J 1 hero here have almost forgotten that It ItI might bo be o otherwise j I The state is paying laying twice over oer all the expenses of the trial In Salt Snit Lake Lako I in which tho madam of Ogden Is on trial One of ur the senators of oC Weber county count Is 18 excused from the i senate chamber for a week while ho he acts as asher a asher her lawyer laor according to a Sat Salt Lako Lake j paper luper His Hi senatorial salary Is march I l lIng i I Ing big on Her Hel physician a former mayor of Ogden sends en s word that she Is too In Indisposed disposed to appear app ar at the trial It looks as If legislative business will havo have to wait walt so far as that sea sen senator en ator Is k I concerned If that senate ten to was composed of worn wom women wornon en on and one on of them took a day dI oft off to 10 bathe the children or trim a hat bat would not there be a fuss Cuss though |