Show CHILD CULTURE CLUB The Child Culture club met mel at the tile homo home of or Mrs S A Tues Tuesday day afternoon in spite of the Inclement Inclement ent There Thero was a good at attendance attendance Mrs who represents the health department of o tho the U R RW r rW F W C in it Ogden O den reported having re received Re t a wee before lefore re ana with the help fp of Ot Otman many man of the merchants merC in town wIto WIO generously put the stamps on sule sale In n their stores and the efforts of or her daughter had sold SolId The meagre me re knowledge the public ha hat had hador I ot or tho stamps and tho short time lIm Mrs aIrs had lurid to dispose of o them mode made It rather difficult but her en energy orgy ergy and perseverance made the tae t von ven venture taro ture successful Tho club chub extends UK Its thanks to the merchants and to Mr r Woody who generously donated tho the attractive ad advertising cards The program opened with lira Mra Smith reading a paper nailer on Oil Establishing Desirable Habits habits which was as ably abi |