Show SENSATIONAL ATTEMPT A AT TI ROBBERY ENDS IN DE DEATH A TO TOOF OF FIVE PERSONS Two Italians Formerly Employed in Rubber Factory Make Effort to Steal Money Bag They Fire When Pursued by Crowd Killing Three and andI I Wounding Twenty and When l Surrounded Commit Suicide London Jan 23 Five persons are arc dead and more than twenty others are In iii hospitals at Walthamstow a su suburb suburb suburb burb as lie tho result of sensational a attempt all at robbery made mado today loda by b two Italians at nt The Italians were run dort and ami surrounded by a n posse and finally committed suicide Three of or their victims including a po policeman and an a l young oung boy hor lie He dead Two policemen and three boys arc are among the wounded The Italians had ha been employed In Ina Ina Ina a rubber factory but having been discharged they the planned to lo revenge on their employers They lay la in wait at the factory and seized a bag of money mono containing the weeks pay mr Pa of o all the tile hands han s They The then start started started ed on a mad rush down the street The police summoned and start starl started cd ed In pursuit In a motor car As they approached the tho Italians the ron rob robben here ben opened lire tire with automatic pis pistols pistols pistols on oa their pursuers pur A number oi ot o omen otmen men and boys bos on the street were shot down dOWD own The Italians kept ahead of o the tho aut automobile automobile until they the camo came up with a trolley car This they boarded and forced the tho drivers to throw on full speed siCCi The car wont thundering down don I tho the track with the automobile in pursuit Near Tottenham marshes the Ital Italians ians lans made the tho motorman slow down and jumping j from the lie car CUI they sought a position In ln the marshes for their last stand standBy standBy By E this time lime the tho had ha been joined by b several hundred laboring men Together the pursuers advanced ed e upon tho the robbers the police in the thevan thevai van vai The Italians were hard pressed They Thc saw their position was hopeless end and en after alter the exchange eX of a few Cew shots I turned their weapons upon them themselves solves selves and committed suicide I I I men mon In Illinois trained by hr officers and surgeons of the Iho United States Stales army arm and equipped by b the state and anti federal government similarly to the Illinois National Guard The Tho Chicago crib disaster Is 15 pointed to as a practical illustration of or the tho advantage of or having a large stifle stale st c organization com corn composed compose posed pose of in every ever divis dRis division divisIon ion of labor who would ho trained In first aid medical attention |