Show The Y Yo Motor Wa hing Machine so L ill rii J d tJ rs IT PUTS No man or COBWEBS woman should ON do labor that a aYOUR aYOUR YOUR machine can do WASHBOARD Lifes fe s too short shortt I 41 t 4 No BackAches Here Mrs Housekeeper We Ve can save fifty f ty per cent of o your laundry bills and do your washing in half the time and eliminate all the drudgery Sounds good it Its a fact The pressure from the ordinary faucet runs the motor Turn on the water the machine does docs the rest GEO A LOWE CO COF r L FF F i R E ES 15 Days Only Beautiful Bright Sparkling Famous 5 OR Diamond Ring Brilliancy equals genuine detection bat PCS flea exports fills every ev y requirement re of tho the I I I I I f I most exacting pleases the most I at only the cost of the thereal J Y treat real diamond Ao As a n moans means of introducing this marvel marred joua us end and wonderful gem em and ecu as many nany mM new flew frienda as 83 ly Jy lyas as s possible we va are making a special In ir for tho the new year I j We want you to wear this beautiful Ring Rn masterpiece of oC mans handicraft this Simulation that with all the beauty land end flashes with all the tho fire of ofA ofA A GENUINE DIAMOND We want Trent you to show MOW It to your friend frien 7 fend tand nd take orders for us 03 as a it 1111 itself i lt i sells at and makes PROFIT for you iou absolutely without effort on your part partI I We want good honest everywhere in every locality city or cou coutry try in fact in every country throughout the world both men and women woman young kr cr or old who will not sell ell or pawn tho the Simulation Diamonds under the pretense that they ore are Genuine Gems Gema aa as uch much action with simulation diamondo omo leads l to trouble or as nil shown by the following article from Tho Jho ta Chicago Examiner E Nov 15 1908 t r THE KINO OF DIAMONDS DI MONDS HA LICENSE TAKEN AWAY I j Bogus Com Mam II at t Newspapers JA tA Nov 14 For tome tame time peel pt la In Iowa hAVO have ben been benthe the 1110 operation op of ct m a man whom they t called The Tho of 01 Diamond It appear that thit there thoro wu wa IDS Irig criminal In his hi operation which consisted ID In selling diamond hut but hie his methods of pro procedure were not according 10 o the thc ru h e drop Into o II jobbing hou and LeUa of and auch t 1 npr Dt YO of the tho hou bous the road and telling st A diamond to b be do de ct ot the eton lit us 11 explains that tha diamond U Is only oDb an oo Imitation and otTers offer to tell sell anybody OM ohe tho ho tho earne thina Thus Thua ho ha works up on an interest and ond usually succeeds u e d In ceiling com oom compi pi his hie I WAN Mr Jack of DI nS dropped d into Auditor office ono meren and andr r Dred alic II nM to s vail un ll hill hio rca He hid hd only b bain a out R a short abort time however until Chief of ot Police lIt learned of him Calling In tho the peddler he him hm of ot his hll U and nave gave him back ck tho th money noney be ae tor foi fJ it t As the h man had committed no crime crimo be wa NI left He Ho wn bitter bitta against h ho p for or Injuring ri his b business I i If I you y u want a Po simulation diamonda diamond a substitute for the genuine ont dont wai pACT TODAY as this may not appear again Fill out tha tb coupon below and send at once come first served I II I The Diamond Co oIle I ng I hid MIN W ad adI I oed Pros Froe Offer Oz BUld or Stick Pin u n R PD BNo I j P o 0 roz To Q n or to I POWER AND LIGHT I want the public of to know that while the Utah Light Railway Company Compan is i selling power for the varied purposes into which that subtle fluid enters and furnishes it electricity for different methods of ol o illumination such as the JI Carbon Incandescent Lamp the tile Tungsten Steel Filament Glower and the Arc and to Lo assist our patrons and the public we furnish free froe of charge engineering advice for installing power and artistic arti tic designing for illumination in n stores and public buildings We Y c also furnish for our patrons an electrical expert during the day and md up lip to lo midnight who at attends attends attends tends to o all nIl complaints and nd interruptions of service ser ce occasioned by hy blown fuses and other minor troubles Remember that tho the advice of our designers and engineers is at your service for forthe forthe forthe the asking Whenever you yon arc in need of signs windows space or decorative lighting call eahl on us liS UTAH UTA LIGHT b RY CO COD D DECKER DEOKER MANAGER WHEN YOU SHIVER AND SHAKE oDd cd every bono bone In your body aches Its high bleh time you took 4 I ce Bomo Bome remedies Such colds arc aro dangerous It If neglect neglected LiA ed But if it you a cold t t be ready for torone forono ono Have a bottle bottlo of cC our cough mixture In tho house bouse A dose doso or two when tho cold begins will do more moro good I than a l bottle bottlo ci J JESSE J DRIVER Bell 1260 md Ind 57 2273 Wash Ave Avea a c r i NY WANT TAN ANT ADS BRING DRING BIO iG RESULTS I F o tA d 0 Does Your family amily lashing Wo Worry ry You You will find our ROUGH DRY department economical and satis salta satisfactory factory In this department we wo Iron all bed and table linen towels and anti handkerchiefs and and starch any nj article that requires It It The Tho following Is a l partial list of prices i IRONED Sheets ts Ic slips tow towels towels els cIs napkins and mcl handkerchiefs Ic lc table cloths Sc fie NOT Ironed Wrappers lOc plain skirts shirtwaists and night nightdresses dresses Sc corset covers aprons and childs s pieces work shirts undershirts No bundles bun at these rates for Cor less than CO jO cents coats Ogden Steam laundry Co CoI Launderers Launderer and French Dry Cleaners I Street Phones For 1909 lI l lr I r l lWe We have made a large addition of beautiful designs de in various useful articles They must be seen to be appreciated We are using every precaution preC in I picking out our cur spring line lin and can you what is i newest and b stAs st 1 i As u ual we will show chow the new nc things and show them first I We Vc ask you to look No obliga obligation obligation obligation tion to buy CRESCENT JEWELRY COo COoJ J J S ZELLER I i r I 1 II Notary and Corporate r SEALS i ir r Typewriter Type ter Repairing j i Ogden Office Supply Co St I Phones a L u I J I 1 Is the character ot of tins ina transfer service we supply cur patrons Prompt reliable end and low cost Any time you say well bo on your job anti and It aud well Phone 22 yours I ALLEN TRANSFER CO COwa I 1 wa PEA I PIONEER FOUNDRY MACHINE WORKS I cl Iron Jr n and nd Brass Cast Castings C CastIngs 1St ings Boiler BolleI and Tank Work and all 1311 Kinds I of Ma Machine M chine Work I 2651 Vash Ave Bl i i LEGAL iI I I NOTICE The stockholders of UIO Oregon Lumber company will meet at the tho com coni I pans In m Ogden Utah at 2 p ra m raon mon inon on Monday lon ay January 25 1003 1909 to elect directors fo to ensuing year ear and to I transact any other business that may mar properly proper bo be done at said meeting II H 1 1 H Secretary SUMMONS lu In ho tho District Court of Weber County State of or Utah I Mary Iary L Ij Wilson Plaintiff vs YS Charles E B Wilson Defendant Sum j mons mens The State Stale of Utah to the said Do Da I It I You are arc hereby summoned to ap appear I after aCler service I pear within twenty days das I of this summons upon you U If nerved Ber rt II within the County Count In which this ac Re I IlIon lIon Uon is brought otherwise within I thirty days dayi zEter service and defend l J ho Ilie above entitled action and In case caRe of your failure so to lo do judgment n will vill ill bo ho rendered against you Jou accordS accord accor I Ing ng to lo the tho demand of lh thE the complaint has hns been filed med with tho the Clerk of oC said Court This action Is brought i dissolving the tho lo to recover a Judgment j bonds of or matrimony heretofore exist I illS ins b between n you ou and the plaintiff I IN N J HARRIS Plaintiffs Attorney Bank BanI P 0 O Address First National I Building Ogden og en Utah r i Chinese Students Abroad fr The board of education has asked aske the Iho to order the Chinese stU sti abroad who are aro now maintained m at the tho government expense for a n t courso course of or study Atud lo t further pursue l j studies for ace years and thou then they tho will bo b duly dul examined and If It they pass they the may bo ho granted i j i suitable title and appointments Im Tm Imperial II j jerIal erIal sanction has been heen given to the tho i memorial Shanghai Mercury I I I |