Show YOU v V CANNOT CANNOT RIDE ON TRAIN u tJ IF YOU ARE NOT AN INTERSTATE INT INTERSTATE JA f v tr r rI r I New Rule Making the Overland Limited a 1 Train With But a it aFew aFew Few Stops An Jn Important order older affecting pas passenger passenger service on tho the Union Pacific road roa between Omaha and Ogden has just gone Into effect and will be rigid rigidly ly Iy adhered to by uy passenger conductors conductors tors in 11 the future Passenger trains Nos 1 and 2 known as lg the Overland Limited will be reserved entirely for lor through and ami Interstate traffic and passengers without OU proper Interstate tickets will not he he be carried on either of these two trains No passes sec second second second ond class or 01 emigrant tickets will be bo honored on oil the Overland Limited For Instance westbound passengers ticketed at Council Bluffs Iowa Iown will willbe willbe be he ticketed to any point where the thelast fast last train stops stop In Nebraska and pas passengers passengers as from Omaha and other points In Nebraska will be ue ticketed on this train to any an point in Wyoming Utah cr CI other western states where the train Is scheduled to stop stOll No passengers pas passengers will be he accepted on this train except for or purely interstate inter tate traffic In other words passengers will not bf br 11 allowed to board hoard tho the train at one ono point in III any an r state ticketed for an another other point within the boundaries b of o the tite state same state no matter muller whether the trains are scheduled to stop at atthe atthe atthe the second point Joint or not In making this change chango it is the pur purpose purpose purpose pose of or tho Union Pacific manage management ment to reserve tho the overland limited trains entirely for fo first class cines pIssen passenger per ger traffic t from front one state to an another another other In Inn order to accommodate local state stale traffic however a chair car cat has been attached to both the cast east and an west Jound Los Loa Angeles Limited trains ever yer the tho Union Pacific road load between Omaha and Ogden Ogdon for the use of pas stingers with first class tickets r No o extra charge or 01 Pullman fare will ne nc exacted from passengers engers occupying the tho chair car on trains but bat the will wll only stop at division points and tile tho more mono Important stations on the tho system The new order was issued January 17 and Is now in lit effect on on all divisions of the Union Pacific system between Omaha and Ogden Passenger trains Nos 0 3 and anti 9 from tho the east and trains Nos 10 and 4 1 from local trains and will stop at all points between this city and the mho eastern terminus minus of or the Union Pacific system |