Show I 1 i i I Ii i M r i i b s i i t I Iy y T T J jJ t j Any question concerning Social j ism m answered Address all com corn communications comY Y to K S Hilliard Herrick Avenue I I HH H I j j I i I i I i Ye Yo generation of vipers woe unto you hypocrites lou for jc ye 0 arc are like unto waited whited sepulchers which indeed ap aJl peal beautiful outward but are In ill full of or dead mens hones bones anti and of oC all MATTHEW u NEW CONSUMPTION CURE CUREA A new lIew consumption cure nas been discovered In Philadelphia What each of cures proves is the ono clue sidedness of the lie science of the lie al alleged alleged discoverers It was not cures I that stamped out ut the pest which peri periodically I ran Its devastating course in iii inI iiiI I the thc middle ages If J the pest had to wait for a cure for Its extinguish extinguishment ment meat then it would be reaping Its periodical cops ClOpS to lois day da What stamped out the pest was not cures but tho improved san sau Italy Ilan conditions that allowed no pas ins pasture as asI I ture tur to the Ine pest leSt est microbe The rhue ills I coverers of cures for consumption had better quit learn loarn economics this dis discover cover covol that the hue scourge of consumption Ion tion Is the inevitable consequence I of another scourge capitalism and antI antII I then find an antitoxin for rol ot that scourge which compels vast numbers of the population to live Iivo and labor Iv lu In dark dUk and aud ill ii ventilated rooms I I The Tho next ne t step stell will bo be outrages es esI i I against property and life on a large scale exclaims the London Graphic Indignantly after a review of or the lie viol violi violent i tent out ent conduct t of the lie Hindus In trying tr to shake off the yoke of or British vassal vassalage vassalage vassalage age and plunder Outrages against i i I property and anti life liCe on a rL t large scale Suddenly the organ of the lie most out ou I of Hindu properly and lifo life becomes sanctimonious Tho The Graphic dues does not 1101 seem sm to be acquaint acquainted i ed eel with Burkes speech in inthe the Impeach Impeachment I ment meat proceedings against Warren Hastings and the lie whole East India j company Weekly l I INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS CAUSE OF DISEASE I With the growth of the factory facto SS system s stern tern tem and antI the extensive use in manu mann manufacture facture of ninny many materials moro more or orless loss less Injurious the subject of Indus Industrial industrial trial accidents and Industrial diseases i In I everywhere assuming more and ami I moro Importance Great differences 1 are nrC found In the lie th conditions under j I which work of or the tho same Rame character is isI I performed In different establishments I J I Conditions dangerous or 01 injurious to lo loi i exist In some establishments while they 1103 the are ire entirely avoided In oth others othI ers Certain Cerl ln occupations which have havo been regarded as os more moro or less danger clangor clangorous otIS ous have been shown by b experience to 10 he be when whon tIle the proper i lions Ions are arc taken Dr Kobor Kohol In his article has haG en endeavored to lo point out the relations of or certain trades trad s of ot occupations to the health of tho the workers the tho of ot dangers dall rl In various trades and antI tho the means of minimizing or 01 entirely avoid avoIdIng Ing lug them I The rue various classes of or oc discussed are aro Indoor oc cc occupations occupation involving ox ex exposure irritating o dust under which arc aro Included metallic and anti mineral mineraI dust vegetable dust and aud animal dust occupations ia ions involving exposure to in ln matter maUe I in dust dm t such as rag rug and nii paper I wool and hair Industries occupations involving g exposure to tl poisonous dust particularly lead dust dU t tand I and arsenical dust dusL occupations in iii oling exposure to Irritating gases gaseK or vapors occupations Involving ex ox exposure to extremes of dr heat sudden changes and abnormal atmospheric pressure constrained attitudes over exercise of various parts of or the body exposure to lo machinery etc Nc coal min mining minIng ing lug and railway service occupatIons Involving the tho inhalation of organic gases and Ind vapors the employment of or o women and children Bulletin No 75 of tho lie Bureau ot oJ Labor of the Department of o Com Commerce Commerce merce and Labor La or embodying Dr Kobers entire article on the foregoing Editorial Committee y KATE S HILLIARD 5 E A BATTELL f T fROY TROY ROY E SOUTHWICK Jl X H 1 very elT VOl Interesting I subject can be so j cured free frea of charge by writing thu tho Department of Commerce anti and Labor Bureau of Labor Washington D C Exchange I EQUAL SUFFRAGE 1 The Tue woman question has I during the last years ears boiled balled down al almost alI almost most a question of the bal hal halI j I I lot the tho right of equal suffrage for forman L man and woman AA As a question ot or moral right Justice and find equality who hut but lie tho most pigheaded can have any nay i opposition to woman oman suffrage Sho She Is part of or society she suffers mf ers keenly keen I by j its wrongs and she is iB or lIGht to tobe j J be deeply interested In Its progress j Jut politics and state sLate rule came Into s i ithe the world with class society anti and Its i I repression of or woman What hat Is moro more natural then theo than that woman as a whole should share the tho fate of tho the op oppressed oppressed t pressed class and be prevented from partaking partaking in the political 4 J tons of or the privileged class 1 At tho the present time It Is not worth j tho the while of the progressive at least not nOl of or tho lie Socialist women to Lo go ono one 1 stop lOp out of hor her way wa to procure the llio ballot Tho The struggle today is a class j I Tho The reforms that might Inight ho bo j I procured 1 by b use uso of or the ballot are in insignificant 1 j significant and could only serve to patch up existing society We Social Socia Socialists As fat far as a athe I 1515 i ts dont want It patched tho the ballot IB is and can be used to abol abel abolish j ish the present system let whosoever has ha it use lIse It Tho rho working class IS ia anyhow tho lie Immense majority of the v i population and Is moro more than numerically to vote yote out present so BO j J doty clot when they aro are educated to Lo do doo doso j so o The great political battle baUlo of tho lie J 1 working class Is a battle of or education j j jIt It Is IB carried on with speech and md with pen Pelt and md In this campaign the capable 1 j woman takes her hor place regardless of ot 4 capitalistic laws la 5 or ci of class restriction of the ballot ballotIn 1 In a Socialist society the question 2 solves itself Tho administration f there will have for Iou its aim the direction c lion tion of Industry of o production ami ani distribution of education enjoyment ment J 3 and health and will and aud must be car ear j vied out through these variouS vailous branches As woman partakes in all these branches of work site sho will un tin unquestionably questionably assume me her part in iii the tho i administration oC of o them She will as assume assume sume this tiuis work naturally as ns her luci right j jand and duty dut without either grant or favor fa faVor 4 or 01 i As a peculiar manifestation of too tho manner in which progress works it Ii cannot fall to lo be noted In this his con j that It is iB under tinder the lie most ty t 1 rannic government In the civilized j i J world In the UlO Czars domain over Ier la In in little Finland that the tho women today A 4 f stand out conspicuously with the est cst political rights both as to the tho use 1130 of 01 the tho suffrage and as to actually hav hI v vIng i lug Ing been elected to the tho nations high highest highest rt est legislative boiU bo There we wo nan bail bailIt f fIt it Indeed as S progress and fand cheer che r It as a aone one of womans greatest accomplish monts of or the ages It IK is progress In Indeed indeed deed teed over oal there as It greatly Jno a aos os Cs the tho vote of the oppressed class and the political forces opposed to autor autocracy racy mey That country Is not as yet et reallY ready for the Socialist revolution Every reform lessons tho the powers of the toe Czar and the th powers of or the state Tho Tue spirit with which these Finnish women enter into this work is a glorious sign of womans progress Olive Johnson Republic Menaced The Idle rich 1 tell you constitute I It the tuc t e great menace to our country countr so Say Sa what would you rou do i If It you Jou got hold of or a lot Jot of or money mone Me Id Invest In vest It securely throw up my nu job and have hao the time of at my m j life 4 Good feature The man who Is always alwa s complaining that lint people arc Imposing on his good goodnature goodnature goodnature nature Is pretty sure to have a hazy bazy Idea Idoa of or what good nature Is IsI I 0 |