Show A AVALANCHE V ALAN CUE OF SNOW SWEEPS OVER CAMP BIRD AT ATi i OU AY r r I I Four Men Are Killed and More Than Score Have Maw Narrow Escapes From Death Without Warning Tons of Debris Sweep Down Mountainside Stage in Great Peril Dog Saves Life of His Master Grand Junction Colo Cob Jan 2 Four men Inezi were killed and more than a score I had ha a n narrow escape from Crom death when in Un avalanche of snow swept over the tho Camp Bird mine at Ouray late yester yesterday yesterday day la The Dead S G a n veterinary Peter a teamster George Knerr rr a teamster John camp cook The four men were talking in tho the cook house when almost without warn warning warning ing thousands of tons toils of oC snow rocks Lad ind nil dirt swept down the mountain lido ilO ido The Thc shanty was as directly in the tho path of the tho avalanche and the tho nien rnea were hurled Into the canon and their bodies covered with snow It will willbe willbe willbe be midsummer before the tho bodies can be bo recovered Caught In the steep Steel mountain trails h by y the lie blizzard which raged raed all day nay daytro daytro tro eight teams the tho Camp Bird bullion stage carrying In Ingold Ingold Ingold gold and many passengers It Is feared that they thc nay may have been in the tue path of the slide and great anxiety I tr is felt for their safety I The fhe avalanche which swept the Uio men mento menI to o their death was fifty fl feet feel high and anti I it came sweeping down the mountain bide with Irresistible force The rho he men working In the ilie mine fled for their theil lives lies but the shaft building was sas not In the path of oC the lie slide It was as close enough however to tremble as the tho rushed by byOne byOne byOne One of the tho heroes of oC the tho disaster dl Is Isa Isa Isa a large dog owned by br Emil Johnson p teamster Johnson saw Haw the slide coming and made a desperate effort to t drIve rho out of the way wa lie IIo was caught and buried deep leep beneath the snow now The dog do had ha seen his master caught in the th avalanche and rushing it tho ho snow began to dig furiously furIous I Ho He kept at It until ho reached the thc LUlled buried man and anel Johnson crawled out nono the worse vorse for his experience Bill Barber a teamster saw the slide elide coming and unhitching one ot oF othis o ohis his uk horses he ho escaped on his back i the tho slide missing him by br only a few Inches Dad Austin hero of many wild rides Illes through the thc mountains and one cf ef f the best besl stage drivers In the west vest 1 card leard the slide when it started Ho ilu was tas driving a stag filled 11 11 ell with people and tile the horses wore plunging along at a gallop when he lie lie tho sound Instantly he ho threw all his weight on the tho biake brake and succeeded in stopping tho lie stage on the theor very or edge odge of oC the avalanche Two ot oh the thc leading horses were cut off of by the nasa of snow and debris and carried carnell down into the canyon hundreds of feet relo The camp of the freight gang Jiang was completely wiped out ont For Forty Fort Forty ty t horses were ere carried into inlo the lie can canyon canyon yon you and an buried 1 under tons bus ot of o snow Another almost miraculous escape was as that lint of Sam Sam one of the freight teamsters He reached the tho edge of o the tile avalanche when his foot i lipped 1 and he lie plunged into a snow hank hanl The Tho Tim slide passed ps ed over him and andIe lie he Ie crawled out In lii safety safely Still another teamster canister escaped in to the edge of the lie slide only to lo tobe lohe tobe be he dragged from his horse and the thrown to the tho ground by h the force feree of o the wind accompanying the tho avalanche lie He was not nol injured |