Show NOT PREARRANGED PLAN I TO KILL CAPT RANKEN 1 I I Union City Tenn Jan 28 2 That it i I Inight was as not the pro prearranged arranged plan of oC tho rho night t riders Iders to till kill Captain G t P rain Renken R was declared today in tho iho trial of oC Ed E J Marshall charged with participation in the tho Walnut Log og raid when Ranken t was ryas hanged aud shot shotWill Will Wi Johnson testified that Ranken Ranker and Colonel Taylor were to be whip whipped whipped ped pad and forced force to walk to io HIckman Kentucky Ken tucky When Marshall saw sa that the others had determined to kill bill the men tho rho witness declared he was so insistent in his pleas fo lives that the leader Jeader Garrott Johnson attempted to strike him |