Show I I ONE MORE VICTIM FOUND Chicago Jan 23 After ler searching nil all day in the lake hake In the time vicinity of or ortho tho Iho crib off of South Chicago where more than fifty workmen were sero killed last Wednesday the tug Sabino yes yos yesterday picked up the tIme body of oC a man who by a check cheek number In his pocket waS wag dg hh fl iVf tho hl 1 I probably junt d Into the lake In I to escape the firO fire and was drowned It Is believed ten or moro more bodies bodles are aro still In the lake ake Search for them will he be resumed Philadelphia Jan 23 A pair of or sur stir surgeons surgeons geons goons forceps accidentally ac l sowed sewed up UI In the tho abdomen during an nn operation caused the death of Miss Mary Man G 0 Don Dou Donovan Donovan ovan of this hits city Wednesday Tho The operation In which the tho mistake oc occurred occurred occurred was performed by b a surgeon of this city of or high reputation who has ha since inc died An Xray examination a afew afo afew few fo days ago disclosed tho the facts facia I |