Show OGDEN OLDEN OFFICIALS SHOULD BE RELIEVED OF ALL DOTIES D TIES The sermons ermons at nt tho the Congregational harch l during the past week weak or two hive have we urged the tho repeal of o all aU laws pro prohibiting gambling and the social evil on tn tho the ground that tho the citizens of Og den by b they their failure to protest approve ap ape prove of them Sunday evening tho the only available alternative will be bo pro tented Tho The will demand that unless tho the foregoing action IB is I taken the legislature must pass past special laws under which Ogden officials will be relieved re relieved of the necessity of ot subscribing ing to an oath to faithfully perform tho the duties of or their offices This will be the last Jast of the which Mr Is addressing to iho tho slate legislature Tho The choir has arranged for special music and a trio composed of o Mrs Mrs Mra Cassidy and Miss Mies Gun noll will sing Miss Louise Pierce will play pia tho rho offertory |