Show i JIMMY HOGAN NOGAN OF OGDEN I IHAS I HAS NARROW ESCAPE Jimmy Hogan a well we known Ogden boy had a n narrow escape from Crom the tolls toils of o municipal red tape t pe Friday evening by being mistaken for a run runaway runaway away from Crom Preston being threaten threatened ed cd for a time with arrest Jimmy was in the Elite with some friends having arrived only a Q tow four min minutes minutes minutes utes before from Preston where he heline line had been Jeen visiting Night Watchman entered tho the place and asked Jimmy If he had come from Crom Preston The latter replied that ho he had where when whereupon whereupon upon tho the officer notified him that he was wanted at nt police pollee headquarters and andor ordered or ered him to accompany him to tho the station Jimmy was somewhat taken aback at tho promptness with which his re ru return return turn home was being officially recognized recognized and managed to register a hoe hes hesitating hating Ila remonstrance with the st of or tho law There was small doubt in time the mind but that he had captured the right person but Jimmys friends soon came to his roe res rescue cue and an Identified him to the officers satisfaction It cost c st the escaped one onea a treat however and numerous Jibes from hla his friends It developed later that an old gen gentleman gentleman had notified tho the police that hn his two boys bos had run away from Crom Preston anti and he was aM In hopes of or finding them here Soon afterward tho the officers were wore notified that a young man had bud just stepped from the Preston train and andwan was wan headed up town Hence tho the dle of Hogan Mogan and his narrow escape es escape cape from arrest |