Show STOCKS CLOSE AT HIGHEST POINT PONT I Gen General ral Recoveries in the Afternoon Afternoon Aft Aft- Af- Af i Follow Early j i D Declines ec I. I mes v SHAW TO DEPOSIT FUNDS Humor Says of 01 Will 1 1 Place HH of or nov nov- Money In iii Hanks 1 0 New York Sept Time Tho stock market cl opened at general fractional tl declines and amI opelee continues steady stend for bricf a-bricf Interval Inter Inter- I vat val when Increased offerings h by the 1 professional element caused sharp general gen gen- cn- cn eral declines London prices were depressing do- do incidental to anticipation oc or pressing t the settlement u which begins tomorrow In n the he tl local market In the time car early dealIngs deal- deal lags Ings Readings s. s St. St Paul Union Pacific and other oilier leaders were pressed for fale sale and tl the c success achieved In Reading enabled the tho room dealers to some stop toss loss orders for time tho tie bull till ac tic- U.- U. count Pacific Southern Pacific count Pennsylvania Amalgamated Reading and other issues declined from 1 J to z 2 per nor fr cn cent 1 r The Tho volume of or dealings was soro- soro somo- somo hat larger than tum that o of tho time last previous previous pre pro full tul business n day huil Pullman H 1111 In tn the time afternoon almo almost t general re recoveries recoveries re- re took place which brou brought ht prices to about Saturdays final figures fig fig- fg- fg ures tires un and Copper Cappel Residing Reading the time United I States Steel shares and Union Pacific slightly J above thorn them In the specialties Pullman advanced seven n points re reflecting re- re fleeting tho the favorable con conditions above referred to There was waa talk of a possible possible pos pos- sible labor crisis against one of or tho time largest industrial companies In the tho country countr but the situation was afterward afterward afterward after after- ward said to hu have vo cleared consider consider- ably In time the last lust half bait hour the time market gained further strength and a number of leading issues rose to figures showIng showIng showing show- show Ing net gains approximating a D point Including 1 Amalgamated Copper and Pacific or circumstantial reports that Secretary of the Treasury uy Shaw had decided to deposit 00 of Government Gov Gov- eminent money In the thu banks Call can money even eventually fell to 3 per cent The Time closing was stron strong at nt the tho best f figures ures of or tho the day I Government bonds unchanged Railroad Rail flail nal- nal roa road and amid all other bonds quiet The he range of or prices follows Open High Low Close A maJ Copper 13 11 IH 12 1 Am C C. C and F. F 4 H 13 U 1514 12 43 Uy Preferred i 10 10 VI Amer Ice 91 l 01 H 00 SOW 01 DI Am Loco 74 1 71 OJ l 75 Am S. S and R. R I 15 lt Am U. U Su Sug Ref Bet l 1314 j lj Ana Aim 1 Mimi In Co 2 1 Atchison 10 h Preferred 2 B. B and 0 O. 12 12 1 12 B. B R It n Trims Trans 7 7 70 n Can Cun Pacific 17 li 8 1761 C. C and ant Ohio CY GI 61 G G C. C and an Allan JOI nl 31 31 31 PIer Preferred 7 i 7 I C i and amid N. N W W. ily C C. M ti 1 and amid ant St. St S1 JY Ij iny C. C C. C C C. anti and St St. L L. L 02 2 92 92 C. C 1 R F. and amid I. I I J. J 56 rr wH rc EW C. C and amid S. S 26 3 36 26 G izI iz- iz 1 I u 11 Uirl i iD iI i jl b D. D amil- amil n. l n. n G G. IW IS 12 IM 41 Preferred SS d 85 8 SO s Eric Erie lT j H 47 17 1st Preferred 77 1 77 i 77 7 77 i Gen Con Electric 1 iHIl lt IC JC 16 Ill 11 Central Ii ITS fi 17 ITS 13 In hit Int 1 Panel 17 11 1714 17 1 1714 17 1 1714 Ji Iowa Central 30 31 30 3 30 3 30 1 K E. e. e S C. S. S s f 27 2714 28 3 27 28 U 4 L. L and anti N. N 15 1554 HI 17 l HOi Gt It Nor pfd 3 31 l I Box ex 21 21 20 4 r 07 MM Missouri Par PaC MK 1 M. M K and anti T I 1 70 iO 70 70 N. N i Y 1 0 O. O and W W. 4 40 49 1 IS 3 N. N and W. W 03 3 13 3 1 Pac Pic Mall lal mi 3 38 37 35 3 Pennsylvania 1 11 U HZ 12 Peoples People's Gas Gus S SMI SOfi Rl S P. P I. I Steel Car 64 6 l I 1 1 lit 19 H Hil IJ H i Rep Steel 37 3 31 rj 35 Preferred 90 99 0 9 90 90 99 r M o Rock lock 1 Co 2 26 26 Preferred l 1 65 ly GT G. G 5 So Pacific l 97 1 I 07 n 7 Sc So Sn nn Railway hallway 1 i ant I m Preferred 97 ti 97 i 97 07 97 I T. T and P. P 3 i 3 m U. U Pacific I isa j is' is lm Preferred 92 2 92 2 92 9 IT U. S. S Rubber 55 Sl 55 S f rv GI 5 IT S. S Steel t 11 45 1 l 15 11 I I 13 Preferred 1 IM 19 19 19 1914 19 Preferred I DM 15 IS 41 I 45 West Union Union SC SG g Wo 01 Cent pfd pd 1 40 49 y 1 43 49 43 19 i 43 13 Noi NO Pacific 2114 4 I t t 21 IK Leather 3 35 3 |