Show I ASIlA ASHAMED IE OF OP TIlE THE IU REPUBLICAN REPUBLICANA ICAX 1 PARTY A When hen an accredited representative I of the party part openly dei de- de i dared In a n. convention of oC that party part that he and his political associates were ashamed of President Roosevelt f he simply voiced the sentiment that Is isi i in the hearts of ot the managers of oC the Kearns aggregation Thc They Ther hate hale PresIdent President Pres Pros ident Roosevelt The Thc They seek to make tho expression of their thell hatred more offensive by saying they are aIe ashamed of oC him Bui Thit it really goes farther than that thaL One of oC the nominees of oC the tho Kearns S party stated publicly a little over a S 7 year car ago ngo that ho was ashamed when i. i I he went away from homo home to Ic register r 1 at hotels as from Salt Sail Lake I i Being ashamed of or the bridge that f 5 1 carries them over seems to lo be the normal normal nor- nor I. I f. mal passion of oC the poll poll- tJ lans S S And It goes even farther Carther than that thai The They are re ashamed of the thc Republican S S lican ican n part party parly S For tIme the Republican party is rea really II S bigger than any man in it The In Interests ini In- In i S. S of the party ty are arc superior to lo f th the Iho interests of or an any man in it It and r. r the demands of the party parly J are superior supe supe- nor to the demands of any man S But there is 15 a peculiar species of L IngratItude In men mel who ho have been boen T beneficiaries of or th the Republican parly to declare that th they y are arc ashamed asham d of ot ft It They have havo received Its favors The They have known ever every phase of the local situation perfectly and yet have f. f accepted honors arid and nd drawn mone money moneyS S S provided by the Republican party The They were not ashamed of or It It then them J And It has not changed except that c- c r by their departure It U is a little near nearer S tJ er or cr the Ideal Its friends have havo hoped 1 for from the be beginning t tt Tom Toni Kearns was made a a. senator I of or tho United States b by the Republican S lican Hean party part o of Utah There Thero are no offices higher within tho the gift of or the thel l people cople than that Good old Senator Sumner of or Massachusetts held tho the of office office of- of fice flee of or a a. senator was WUI the vcr very highest highest high high- est cst to which a citizen of ot this Union or or o of the world world could could attain He lIe held It with all all all' the tho reverent love 1010 of or oran an ancient Roman To fo have been beena a United States senator was one of or S the tho things to cherish In grateful memo memory mem mom o Or ory while life life lasted To have havo sat as a senator In tho the United States was a ai distinction which nothIng could dimAnd dim i And It was one ono of or the tho pa passages ages In theS tho the S record of or a a. man which Sumner and andS those like him could not have treated S with Ith anything less than gracious S guardianship to the tho very end of or life lite S S S j 1 Mr Kearns was made mado senator S. S the lonnon situation was precisely J S L the me that It Is now so far as i tho the presence of the tho church In Utah Ulah p t t J was as co Th That ll church was then themi r in an infinitely Infinitely better belter condition s 's I to lo than it Is now It may be ho profited a t little by that greater Influence o of the church in politics poll poll- tics than any man Mian 11 could possibly profit now now It may mayi maYbe i c tho the union of oC church and state QUId them have been en Today that t condition If It It ever existed has hus very altered The church docs not elections It does docs not It docs does not nol interfere as a an OI organization 0 or officially officially of of- In la the politics oC the thc state In Individual Individual In- In Mormons being a large clement clement cle do- ment mont In the electorate of o the Iho state stateS S ma have the same n numerical In Influence In- In fluence nc in campaigns that numbers nUmbe S will vill have anywhere and b by bany any other organization But they arc are arc by no nom m means anN united The head of oC th the church I. I would not dare daro Issue orders order ms r or otherwise to tho the people of ot Utah lah to tor to- to day da And AntI they would not bo be obeyed If fC he iw had tho temerity to lo issue them The fhe people of his hh church ad advanced advanced ad- ad very greatly from the tho time ime when Tom Torn Kearns received their support sup tp- tp port for Cor the high office which was was wasso wasso so 50 mistakenly entrusted ted to him I IC 5 they gave him a pretty general support support BUP- BUP sup sup- port then It Il is fit a condition which he could not now secure and one which no man alive all Mormon or Gentile could bring about But Bul this one thing should bo re remembered remembered remembered re- re Tom Kearns Cearns was waH a sena tiona- tor The Mormon church was hero here f- f then It was wao a a. greater power In politics 1011 poli tics then than It Is now It affected nil all conditions then more than it does doe I now He knew all about It then therm as S Sr r I f J. J f J i fi i. i uW t 5 iti he ho pr pretends to now There has been no new lighton the subject since that time Ho was not nol ashamed to lo be a senator sena- sena tor lor from Crom Utah Itoh when hen a smaller GentIlc Gentile Gen Gen- tile el clement ment In the state left the church more potent Utah Ut there has been heen but bul bulone butone butone one reason for his now being ashamed of his state o of his party part or of the tho President of the United States And that is He Ito cannot again command the honors hon boa 01 ors Ol'S 5 that were once heaped heape upon him S S S no Most rost t men haIn having held the high office of United States Slates senator havIng having hav hay ing lag received that preferment at tho the hands of or the tine Republican party part would be loyal loal to that organization to the end of oC their lives Most men mon regard it as a distinction not to be dimmed b by any action Which can at all embarrass cm- cm barrass or Injure their party part Any man with a proper re regard for tho the position of oC a senator would feel so But here Is a man who has held that ex exalted exalted ox- ox alted position who has received it ft at atthe tho the hands of or the Republican party part of Utah Ulah and anti who Is today loday en engaged aged In Inthe Inthe the time bitterest possible warfare warfare warfare-a a warfare warfare war war- fare which makes no account of means against the very party part which en ennobled ennobled en- en him In fact there are aro two former Unit Unit- d States Stales senators still living in Utah b by tho the Republican party part honored hon lion red ored above all their fellows b by that organization and organization and both bolh are aro working side by side to Inflict Injury on the Republican party part of the state and of ot the tho nation The They are arc ashamed of oC the Republican can party part Their accredited delegates to lo convention convention con con- arc are ashamed of the thc President of the time United States Slates S S a aNo No 0 Gentile who ho has listened to the tempter In the time party part need rear fear that the Republican party will not preserve the time laws This Is tho the party part which is not afraid to do anything that Is right I It Is tho the ve very cardinal rule of the Republican party part that It docs 1003 dare daie to todo tolo lo do right It cannot be driven b by fear 1 Into nto the Iho perpetration of oC a wrong It II cannot be deterred b by threats from I doing what is right It has dared much In the formation of tariff a ss s's tern em for om 01 the nation No one who Is informed need be told that thai the struggle struggle gb gle was a bitter one No o one who has las kept abreast of ot the hIstory of ot his coun country r need bo be told lold that there were wore threats of defeat for the Republican party if It It insisted on defending a policy poll of protection But a policy of protection was right and the Republican Republican Republican lican party part insisted on engrafting that policy on the life of or the tho nation And need any man or woman be told that tho the policy has been a helpful one Why h this v very r Tom Torn K Kearns arns who has haH received at the time hands of ot his party part an nn honor beyond an any other within the gift girt of ot this people Is himself a rich beneficiary of ot that policy His mines are worth far more mOle to lo him today loday than the they ever were before AND D THArAS THArAS THAT AS A DIRECT RESULT OF THE TARIFF ON METALS THAT WERE VERE FORMERLY l ALMOST AL OR ALTOGETHER ALTOGETHER ALTOGETHER ALTO ALTO- GETHER WORTHLESS Never a man In the Iho state has re received received received re- re so much from the party Never Nevera ever evera a man has received so much from the state stata And now he II Is ashamed hamed of the patt patty party And he Ix In Is ash ashamed med of or the state He HeIs HeIs Heis Is ashamed of oC the tho Pre President of or the United States Slates I S S S There was Jho tho ho question of the tho gold gohl standard It took courage of or the tho vcr very firmest sort to stand against t tho the wave of oC sentiment which demanded tIle tho re rejection rejection re- re of tho the gold old plank at St. St Louis Louisin in 1896 No party not afraid would have havo dared engraft that gold plank on its platform But how serious would have been the tho results If IC that action had not been taken It Is tho the party part that dares If there be bo menace menaco In the Mormon situation you you need have no fear Cear that thai the Republican Republican Re- Re publican patty party will not nol meet and vanquish vanquish van van- whatever power powel constitutes that menace You men who are In the party part because of or your tear fear of the Mormons Mormon must know that eVel every evely Jaw on the statute books of or tho the nation directed to the suppression of ot polygamy directed to lo the correction of oC any local evil which ma may exist was placed paced there by the Republican part party parly This Is no time lime to lo say 1 the Republican Republican Re Re- publican pat will not have havethe the courage cour cour- ago age to do what whal Is rJ right ht We Vo are not reiterating We Vo are simply Insisting that you read carefully carefully care care- fully tUlly the signs of ot the times limes Tom Kearns was waa as made a n. senator of or lh th the I United States Slates when the tho Mormon question question ques ques- tion was more moro of a me menace naco than i It ItIs itIs Is toda today And he ho had no word o of oC condemnation for fOl It Il then If Ie it were ever er a menace It was more moro of a n menace menace menaco men men- ace aco then than it is now no noor or than I it Il cr ever can bo be again In the the vCr very na na- na- na turo lure of ot things thing's the Mormon church must diminish In III power and in proportionate proportionate pro pro- strength In tho state as ih the years go by Men and women ar are coming here from other states stales in th the I Union True they the are aro not Mormon Mormon- lormon l haters True they do not have any desire desiro to lo take lake awa away from Crom members member I of or that thal church tho the franchise which i ithe Is i the rI right ht of or a n freeman in this re republic re- re public True th they do not want to con con- tIme the property of or tho the Mormons True Irue they do not advocate driving Mormons out of ot the Iho state slate But Dut still the they aro not Mormons They have hav other church affiliations or no such at all They aro are simply Citizens of or the republic seeking to lo better better bet bet- ter ter their condition by coming to th the tho state of oC greatest opportunity The They o ato ate simply me men and women who have hav labor or talent or goods to offer and wio want to Klo do tho the best the they can In mu marketing their thel wa wares cAI All AI the they ask c hi t t P 5 1 2 1 here or elsewhere Is 18 a square quare deal That Is all the they want It Is all the they are arc going oln to concede As the they come conic the relative strength of or the Mormons Mormon will w decrease e. e Tho newcomers will vill no not 1 kill the Iho church b by Ore fire am and sword as the Iho Kearns party part now advocates advocates ad ad- disposing dl of oC It They Thc will wll simply neutralize its Influence where that Influence is found mas massed ed on amone any am anyone one purpose b by the superior numbers number of newcomers Their coming facilitates tates the Iho tho present growing of Mormons That Is the natural the Iho reasonable and the Iho best solution of this problem And Amid i It would be bc astl vastly better belter for Cor the Kearns people to lo otc devote half their present effort effort ef cC- ef- ef fort to bringing ln good men and women Into the state talo than In trying to dc do- do fame Camo and antI injure to lo disfranchise and rob the good men and amid women who are arc already here S S S There is no sincerity in the Amen Amerl kearns purpose They are arc not miot seeking socking sock seek ing the Iho peaceful advancement of the I state of or Utah They arc not working f for fr r the purification of the Iho electorate The They are arc not asking for Cor an enforcement enforce enforce- meat ment of tho the laws What hat most of them thom fear Is an actual and absolute administration admin of oC justice They are aro seeking to make trouble These men who are ale aleIn In command of tho the I Kearns earns forces today today to today to- to day are arc the same men who ho were In command of or tho the Kearns crowd when that rotund and boastful braggart the tho best people of oC the state by announcing years cars ago that he would bo lie a from Utah This stale tato Is In no more moro danger langer from tho Mormons Mor Mor- mons now than It was then nor as much And the they know it And Mormons Mormons Mormons Mor Mor- mons is the one ono evil the they alle allege allego o as their reason for an unparalleled defection defection de de- de- de from the tho Republican party parly part And nd tile would lay a don do down don n a their thell arms arias In III sc cn minutes If JC by M so doln doing they could coul make friends with that Hint church set or t. t a ul of tho tIme honors and amid emolument that once were cre theirs No there Is no danger toda today In tho Mormon formon church in Utah The head of or the church Is not taking an any part partIn In politics That Thai is known as well by bythe the managers of tho Kearns party part as asb asby asby el else It is absolutely b by an any one one e known mown b by tho the rest of the people who ire ne Informed The head of oC that church as Tom Toni Kearns Kearns- well vell knows has never been in favor Cavor o of interfering In politics He holds it to lo be no part parl of ef his duty duly or of oC his mission Ono One may Ismay safely add that he ho could not ef effectively ef- ef cl control the tho membership of or ofIs his Is church If ir he did try There Is an Independence In the membership of that hat church just as there thero is In er e every other greater than has ever been the tIme case se in the past They would not obey orders iders if It the they were issued You should know that hat for it is true Tho The church is not riot seeking to control control con- con rol tho the politics of Utah It could not it if I it did undertake such ch a vork ork 0 rk For whatever wrong may exist hero or elsewhere tho the Republican party hIthe is hI the he only one to which fair and honest hon hon- est st men and women can reasonably look ook as a a. corrective It is the party that dares to do rIght a S S The The the state have greatly great great- ly y honored Mr Kearns |