Show Court otc Notes Emily J J. J Som yesterday swore to o a complaint before Judge J. J 1 J. J Whitaker In lii tim Iho civil division of time the cIty cily court t char charging ing John with failure to provide for fOI his two minor minot children She ho alleges that since February 1 h ho juts has not contributed to lo their theil su support William I P. P was yesterday ad- ad mUted to l by hY Judge Arm Arm- I strong Is a native nati of oC Poland and Is a resident of or Park CIt City no Roy E. E E i nalle Bailey the young man charged with Ith bur burglary lal In the nl firs first t degree de do- gree for Cor the robbing of a drug store a few CC weeks s a ago o. o pleaded not hot guilty to lo time Iho charge In iii Ju Judge lC Armstrong's Armstrongs court yesterday anti and took until Oct Octo ber to lo answer Iii Id default of ot othall ball hall he was ivas committed to 0 the time county count i jail to await trial Frank Cro Croy charged with assault with a deathly deadly weapon was yesterday h before Core J Judge George G G. G Armstrong for or I trial He lie withdrew l' l w his imis former plea pIca I of ot not guilty and asked to plead guilty gull guil t ty to battery which was WU granted lie He liethen then waived wal line the thc passing of sentence an anti and was sentenced b by Judge Armstrong to pay a fine line of or 10 J Ju Judge ge Lewis yesterday awarded a William W. W Yo Foster Judgment in the time sum suni of or In condemnation proceedings proceedings pro pro- instituted b by the tho Oregon Short Line Railroad company Time The ease case was wa on trial all nil day ye yesterday t anti and the time Jury brought In Its verdict late lute yesterday afternoon Walter G G. Folsom yesterday o nl filed a complaint In the district court against S. S B. B and amid Truth A A. to quiet lUiet title to all of or block IS 13 18 Folsom's addition except lot Jot 23 3 It Is aIle alleged e that lint on December 19 1895 1395 the defendants de do- bought from the time collector of taxes the tho above e described property sold b by him him for Ol delinquent taxes The complaint sets up that there was no regular assessment In that thai year on this property and that It was not accurately accurately accurately ac ac- ac- ac described In Iii the tho assessment roll and that thaL the defendants have havo no right nor title In the time pr premises Charles I. I L. L Hamilton was yesterday awarded Judgment by Judge C C. Cy W. W Morse against George It R and Cora In which time the of or the tho defendants Is quieted In Inthe Inthe inthe the plaintiff In the property held b by bythe bYthe the plaintiff an and dC described as rods In the northwest corner of or lot I 1 1 block bloc 30 30 pint plat A 1 The Time order of ot the court directs th the defendants to satisfy the tIme same of record d anti and that all previous pre pro Ious agreements or contracts be bc can can- celled led IJo I Jo Joseph mph Howell yesterday filed suit sull sullIn I In time the Third District court against Bert Hancock and anti others In which he lie al alleges nl- nl leges logos that the time defendants are indebted to him him In the sum of for servIces services ser ser- vices ices rn rendered ered by him for fot the de defendants defendants de- de e- e at their request lIe He alleges that they have not paid any part of or this lila Sum sum and asks Judgment for fol the full amount of or the claim with Interest and costs George Georgc L L. med flied salt for divorce yesterday against Maud M M. I. I in which he lie thit hl his hi wife deserted him without Just cause u luring during the time month of or July 1904 The unhappy couple were wele married In Chicago Chicago Chi Chi- cago cage April 13 13 1902 Alice F. F Gunn was yesterday awarded award award- ed cd jud Judgment by Judge Judg C. C W. W Morse a against John F. F Gunn Cumin and others in ill which the defendant Is ordered to In comply with previous orders of or coui court courtIn t tIn In time the matter of or the time estate of or which he Is the administrator The deeds to the property are etI to bo bf reformed reformed re re- re- re formed that the heirs hElls to the e estate tat ma may e their portions as determined detel lii In iii previous pac actions in the time District court W. W y J J. J Craig yesterday flied filed suit suil in iii inthe I the District court against W. W F F. Mitchell Mitch Mitch- ell cit In which he lie alleges that ht between 11 July 2 27 and amid Aug 31 31 1900 he lie lent to the time defendant the time sum sum-it of 55 ant anti and that subsequent to those dates he hc paid obligations ns of the defendant amount ing imig to 3 which were to be bo paid back hack by hy the time dt defendant ant He alleges that no payments have been made mad and judgment in the sum sum of Is a asked ke E E. T T. B Byron and Robert Baud Baird failed Called to lo appear in imm time the criminal divI division ion of tIme the City court COUtt yesterday morning to answer DIS to the charge of drunkenness and their ball bail of or 5 6 each was as declared forfeited hid d. d Ba I rd wa wa again T c ji q of or d I the ho p peace It 15 i alI fri that thai he ho was commuted early earry Sun- Sun 1 lay hay morning 1 Camille Stanford has sworn to tn a 1 I complaint charging Lou Sheppard with battery Miss Stanford exhibited a apall pair pall or of blackened eyes to City Attorney hey ney Dal Daly in substantiation of oC the Justice Jus jUg tice Ice of her complaint The Time offense c is alleged to lo have ha occurred Sept 20 O. O |