Show LEGAL NOTICES i AM ANn fH Consult Consul County COUlt Clerk ClerIc Cleri or Respective o Signers for Cor Further Information J IN TIlE THE Til DISTRICT COURT PRO PRO- PIt PIt- bato bate dl division In and for Salt Lake JAke county State tate of ot Utah In tho matter mater of ot the estate of or Elizabeth M. M Reynolds deceased Notice The Notice The petition petton of oC Marina A. A So- So lander the administratrix of oC the estate of or Elizabeth M. M deceased praying for Cor or an order of oC sale sele of or real Ical property of or said sll decedent and decedent anti that thai nil all al persons interested appear before beCore the thc said sall court couri to lo show cause causo why an order orter should not be granted to sell MelL so tO much muchas as small shall hal bo necessary of ot the tine following to wit l real estate of or said sall deceased The Tine undivided one huH Interest in the following described real estate to wit wl to-wl Commencing two Iwo rods rotha cast east of ot the tine southwest corner of oC lot one erie block 5 plat pInt D Salt Sl Lake City survey and running thence east ast 3 feet thence north 1 lil I feet Ceet thence west 39 31 fe feet thence south I feet Ceet to tn tine the place of be be- ginning Also right rl ht of ot way tay for Cor ingress Ingle and anti e ogress egress over the following to vit wi to Commencing 1 H 2 feet east east of the tine southwest south south- west veat et corner conner corel of oC the time above oLove described south south-I lot anti and block In said plat pInt running thence north IG feet thence west 19 2 feet Ceet thence south 10 feet cot thence east Cst 31 I feet Ceet thence south 53 s feet thence eu east cast t 10 feet feat to the tine place of beginning Commencing at nt the tho southeast corner cornier I lof of lot 1 4 block 91 91 plat D HD Salt Sai Lake Lako CI City survey running north 2 24 2 rods thence west ivest It feet thence south 2 2 rods nods rols thence east st 15 feet to lo place of or beginning Inns has been set for Cor hearing beaning on Ott Satur Saturday ay the tho day lay of or September A. A 4 D. D 1906 19 at al 10 o'clock a. a am a.m. m. m at ut the time County count court house in tho tIne court room I of said sall court count in tn Salt Sai Lal Lake e CI City Salt Sai Lake county count Utah Utahn I the clerk of or said Il court count with the Iho seal Meal thereof affixed this lih day of or September A. A D. D 1 S SeAl J. J I U. ELDREDGE JR Clerk By W. W Yo H H. Farnsworth D Deputy Clerk Estate Sullivan Sulvan and Barnes Attorneys for Cor |