Show MRS H FILES COMPLAINT I Following Husbands Husband's Charges She Asks Court for Separate Separate Separ Separ- ate Maintenance HAD TO EARN OWN LIVING Demands CH Custody tod of Child Chilli and amid 0 ol U Ua a Month for fUl Permanent Support Following the complaint of Henry against t his wife Nora Nom h In iii tIme the Juvenile court In which he lie sets up that their dependent child ChIll Margaret Greenhalgh aged agell 12 years Is Js In the custody of the tIme mother who he alleges Is an aim unfit person to have ha and aul care for COl the time child Nora I I yesterday suit In the district court a against her husband in which she asks the lie court to award her hel a decree of oC separate maintenance the thc custody custod of or their minor child suit money and anti 50 a a. month for permanent permanent perma pernia- nent support In Jim her complaint r l Mrs sets up that they were married in iii Denver In 1902 and antI that since September Sop Sep ember 10 1905 she has been forced to lo live Iho separate and apart from her husband with no fault on her part She says that she he has hns been forced to earn her own living notwithstanding not the thc tact fad that her husband who is a carpenter Is capable of earning a month Mrs Irs tiled filed an affidavit lt of ot with her complaint Tho The case cag of or the tIme now un under er consideration before Judge JUde Willis Wil Il 11 hIs lis Js Brown In the tile Juvenile court which was continued last Thursday will come conic up this morning In that thai court at I which time the I Issue uc will probably be determined and the tho disposition of or the child entered |