Show LEGAL NOTICES AM ANt n N C ES Consult County Clerk or Respective I Signers for Cor Further Information IN TIlE THE lE DISTRICT DISTRCT COURT PRO PRO- PRo PRo-I bate bato division tl In and for Cor Salt 1 Lake county State of oC Utah In tho thu matter mattero o of oC tho the estate of oC Peter Adamson de do- I ceased Notice Tho Tho Tho petition of or Mrs Jane Jano I Williams praying for Cor or the Issuance to 10 i herself of oC letters of oC administration In Inthe inthe I Ithe Adamson deceased I Ihas the e estate tate of Peter has been set for 01 or hearing on Saturday the th day of oC September A. A D. D 1 5 at 10 o'clock a. a L in m. at the count county court courthouse courthouse house In thc the court room of or said court in Salt Lake Lako City Salt Lake count county Utah Ulah i Witness tho time clerk of oC said court with wih time the seal thereof affixed this day lay of ot September A. A D. D 1900 Seal Seal J. J U. U DGE JR JR Clerk By ny W. W II H. Deputy Clerk Johnson and Fowler Attorneys for Cor Petitioner COURT PRObate PRObate PRO- PRO IN THE hIE 11 DISTRICT bate bale division in and for Cor Salt Sl Lake county State of oC Utah In the tho Platter matter mater matero o of the estate of or Elizabeth Elzabeth Chanel de tie- le- le ceased Notice The The petition of oC Henrietta 11 praying for or the issuance to herself of oC letters leters of oC administration In Inthe Inthe the time e estate tato of oC Elizabeth Chanel Channel deceased de tic- le- le ceased censed has been bee I set for Cor hearing on Saturday the time da day of or September A A. D. D i j I-j at 10 o'clock a. a m. m at the thc county court house In the tho court room of oC said court In Salt Sai Lake Lako City Salt Sal Lake Lako county Utah Witness Iness the tho clerk cleric clerIc of ot said court with wih the seal thereof affixed this la day of September A. A I D D. 1906 19 Seal Sal J. J U. U ELDREDGE JR Clerk BY Bv W. W II 11 I. I Farnsworth Deputy Clerk William C C. Hall hail Attorney for or Peti Ieti Iet t ion Cr I IN TUg TIlE DISTRICT COURT Pf- Pf PRO PRO- hat hal dI lh ion it-ion In lit and all for lor Salt Lake Lako count county Stole State of oC Utah In itt time the matter mater of oC Siddle Siddie D. D of tho lie estate deceased Notice rhe hc The petition petton of oC Amy 0 H. H A. A Thomas administratrix of oC the time estate of oC D. D deceased d d. d praying for Cor the settlement of oC final account of said administratrix and for COl the distribution dis tile sall of oC the tile residue of oC said estate to the tiie persons entitled ll has hns been set act for lor hearing on Saturday tho the eth dEl day of ot October A. A D. D 1906 lO at 10 o'clock u. u in ml at al I the tho he count county court house In the time court COUlt courtroom room of ot said court im In Salt Sl Lake Lako Cl City Salt Sal Lake county count Utah Witness the clerk of oC said court with time the seal thereof affixed this flits th da day of September A A. A D. D Seal J. J U. U ELDREDGE JR JU Clerk By fy W W. II 11 1 Farnsworth Deputy Clerk ClerIc Cannon multi and ant Irvine Attorneys for Cor Elte Es Es- E la tate t C. C 1 IN THE TIlE DISTRICT COURT PlO PlO- PRO PRO- bate division in and ant for lOI or Salt Si I Lake alte county State of or Utah In the time matter malet of tile the estate of or Jesse B. B Riggs deceased de tie- le- le ceased Notice The Thc The petition petton of oC Emily R. R Hll- Hll 11 lam lain JI s tho time administratrix of or the estate of Jesse B. B s. s deceased praying for or an order orter to sell the following follow follow- Colow- Colow II lug ing described personal property of said decedent to wi to-wi Twenty shares of oC stock ock In Zions Zion's Benefit Denett Building society has been heen set for hearing on Saturday the thc th day of or September A. A D. D 19 1906 J. J at itt 10 o'clock a. a ii in m. at at tho the county court courthouse courthouse courthouse house In the thc court room of oC said salt court in Salt Sal Ll Lake City Salt Sai Lake count county Ut Utah it ii Witness Iness the time clerk cieri of or said salt court with wih the seal thereof affixed this day llY of September A. A D. D 1906 Seal J. J U. U ELDREDGE JR JR By ly W. W II II Farnsworth Deputy Clerk and aud Attorneys for Cor forIe Ie I I t I on er I IN THE TIlE DISTRICT COURT PRO PRO- bate division dl In i and ant for Cor Salt Sai 1 lake ce county count Slate of or Utah Ulah In Iii time the matt matt-jr o C or tIO 4 tin ohn t John eo-John John V 1 L Lend c cell en seth j Notice Tle 15 t Tho Tho petition of oC Peter Hanson lun- lun hun Han son sOil on administrator of the time estate estale of John 1 1 Larson deceased praying for Cor tine the settlement of or final account of oC suit said salt administrator ad ad- al- al and for tOI tine the distribution of r tho tine residue of or said estate to the persons persons per per- sons entitled has line been set sut for hearing on Saturday the time day of of- October A. A D. D 1 Ut KM J at 10 o'clock a. a m. m at the tiLe l court house In tn the tine court room of oh said court COUt In Salt Sl Lake City Salt Lake county Utah Witness the clerk of oC said sall court with wih the seal thereof affixed this nt day tIny of or September A. A D. D lf Hi V Seal J. J f. f ELDREDGE JR Clerk By W. W H. H I. I Farnsworth Deputy Clerk Cieri tate lale James Attorney tot to Estate Es Es- t IN Tl TUB TIlE DISTRICT COURT PRO PRO- hate l In iii and for COI Salt Lake of or Utah In time the nuttier county y State Slate mater of oC time the estate of oC John A A. A deceased Notice otC Time The The petition petton of oC Joseph F. F Quiet Quist the time n administrator of oC the tine estate of oC John A A. Quist deceased praying for time the settlement of oC final account of oC s aid administrator Zulu and ani for Cor the Line distribution ills dis els- els of oC the tine residue of saul said sall estate to the Line persons entitled has lute been set for Cor hearing on Saturday time the day of October A. A D. D 1900 1906 HIJ at ul 10 o'clock a.m. a a. m. m at nit time the lw count county court house In time the e court room of or said sulu court In Suit Salt Lake City Salt l Lake county Utah Witness Viness the clerk of or said suld court with tine the seal ul t I thereof hereof affixed this day luy of Jf September A. A D D. 1104 10 Seal J. J U U- ELDREDGE JR JH Clerk Cleric By By W. W II 1 Deputy Clerk C C. M. M 1 Nielsen Attorney for Cor Estate IN TUB TIlE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO PRO- bate division in imn and ant for COI Suit Salt Sal Lake county State of oC Utah In time tho tle matter mater of the tine estate of oC Edward Reese neese de do- do ceased Notice Time Notice Th otee-Th The petition petton of or Elizabeth Lewis praying for Cor the Line Issuance to to Phillip Phil II lip S. S Mu Maycock of oC letters of oC administration tion thon In tine the estate of oC Edward Reese lon deceased has been heen set for Cor hearing beaning on Saturday the tine day til of oC September A A. A D. D I ISufi JG at 10 o'clock a. a m. m at ut the timO county court mouse house In imi the court room of nr said court In Salt Sal Lake CI City Salt Sl Lake county Utah Witness tho tie clerk cerk of or said twill court with the seal senti thereof ii this day lay of September A J D. D 1006 Lf Seal J. J U U. U ELDREDGE JI JR JuL Cleric Clerk Dy By W W. II 1 Farnsworth Deputy Clerk Thomas and ant Attorneys for tor Petitioner on or IN TILE THE TIE DISTRICT COURT PRO PRO- lote bate Division im In anti and for Cor or Salt Lake county state slate of or Utah In In the tine matter o of the tile estate and guardianship of oC Urma Urma Ur- Ur ma Stephenson and anti Edith Stephenson minors Notice Tho Tine petition of or May 1 Stephenson Stephenton prayIng praying prayInG pray pray- pray pray- ing InG for Cor the issuance to lo herself hersel of or lett letters let let- t tars IS I'S of oC guardianship en the tine person and estate of oC the tine above e named minors ha has been Cen set for Cor hearing on ott Saturday tine thu Ith da day of or October A. A D. D IW 1444 at 10 o'clock a. a m. m al ot the County Court CourtHouse House in tho the court room of or said court In Utah Salt lt Lako City Salt Sai Lake county county Witness time the clerk clerIc of or said court with wih I the tho seal thereof this day lay layor of or September A. A D. D 1901 1904 Seal J. J U. U l. l ELDREDGE JR Clerk Cleric D By W. W IL II Deputy Clerk ClerIc Van Colt Col Allison Allson JIlter anti and Hark Hark- fleas nes Attorneys for Cor Petitioner er IN THE TilE DISTRICT COURT PRO PRO- haLo buto division In and for Cor Salt Sal Lako t t State of ot Utah In the tho matter mater of or the tine estate o of John M. M I. I Wilson de denas do- do te- te n-as n ed The petition of or May Ia S. S Sharp Shari for toi the IS Issuance to herself of or letter of or administration In II the tine e estate tate of or John M. M I. I Wilson deceased has Imas been sl Mt for Cor hearing on 01 Saturday tho tine tn day of September A A. A D. D 1906 Hi nt tit 10 o'clock n. n m. m at tho tie count county court house house In tho tine court room of or said oll court Im in Salt Luke CI City Salt Lake count county Utah W tine the clerk cleric of oC sa said Il court with wih the seal feal thereof affixed this lith tiny day of September A. A I D. D HOC 1904 Seal tal J. J U. U ELDREDGE JR JH Clerk Clrk I By n W LV II I Farnsworth orth Deputy Clerk Cleric Richards Richards and amid ant Ferry Attorneys Alor- Alor ICI for or Petitioner |