Show Ot e 4 to to 00 O o. 0 0 0 0 0 0 H HAlLEY DAILEY REPUDIATES DUBOIS The best Democrats in the state of Idaho are repudiating Fred Dubois and the Democratic party in the present campaign John Hailey Halley one of the earliest residents of the state one of the foremost men never a Mormon and up to the present campaign campaign campaign cam cam- one of the Democratic party's strongest supporters has openly and plainly re renounced renounced renounced re- re his allegiance to that organization and has stated in terms of the plainest meaning why he will not further follow the apostles of hatred and disfranchisement disfranchisement- the makers of a colossal mistake The letter of the Democratic state chairman of Idaho to Mr Hailey together with Mr Hailey's Halley's reply are here given This correspondence is a thunderbolt in the camp of Idaho Democracy i COPY OF CHAIRMAN LOCKHARTS LOCKHART'S LETTER TO MR HAILEY HAlLEY DEMOCRATIC TE Sl CENTRAL CE COMMITTED II In W. W Chairman BoNe c Idaho Sept i 1 1100 lION HON JOHN nol BolM Idaho My 1 J Dear lU Sir Sir The n In hi this hiM f Itte this CU Is gout tl to be a aery nr ery Interesting one The Tue t l question to tn he 1 to the tue IUlIO of or Idaho i is heuser s or or- not nol the Mormon hierarchy 10 Is goIng oln to dominate in ill political affairs affair or 01 hether JV the Ia people of this site nrc Ohi to ettle the thc quest this time thee by br it plain that the thc I people or of Idaho At will nc cl submit to church dictation In politics and the thc practices practice of tho those e C i are ml u l the lie III moral OIa 1 sentiment nUll and the lie lu law of the thc land html We e e aie CI ery anxious to 0 enlist In iii tills this campaign n the Cl of tho tIso e- e i ho Ito believe e In aul holl lr a atral straightforward fI light ht alon along the thc line hue of non interference In ill politics b hr by the thc church nile mid I the eradication of the lie practice of amy and anil unlawful unla cohabitation We Ve hc ery much to ha e till the I MT CC r of such Mich as us speaker of or thi thit- thit campaign lI antI and I cordially extend to yost ou on Oil behalf of the lie committee an lilt imitation In to 0 speak at nt such places and at itt lIch Mich times as Its the committee east can avail all liens thein- seii cl 5 of jour Hl ser and wo t. 4 would appreciate It cr very ery much if you jou ou would kindly r respond poUlI to this letter henri- at 5 jour oil cry I curliest t Thanking jou ou for jour prompt i IC espouse C I 1 remain Yours Vours truly II 11 W. W Chairman OF COPY OF H HAILEY'S LEYS LETTER TO H W W. LOCKHART CHAIRMAN noise Bobc Idaho Sept 10 1 1106 1 UG fOX II W. W Chairman Democratic State Stale Central Committee Hol-c Hol Idaho J Dear aI Sir SIr Yours of the lIsa t received on ott tile the M l III In you JOM e extend me nn nit Imitation to s Inthe in inthe the use present JHC campaign n Oil on hues In Its your jour letter anti and al also o In lii the tic platform adopted at the lie into luto I JC Con OIl tots I sell held I In a em Coeur l 1 si from rota you jour s' s letter tee a and tat i the lie platform fonts you jou to hi lime C hut hilt ono cite I to present lIt to the of 1 Idaho lh l 1 and antI that lust Is a charge c n against ot the lie Mormons of or church in Its political affairs affair asid the lie practice practice- of and aint of cohabitation We Vc June laii laws s upon OUt our 5 which make the thc practice of the two to latter a crime If there Is nil any man tuna or orif orif In Ju Idaho who know kilo of or III in Idaho who Iso ho ha e a plural wife if there Lucre are mc nil sissy men nil sissy liny mUll man or 01 men mu i n or m. wins wl or 01 unlawful co since the head bead of lC the Mormon church announced more than titan ton ten eu 1 ago i o tutu hut Ito tho Mormons at ad sopped the taking of plural wives vives and the lie practices of unlawful ohn d. d I. mo J IJ JS I Ih l lJ il f. FE q o n hr n I J I rt J ii rr lIo Ape Or kno lIIl Jo lc aho 11 tt tl O hl ot 01 lie law lairs or llo do I or- or u uny church or m of nily oCher church or- or a as i a u church I or m meddling in its politics In Idaho If n a man mun or m. a n woman belong to a n achurch church h m h I care CUIC SlOt not what church their theil paramount duty Is lt to obey tho ho Inns s of our country Wo c hate no rio v fa which i prohibit either cither turtle male or 01 ens who hn Ito are UIO frosts in Iii camIlli cain cain- Illi I ns If the hey choose l' l I to 15 do tO SO t hill I am alit a ii Democrat sisal and h c e In hi I Democratic principle principle- I 1 fail Call to find atsy Democratic principles J as ns I 1 understand them In iii our platform or Sn your jour nU letter The rile custom with all nil polk political parties lartie Juts lias been for all nil candidates to accept nominations flom an contention COn to indorse e the adopted b IJ by the lie con nu cutlets which hIck s nominated and I 1 take tala it lee lor granted g that hint the tho candidates on ott your our ticket all nil In In- c and IIi the lie platform adopted h by the lit nl sit Coeur tl H BELIEVING AS I DO THAT THE CONVENTION THAT ADOPTED THE PLATFORM THEIR CANDIDATES AND THE MANAGERS OF THEIR CAMPAIGN ARE MAKING A MISTAKE IN THE COURSE THEY SEEM TO BE PURSUING THAT WILL BE DETRIMENTAL DETRIMENTAL DETRIMENTAL DET DET- TO THE PARTY AND AGAINST THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE PEOPLE PEOPLE PEO PEO- OF THIS STATE I M MOST OST RESPECTFULLY DECLINE YOUR INVITATION INVITATION- TO SPEAK ON THE LINES INDICATED IN YOUR LETTER OR TO SUPPORT THE CANDIDATES CANDIDATES CANDI CANDI- DATES INDORSING YOUR PLATFORM RESPECTFULLY JOHN HAILEY HAlLEY o O 4 e o. o 4 4 to Of 4 44 4 44 4 4 tt 44 tt |