Show Old OltI a lilt JIlt Ogden JI Sept 24 Tire Th The rendition of The Thc Old Bedstead the Salt Sail Lake Press cl club b play pIny with local mite hits and arid a flood Hood of tf rich humor made a 0 decided lilt hIt with the fairly large Jarge audience at attha atthe the tha Grand opera house tonight Many of the lines lites were welt altered to take care of the he Ogden dignitaries and the drives at local men and places received ed round loune after arter round of or applause Wally Young was wa the tue hit of or th the show and brought the house hom o down with hl his Casey at lie Iho Bat Dat and amid ii in retailing tho tine adventures of Fred Leon LetTi tine the Boy Doy Bandit of the Bloodstained Blood Blood- stained Pe Pe e e Al All of the tine Salt Sal Lake I 1 boys ys made a hit and the tine play W was vas 8 one of or the best producers mirth-producers of the tire season |