Show ML SUPPLY POWER VER BY DY FIRST OF YEAR Public Service Company Loses No Time in Getting to Business The Salt Sull Lake Public Service Ser corn com Ilan any pany has h promised to be able to sell loll howe In Lake Lale City b by Jan Jati 1 At the he meeting of or the city council In lat laSt t evening c the transfer of or the thic franchises was vas r ratified One of or these was to J. J H H. Mauley Manley anle and 1 L. L H. H Cut Curtis Us for tOI the lie op- op rating crating of a tl light heat and power plant lant and was yas granted h by tho thu city In L lay 1906 1106 and the lie other was to the thc Citizens Citizens' Heat Haat Power and gave rave the tho right to construct a steam hot water heating system and vend and ind sell eli the same ame Assent to the thc trans trans- for er of or the rIghts lights given under these franchises was given The rho Salt Lake Public Service is alread already Incorporated under the tho laws of the lie state of oC Utah with ith a capital of George Lawrence who appeared for forthe forthe the he company said that tho lie company lad had already In fn the tho short time since gince Its HM Incorporation acquired several hundred hundred hun hun- dred thousand dollars' dollars worth of ot prop plOP erty nty No o time wa was to be bo lost In getting getting getting get get- ting to work In fact act fifteen men becan began be- be can gani work In Little Cottonwood canyon camon l Monday donday morning and anti others were vcr to to tobo bo ho put on Oil the construction work of or the thc two power powel sites In Big Cotton- Cotton wood A. A Mr 11 Schrott of Chicago had the tho contract to cr erect cl the new power powerhouse house houle between First and Second South streets on Third West rest street Under his contract these works must be fin finished finished finished fin fin- and in operation h by Jan 1 and the he Company has alrea already made con- con mets to supply power hover afier that late date |