Show MISS MILLERS MILLER'S DEATH CAUSES DEEP SORROW Body of Well Known Salt Lake Girl Brought Home for Burial News of the death of oC Miss lIss Miller 1 eldest daughter of or Mrs Mis Rachel 1 S S. S Miller caused the ho deepest sorrow In this ell city where she was well known and anil greatly loved The death occurred occurred occurred occur occur- red at Los Angeles Saturday night I where Miss Miller had been taken a n afew afew few Cew weeks since In the hope that the tho climate would benefit H her health She had for several eral years cars past been a n. sufferer suf suf- ferer CerCi from Crom heart trouble anti and for Cor weeks before the Inc latter part of or August August August Au Au- gust when her mother and anel sister accompanied accompanied ac ac- ac- ac companied her to Los Angeles had been In a critical condition For a time after artel reaching southern California Califor Califor- nia iila Miss Miller seemed Improved ed but the Improvement was but temporary and she passed away in m the California city last las Saturday nl night ht The body was brought to this city yesterday by bylie bythe bythe the lie mother and sister Miss 1 Marge Margo Miller Mil Mu- leI ler and will be bo burled buried here Arrangements Arrangements Arrange Arrange- ments for Cor the funeral will ivill not be completed completed com corn until the arrival of Miss Millers Miller's only brother John F. F Miller of Trail B. B C. C who left leU for fOl Salt Lake Lalie City Immediately upon ulon the thc receipt of the thenes thene's s ne of his sisters sister's death Miss Miller 1 was as a native of oC this city and anel save for COI or a few months each year ear passed In California In search of or health had spent all her life liCe here She was a graduate of the Salt Lake Lale High school chool and anel since completing her hel course there thele had been one of or the lie most popular of the society girls Miss 1155 Miller Mil Mu- ler was also a gifted pianist and find until until un un- un- un til Ill falling failing health Ir prevented her from taking an active part therein was prominent In the musical circles of the city In addition to the he mother brother broth broth- er lr and antI sister already named Miss Miller Mil Mil- lei ler leaves Ica a younger sister Mrs Sidney Sidney Sidney Sid Sid- ney |