Show BUTCHER KNIFE I FOUND MM NEAR BODY Important Clew to Solution of New York Murder Mystery I FIND THIGHS IN COAL CAR CARI I Police Arc ro re Searching for tor head of or Man Ian Dismembered nod Body Was as Discovered cn Sunday Now York Sept 24 Timo Tho The murder mystery which developed yesterday In the discovery discover of a dismembered body In a West Vest Side Sido excavation continued continued con con- unsolved today the tho most Important Im mi- had find being that of oC a butcher knife near tho the place where the mutilated mutt muti torso was discovered It was 4 evidently e the Instrument with which the body was a cut up The Thc knife had hada a blade blode ten Inches long anti and a L wooden handle with three notches In It and the initial P P carved rudely on tho ho left leH side i II Hea Heavily stained It appeared to have havo been In use not a a. great reat time Ume ago Policeman took the time weapon to the West Vest cst I Thirty seventh street polIce po- po lIce lIeo station and Inspector Walsh sent gent gentIt It to the tho board of cit health to have ha tho the stains analyzed to dl discover er co whether they were of human origin or not noL Inspector Walsh who wino took personal charge of the tho case tOda today said Eald that three of his detectives had made discoveries dis dis- In sections of the ell as man many city and arid that their Information so 50 dovetailed dove- dove tailed that I it had an Important bearIng bear- bear lug Ins on the case Sleuths nt Ut Slaughter Houses f. f Detectives have been sent to every l slaughter slaughter- slaughterhouse house hous e on the west went side with Instructions to learn what men did not report l for or work today Sleuths are aio also circulating among the members of or a a. dozen or 01 more social t clubs whose members como come from the slaughterhouse slaughter slaughter- slaughterhouse slaughterhouse house districts A clew to the identification of tho thoman thoman thoman man appeared today when tho the missIng missIng missing miss miss- ing thighs w re discovered in an nn empty coal car on tho the south side of oC Thirty eighth street b between Eleventh avenue and the North river On tho the left thigh Is 8 a large mole The police are arc now working on tho the clue Tho The r I missing byJ r 3 employed iP IOV d m i c coal l r t f. f tt Hiu jJ oa Ic f t vho 3 i jt adl g ho afla itt itt- aT ri V bundle th outside dver of oC which was red rod burlap J Jumping s- s sinto into tI the c car ho carried It to the tho- street where ho he opened Jt It Mole Iole Furnishes Clue Clime In it were the two thighs They were wrapped in a copy CoP of or a a. morning newspaper dated Sept 10 while around this was wrapped a strip of or red burlap about seven feet Ceet long and three feet Ceet wide Time The police pollee hope by aid of or the mole mol moleto to Identify the body even though tho the head should never bo be found oun A great search is being made mude on the westside west cst side b by police pollee and civilians for tor tho the missing head An evening newspaper has offered a reward for tor exclusive exclusive sive news of ot Its Us discovery Mrs Adolph Broido who has an oil oilcloth oilcloth cloth store at 5 i Tenth avenue S says I she remembers selling three e pieces of or oil cloth bearing tho the Christopher Columbus Columbus Columbus Co Co- Co- Co lumbus picture and similar to tho the oil oilcloth oilcloth cloth found with tho the tort torso torso o. o to a man mami she thought was an Italian This was wasa I Ia a week ago Mrs says the purchaser may have been a Syrian or ora ora a Greek She wa was able to give a fairly good description of or him and the po police police police po- po lice now have havo It for or use uso In their search for the murderer |