OCR Text |
Show ae FJ] THE WORLD OF SPORT | SALT Le YOUTHFUL . Takes Straight From y b Eureka : ves A -_--. Secures s ‘ Two ‘ Doublesps Off G » ory na : Delivery-Final Games to Played in Salt Lake. De aie Boston . ee defeatéd local Eureka. this diamond P 5 byy City afternoon a score : as Blexrud, . for only il Ue Powe oe trike-out P: r ing < oe son, Park City on of and ‘ | again | Chicago the} 6. to Eladelp shia 2,2} Binuno ce ittsburg Graves for | ITUves two-baggers and Cire igo) tunes The feature cutching Betzel, The of of a which The s ae irk the city. made fly to taken and another will all } field the s a = ot ee Or ru, aa iKnt ‘ f O'Connell ar / Graves, ; sb > nh Sat he PRO ocho ea Q0 0 2 1 terhaoire i re i nin ; can 5 1 3 1 1 1 1 ane =sure Patterson,,3 f Res: LISI; b EE 3.12 Blexrud, eh s. p Berzel, 1. | { s ; oy f 3 o oe innings ; 1 zm a team See Race Maddock : le | the sop ay years fast to turn as many for in has as team. |ay is of ‘ Hard Hitting team a under to drop Chicago, Sept. S PO 0} | Be e | Fan. 020 on-2 010 300 02x ee Glaze tied| ‘i ‘he tree dawn the trip down been and Off 6;Blexrod; City, Eureka, 5. Lef Struck \ Philadelphia ‘> Out-By > Ble cera, 10; by Graves, | Double Plays-O'Connell to Bee k to R and, Plitcher-Blexrud by Hit King Betzel, Time of Gx ame -1:4. Umpire Yerrin. Attendance-S« ] SSS oiiik Practice . Ceases 7 ps , tl jeld home Yorks. York att . at in the while the New Jersey 3 the To least have bs to During had ea ager Waters ot the best jate C H A if 5 Coach Gets | ee ames |! ---- won the|called PEE SE Chicago. Sept. out. 24 Coach Stage has St. Louis. seve the of the that ha:|ing games " title, the every 5 players of the ee Ve football men . a ootball secret material. practice iaeion this tuken There behind many gates Sta fen oc ara. :17 oth game First j Chicaro mis- are fans the unless 4 will be closed a Sal Salt -- Second AcEiied Speculation * s % 4 tons ASIDES a BturS ues een Stakes, at Gravesend Gravesen Race frack, N y ‘ Don- -| from | | the Phy nine to him at cannot ; a want of} 5 to J, (Finneran), - won, § to. Spencer 2. a = of of his the Ene e " - ttt play in Sa have st connection Milwaukee te Hee alee he laims . Attorney oc } for long > ek erin SEka d ] (J. Martin), wy I third 16 Pou md ner) eto ‘ Wome ler okto ifth race, teenth-Lady 0: 1 vO 15 to 6<tovl Mille ate 2 to te « Stensland train ee dou ac mile) SS (Gar-) Wing. Time, selling, game Park sign ee fea first eit m oer rary but than ay time " session a~- } Sept, 3) Be eter avor BE 3] the -- ; Salt > -__-- Lake Photo and fininshing. j Supply Co., Ko 3rd So Main and enioying Hh ang' the16 The several oe CLUE + BOB LANKY + a + STILL fy » 24.-At F . resolutt resolution te a NEPL killed .& ° outMght a| the C + day + oo + + a with + i . to fill an engagement with local theatre. "I don't care or any its at Goldfield GT REE vhere else I've been ee for two months, since my tasco that Tommy 2 a ee +oeoeeeeree Gurns, ( te ++ I and several fatally, when e left to be that " who to eee nominate, ae Se | PLAYS AND: in a ‘om ro.'* eee + naft defeated f ; ylayed Collier "On in. less than Wins at the Salt Shee eae 2 EN ter + . Second game i re Pittsburg Boston " eer on I McDonald his and of the : craamant by seventh Broréa: the | | | Was gume +| Service, are training Called Inte in than John especially i J the pl @s-Ph ind intermediate D. » a.m. 4:05 p.m. E.& points BURLEY. this G pm. p.m. ......11:45 p.m. P. A. D. S." SPENCER, A. G. P. A City Ticket Office, 201 Main Street TO UTAH la- LOGAN Lake $2.50. and Ma ON Prices-=25c. For For , [ Prices N. ~ ae the The to of $1.0. $1. 50 Z From From Sanpete From Nephi From Tintle & FOy) Gaerne From & Saturday Opens DIGBY Gibson Son3 eee Sens Nephi .... and and Utah county.. 545 p.m. Stockton tees vas eaens poosnsssecce Saves eae 500 miles to Los Seer ea eciliee 169 S. Main J. H. Disteict, LO MsiMa 1986. BURTNER, Pesegn eer amene . oles 2 6.00 p. m p.m. Angeles. & x Phones st. Mat. : 600 p.m. p.m Raced se asehoes enncen and BELL E ee ...... eee 630a m. EXPRESS Garfleld Today & Saturday en n the : Success Suzanne Sale ©) p.m, > From ONLY « Theatre Freedom id eee Presents % prvi yt LOR ANG EE LOS ANGELES CORCORAN ; Y. Nr e TEmpire 3 2c ey Pe Collier succession GHT. 0.452. Mm. &00a.m,. Garneld-<.202. ite seracebe N Nephi and Utah Lotter 445 p.m. Nephi and Lynn ............&%@ p.m. Garheld siaseecudcevnenss cnacwevilsQ0 Px Iie Comedy WiGHT cevvecee ........ Bor Presents ° QUIET 75c; $1.00, AY y.cidccessechis sdedawndGGQU Gy Ine Stockton and. Tintle Nephi and Sanpete 7, Ror For For): " THE 0c» 4.45 p.m. a. m. ....12.01 EXPRESS ANGELES LOS COLLIER Thomas' THURSDAY in Depart: Dally. ANGELES LIMITED....... LOS TONIGHT Frohman 46 ) TIME . ne Day.' Wed. at 3 Augustus 5 : ROAD CURRENT TABLE For , Garfield 2 S MOST , POPULAR geet+i sacra Specia Wedding "The Charles i Pherent vr for. _ CURRENT s1.™ TIME the ned passen- : C4 the len 1 very rich : young : ros ate oppo REOnE eae woman ; eo As : June roc ae , and - seven a 2 who p are JAD badly to y par aa |}|; friend, Hyde Ogden, had prepared girls music two for breakfast k }litthe brat | Jt will be understood that there aré recover, hurt only recover > ans cindling The force bruised sertously not ‘but, fully Mistaken orders caused the sior ee WOMAN FO FOUND ND of} jekes jekes. | point oes passenger were contre every many threw. collision the. upon the floor and be as but | ile, comes to demand hush Bree the return of the paper Puzzling? Well it is easy STRANGLED j hair, af Lave galnlng patron-| ] Curtain Arthur Deming A piwicane ce Verne ilo money The1 duke's inability to x M his and of them. of any to tell them to some new SL About and ae see done quite as well before. But } lul torts that } lOosReyverver the duke retot ta audience the wigs, wore Indians itself truth. hei an is iron under. home | usb ad. on the] John! in shrieks jests the molder ve irs Sp 1 aut appealiae arrest Darvon with | Willie Collier that murdet |For thev are of laughte1 of not are The best O. Morgan in oth-} in' 3 called at} that SALT the aero interest. ‘ . LAKE game from. RHE > . : will Seek " with cach' . OPERA , sport 28, Salt via Lake draw O. } in- gh =~ $2.50 Sweet. a Marie, er RED Special good a Gitiso rounge m oa 169 southern the South crowd Main Calif to the street. -des s had a ut fe ioe not Satan = play of Leu | WN elf Oa t Posi-| ot aa nd en ORR the ek ( evels is 4 mass of timbers: be-| for and the Corcoran, raatatre s Meredith's |; Suit Cases, Bags, Trunk Purses |; Pactory 155 Main - < was ‘ j ee saa Equillo, Story : (OF) SINg T E day iterial' jate points Ticket Oftice, Lake's Pamily N ee -s +r Stock | . Dick sCave , Watinces " El ceno _ Prices, 20c, 10¢ Matinees, a 30c, and f [ cwWwedmatd oe 1D) vening W S a The 2 e at 4, inearinede Block. $1e2 ‘Phone ‘ar I jt = M. = : ©. . : . Auditorium, AX. va 50c p. : meee and 6:30 Ae e ao 9: : ; Ts ' vVards rd yards ¢ Sees Senne leave a.m. : SR Salt n el Lake « 5 ied aRAeen Sere Ee |. J. H. KNICKERBOCKER int 297 plays} } j a | m., ne ~ Railway. and p a OPTICIAN = 0a Ogden & stock % aaa yk 8:15 oon < ra 77 0 ) anc Lake Sait for Sz sayton> 45 6:00 and 7 46 p.» m1 (340 an © m., =/40, day except Sunday, special Sat 40c, 25c S. - AND JEWELER MAIN, . ‘ IN CURIO SHOP ' . ie } re ee $= ~ Cunni z OA Lynch and oe | ; 2 Al Single May|])tickets, G ; admission six TCa 50 cents: entertainments, A cos ve es Emperor 09 ' er { Wrak's ok ~ course 109 $1.00 . Leading - 44 {i Ae13 South Mainin SALT LAKE Slouse & Street, CITY. eee - ; {SU R E 7 FIDELITY 208 California MAIN and ST. LEasterm TY ; AND B O NDS. , DEPOSIT CO. OF MARYLAND. races. " ANDERSON-CALLISTER CO., General Agents, "| | Direct wire for all sporting events, are of} . Wusic : | passable "Europe's 6 a a =D 7:50. i 11:40 p na 2 en Bamberger : Ber, Presider and General Manager. A 1! un Sept. 1, 19006. Se ie ay es a ac0n a Company . 1 I[ 10naire a Lake Salt LH L e he the} 1, 7 h IN ‘ M Sat-|j7 at Dooly lA Theatre, G 5 Lyric The | Riven ne ; West kimast Nos. stop a ei ei 12% We ; e\ 2-from Ogden and West.. 3:40 p.m. W1-From Sark City piste) 2c ka)) Ds TEt 5 10 pom Bingham 1145-Frem 9-IFrom Prove, Heber and | -= 2068. THE oO | Lake|||*: vsday] who Suzanne of x Zl a eatin cont a m. p.m p.m. Ww aon Cie ‘Pintic. and Provo 10 "00 = and Bst..10:25 neha ae a 1h 1-F rm Denver and East.. 1:35 M-From | Ogden 2:10 All trains except inclusive, 2, 19 and oe id " ir pi fb From x ge ‘rom Ogden . een No i-From ge Og n and eC Br iad rom No 3 | Bap a sees Ee 5 5 Arrive Sat® Lake CityyArrive Sa for ¢ 19-Krom Denver peta riley S40 a ‘is No. No. xico 7 Pro- and avs ras , 3-For Bingham . wf. 3:00 p.in. 2-For Denver and East 3:0 p.m 8-For Provo and Tinde 500 p.m 6:00 p.m oe Ogden 13-For 2-For Denver and Bast se p.m 4 or Denver and cust " p.m ,..11:10 p.m andWest Ogden 3-For No No F of Effect "Waar. a ian . é Jast..... $4 a.m oS se tateans 10:25-) a.m und West ....40% a.m. and West = 1:45 p.m. Io. No. No No No. No No. No. No. No. No! 4 a SHADOWS ar A with another bill of the There are three head-| be employed. | may term Deming, kinodrome - panne | ae Arthur oya Provo ; wes sden eee , seats, aVCsia um. ‘ : A Superb < =e RIC Salt | tween, the twelfth ant seventeenth) Miss Boley, with her ae oF fi Ash aly the me won women, | pretty Has are Jbine ty ae Where WeVels) ‘e Mg er 5 ye aa EB a : ed BOE S| pplause and oe ae r pattie is We oll as i oi, Spiers |} the duration of thelr presence on the} we re| dances The it | "tage-earned a ne EME ya saeeereeee 3 veickot | y : 4 New. SES. Orpheunvs Bill Please ‘ . Some of the Orpheum patrons must last to the Theatre over strayed have jignt The house was not quite us well filled as usual; but those present) who| e)Sun‘ ind y | A aie Heber, 2 a L nieht night | hia to climb £00 feet to reach « drift | Boley, with her company-these would connecting with No. 1 shaft. Some of]|have made a rich program if there these men were nearly suffocated by|had been no more that was Renn: ne the guses and smok¢ the rest of It was good, too. Eve No 1 shaft Atay PHURSDAY class vo nights s ‘ ite o Jane of Treede aI cable ig rae favored ropped to the bot=.) erst quality the aah "ee | iners-it the alaem bottom high conference a "Babette.' office of the Salt: open at 10 o'clock salile Oo I sake a week "A Box Sl | the R g Se brosses, . Tuesda hn ae A year Prices ; ‘ enjoy-| which this Lor .and Weave innit secured Saturday et box will ‘ of}ment he ce , ne ‘ aCe meet Te thelr Ce 10: | ien left work tuna and made rush for the drifts connecting through! northward the } to ey were hotsted to the sur-| I terrifics heat of the thre in} F ¥O 'T 1c. On| sung be will Roses and | night and matinee on | --------_ And nizht,.‘'Dorothy.". id irday The: < aa) the a 1 Fa Mi xp 1 mine ‘he flre| . this eighteenth level of | 1 having . Monday On | tor) , 1 "Babette," organization week MINE. | r riday. Huoadreds whe and Two. "The ERE ae sday Thursday bodunogers ah on {eres ; lilyric ¥ for; refused| OSCEOLA Shett Operas 2c, Notnvartie A | . xi © present will company Opera Retawe rt ¥ next--week :theatre Lake SaltPy per-is' the. on|at. | Manage congratulating: him- statement any erat' (exer ae pt B say, : No pen taniee waiting He coum |: ‘ been arrested, ( Francisco, sale dates, Sept. 4 to 14. follow ‘office, lived | Calumet, Mich., Sept Panera ee day @nda vere bac : gro bre o ri h oce Sears No } yNouth 1 ‘ by if mplrés-ConWayialid Sup: ho 1 Lives ‘ . tively the last $30 excursion of the) | to glorious southern California. season l.H_E,| va Are a 10 < ¢ ACB Eee ae Bet iene to points in | AOU 6. 6) sc vern Uta miners excursions to) ee ced all the | ane Rt pes | oo hae aoe me a | Special "eo was Wins .M MALE Waa Bo eer Z who Fails. RUE | Los Angeles and intermediate points. 400000 200-6 § g| Only $25 Short line, quick connec10) 010 030-5 5 5) tions, Utah's finest trains Phalos-anindesle Los Angeles and return, only $30.) a: Copan FIRE Burning San. ‘ i‘ menbrok two. ‘ ‘ oKe ne Co ante moins ne ye tor con-| Mexico City and return, 69.80 Ths ig ruon,| tour of old Mexico affords the grandthe | on found be to trip autumn | est shu continent. - outside, make to Cincinnati.Sept::-24.--Sweet: wy Wes = Hep |} American landlord i euse Moncur, them 7 tried and failed at : the Grand Cireutt Ole aces : reORS. 15here X to break, her own. record heath Oh Sues Lone eaere coud ab. ro; Det xe h ‘ Round Ll Tickets next order. match : Leadley.the it the Torether' ogretne ‘ ' the ‘ ve toe COMPANY SS, ird: nett a Logan. to Excursion September | ay Unapives and element: 10--For > TONIGHT, Souvenir Mat. Wednesday 3 p.m. oe = eas » | Are you Gordon & Benrett's jin line sjenutiful Romantls for the ein a. But it must. be] makes. them "go. | successful No - after leses In. her Her ning Tu Girls Dick Lyach Aunideqwell ingweame the Leen i when new in We, In labored victim Chicago, Sept. 24.-With a lace sues i ntl ! I her throat,| tain twisted tightly about arate old 62. -vears Moncur, Mary. ys strangled today Side oneve the nobleman explains ne HAY Abia Hale Phas "An Se eine ete MEAD = ef ae keep their wig wa'm That had } to it Every : a day), 75¢ Mi: tinee Saturday, io eS i City. Lake Salt Lenve beside found South Moncur, jynjor. collegiate Lee { Tightly "Pwisted lier ‘Throat a 9 sLE. VAUDEVILLE WEEK THIS und the Polly ALL Boley May all of an is excruciatingly that a feature | make | funny. The jokés--like some of the eggs [tae ined bi the market are not abeclutely fresh Ogden asks the duke why an Indian: wears: fe ithers" in his colli- ie =R MODERN ane Me- Soe Se ee | lications. Matters are not at wreck heap| nn Baap by the fact that the Duke vot FUeOrS | Carbondale, who has just married s 3, 1906 mar- secretly has Yale, at law udying st of TABLE de et the to brings jt trouble | tye Paul traveling es was picked up for dead but re-) yy. Collier and may recover | Besides, there Is.a delightful store captivating ordinarily than more of} of mass oo rae wrer apa on | splinters: cannot "fall sport, : . DO2 du) JOO-S 13-2) train at {0 p.m 201 010 010 O16 IL 3 return until Sept, 30. Noonan; MeIn-}| ey) 001K othe 000 0106. seve pia 7:10 wees trove seeee---54 6:05 ne ere hia ea ae cee Toners] PURSE EN Tee Salt marae Wed. |to Burkes - hots SU Wa 8 AU rned VAmerican wile. 4 1 member of the to an srovisec : Pile eae Hy , : e rom "3tinne ' Koliet j breakfast' a vulgar ohohas booktrain aun, wasSTAD: sen inneapolis fly g party, ‘ and - maker named MeGeachy wh 1a ; re ? ight perenne uct : _ se ae | cs und Ridgewav's lost. marriage certi- of not, will the intercol-|man, a good many] vived ane mace be a t A , continued the 4 RH ke E. | trip and aaa mocnicr es Portland, : San Franintesimeninee cases baa eeee 10:3) a.m. shee Wee arse © hicago BUS AEs geet of} ee of funny, eecabades, scored ag. decided) | Tee Seats eee 26 nal $4.60Floor, 4 All Lower I and fireman : Vitec percnt og lying in a row beside the any the' dy ie AEN pape and s merits becom«¢ one] ty games in. the inter-]Of accidents arouse creased: | TAME ‘ {cuKO and other points 55 No. ¢-For Ogden, De nver, Kan 8218 City, Omaha, St. Louls and a PY PE mr Lake Willie nee City -childfen. JANE as the hero of a remarkable Chi- wey e MNIAR Venn eltyeenct tte z GEO order PEOPLE| p.m, . No. 1-For Ogden Omaha Chician, Denver, Kansas City, San Yac Francisco. 1:0 p.m. 7 St. Louis and ls an emo- ednesday EXCURSION WILLIAM one 6:15 Omaha, Kansas Ely, and Nev., Butte, cisco DOI IBY wus he Manager. the lempo- PLAY ' Theatre. Quiet," with the : W oo 1 & bol Say ops came a & o i fupcens st. the Salt Take last plight the people "scemet se ed to have come j prePaul he "people ave come) A Sean pees J ea iv Se train HS "|geer Is ngin lion'sdifficulty The game brings out) more Of! qualities of the athlete with Jess! | sirongly eley-| or - one Gin eee eT ONeill ere y! 100Nn We at First gam Pittsburg Boston Spa in pany er, = now Hearst sinte tefor will vote <a Willie . matinee va- are Denver, Pt and St. SCC Ogden, i-Por No. at 8 30 p.m. TickeSts ood for return until Sept. 30. Salt Lake Opera com- of the delegates convention.rind Rh she has : - September 28. ee Shor cine ; « of-the nominations i an Ne Minn. firs cin ty the | {eer rm preg than Se "2:04: 3 -- : | I< kh ROUTER | | ‘ ns Unstons ae ee ene Two. ‘Takes Pittabure RE AC Ts ta 24-Pittsbure. defeated| 4utumn utings la, tah's ost! yw Boston Nationals inotwo games to-| Popular Road. | fa out : i feel Brooklyo Ritter. «ame : +| 4.| cago, ommitteeman ro selected necessary ae Se my plot : Cee Via ' Pier Omaha Peesedsecneuss . . ‘ C Nat i termediate points ....Be eee _ | No. 1%7-For Ogden, Omaha, C chi me ofaescourse, county, that in the which there are con- temporary was and LAST adopted aes erent f State State of lement Re ant Regular Giea ; sek Ogden, 5-For No. never-|. at the Lyrie ; Bre fe," Miss is, c Depart, engagebah ose . Roscesiog City. en Pri seo . Ogden, Coe Val- aes Fortiand, ; and 2:35 pam. ob- OEE | Val- \/cific cast: = ‘ Ye ' tonight showed eon delegates=o 225 |jate ; has and Kansas ee ‘ regular) the amusing, 9:30 1m. Cache City and In- points 11:45 a.m. Giicaen: Gratin other points 4:25 p.m "hiea on. (St: a Ogden, Chicago, St. : V/@¥s7s thexi partae to pe Ffection; * J. 3 F. Mc- so vonaie. eivet tines marke fe orag on of he broken-down actor : ' aticc Condon Ct . aa the ; come « furnishes Miss with a 1.09 woul Lead- ~ l and | - oP meat Gaede strietly gratutireless efforts, nd their gameso the to put country destined inthis | jilous, before. seem. the public dav. The firet was un Interesting test, Boston being defeated by one Babee ar second the in while a ital ¢ : : Telephone 250. a Yote<- > ‘i 0 Ce eee ee ey eee Sere avid. do snot upply a the Southern Pat {fic cntat Oeden" or the Watan Pa- . This resolution prevailed because 1, ‘sides were TTIZIDURNT OANA OMS rastevcta . os . 1 aot . Nixon former. Tammany least ae men GS pew Gna wae A eee wire a Me hc oe Caw - "3 EMAL, eiinnAaD ous: St. Pau 38, GEO. BE, KLINKERFU St. Johnstone. a ndAre pbs: Et e ae he te r ALIVE. Chicago, Sept. "24 -"I cee like to take on a mateh pa 1 any one," ala Robert Fitzsimmons, on his arrival here to- Louis, ee since their opening. It is} domestic drama of stirring a chairme success.. yno scant kenne "dy of Erie fifteen districts in thehe collision. today on the & St. ‘Louls -railroad at. Prague. of port the seem Utah)! % atten tort chip fall mpprs ne a0 meri |é . the oa + + + | liam "lors ay P Miller ih 7v0 won:r SIDI i Vv ear s, eye97 ay ir { Bi aie Brooklyn *) » .ocrue - PP, Slippery, won; , 13 7 to 4 cond: Allofavor, 99) CNotter), ri 20] A tond' third: Time; 1:08) 8-5 Ihe arene daks a € ae been haecond and lS tvre -Sedond) . half at Sehlel "ODay c 24.-Bre % had. 5:16 Inter tional part, which netErely epee the sympathies of her audience, her ‘sucC&S is not entirely due to that, for she ix a tried actress of good ability. William Balfour, as the millionaire, the Z for ee eee ever] CF in tie wl eae in the state midnight ©! tonight there Minn.StSept. injured, head-on -néapolis ag-| oh but City team ere * season is again nocner: ) dangel ind. Sik Invings e-hende Mina ai nnoing Masox ip St mul Brooklyn BRatterles-Beeboe (Horner). and om 1 the of, end the score the | with game: First 1:48 By five re n hundicap, mile and a@ SIX-| Savoy, 119 ( J--Martin), 101 Moonshine 117.(J. Jones) races oo iS} ean always to and Park theatre «Denver has aj|No. 10-From is boys on not highly Conso weep | Seiee, weillionalire's in | harles F. Murphy's ‘will will be eter RESSIOnIE aatine mnie ttan are ould catel would cateh the West: for to cD Persons were little YE off weleh and should, on Cr the leading moun tain region darkne Bool, una Brooklyn, 0 94 (Heffernan), (MilHL Water, 1 -third... second;Lime, Nemésis, 1:48)4-9 115 Sixth o: Sys 3 leven Speculation, frue Wes. ipid) won: 4 !€¥: Malad, termediate Nomis Bron Ogden and No. ‘2-From performance, a special]: einwatweatewrre onDeh han Bie SA LSfeatine bye of the lead- | "(uations to oar name bitter - the committee S be caee) impartial "ler Ch; 2s S are! Olsen headquarters banker anker paul, to-|twenty the wel team, a sake eo batted | piuses if the inkee game six reformed "a to -ianke™ English the as sting inter odes t j O16 14 Of}F urely American M210 wii raagie eal 1 No. 6-From ene me la th Dain to. 12-F ri eienr her-| SUR: the William Sulzer of New York, |. rime favorite. While are constrained to believe} P™Me favorite,| ee state S will) fevershould} this Pacific die coast,.but toga probably out Americans R.H.E Ratborlos. -Allegthird J, six f Ai S to about 143.ae (Houseton) handicap, 4:57ak et Pime, Reiff second: ‘ but &°4¥ house a strong Batteries-Reulbach and Mor in: Math| &ame t trains the eye the hand Mrs. Moncur's body was found by liment is keen and eontinued | ewson and Bresnaban. Umpires-Car- | the foot, the arms and legs, the lungs] somuel Berlin. a natehbin se he ' . "twill be presented| penter and Klem res ‘ very pe of the body ; Every'lnGguse by Moneur himsell 7 . 1 : ar tomorrow night. with a ici muscle is called upon And the game) ho-save he lett home: Saturday x m: e And if vou want ‘ . \ so ict e ope he the ‘ 2 ' ms > = A : Siaraageth, taser: I; o1 ona) } ae e sho oes C arty. 1] after. a quarrel "iby Ds wate : Philadelphia, Sept..24.-In free hit- | it i he te Ml a 1oW Of CTY WOFS) lin this afternoon and asked him. to| eT cay | Companys Opera Stewart Phe of a pe ace- | in capacity home visit the th, itiare are' backine Sho "he imen I bifadalpt ia Nationals | the second; | ting contest 1. to. @ (Haywood) 99 Valls. ann Bead 7. Martin), 9 to 2, third..| defeated the Cincinnatis. today Score: | \ ‘ acking maker, ' 4 ‘ : nl ted _ . jright kind of sports, men who love , . | Admiravols sun Lud perre y xe : Yime, 1:07:53 i Meat é' Ra E \ ‘amateur sport ‘and .beost it simply::for Berlin egmpltad and, after 1 ate yee <tumed: and mountedAiInasmost £O1 Second race selling, steepicc LSC, Cineinnath LO O20 1G OO ' Ny ; ; ' h repeatedly without response, was urge : ~ ol ae A ‘ x Wie und a half miles-Caller, 135) philadelphia 110 400 00x-9 11 jj it amateurism Suc h men as il-} 4, Moncux! Loy sBeiEee hal. fron Isd-|' PEOUS Aliti hE itn morn 2% me i Sd {ap among Strong' Play ie = %4-An ‘oft Prt die ‘ na furnishde only moderate sport here this afternoon. The) Speculation, uw $15 Sa for Le yet erans was won by rue ing at 4 to backed dow from + Ssummarie iiaeek has tra e112) "five (No andTones), a half 18-40furlongs BSc won djanet IN EFFECT Sept. 25th, 1906 Arrive, slipper he she there Slave' ‘Roval. The theless, the with ment < terminates the head win, the choice they= Mu aipordenan know the} it While] while Chicago games Secor eishth dainty ane evening day ae rj a 24.-With Sept. gotten away from The feeling is more Pg nena tee iS aie mes York extradi- him is dope, something materially the Parkites will game. association The | course, take the place of legiate game, at least for to. ms ¥e Rueby | years. rroads in that direction, 202 14 0-10 15 020 mn O1- 5.7 in her foot : a sight a it, program, y undertakunderta men Hghts the boys in the knickers Por nF eee eague forthe Stats game ‘ops re The game Called New of the Erven Jensen will prob-|c'eW Of the freight train Jumped. 5games,¥ . i ante. ify Daly perce wil! that but Lake, Salt for twirl ably a idly hs : neuen to-hold the victory in in ae Paice seve na etnee Chicago New York Sept abandons across fact that Seen, scramble tain a that eseieons je a Sulzer, and all of the other candidates| have withdrawn. ~ Feeling£ Is Bitter. : Lake New York 020 000 000-2 6 4f he association gBame howeve i It would supplant nothing Batterles-Lunderer Brown and Mor- j different. " 4 J clean] desire for added the unless it-be ‘ Bre nahn a aka! SOA tase FEATURE WINS WING TRUE fact waiver arranged, of extradiction. Mr. Olsen With|\ary said ‘ chairman naa poll enthusiasts ithustas American] mare to loyalty have for, ease. New NewYork,YorkSept.Sere24-The new cham-| | same than pick up tothe an.strictly Britns of the National league defeated | Ish sport True, there are many point | thy old in both games of the double- | of advantage in the English game, but heuder this afternoen Che New Yorks|/it would be a sad conten ry on the | were unable to do an y thing with the | brains of the: Amerk ithletic rt Be ts today, and as ener ay time etar = c callingee ‘at attention to the rules of the professors, who so dislike the American football game, according to the students' view Stace is nevertheless studying his is not In gressman but they All whom' police and together one has seen in|SiX : j experience will walking in ted RHE.| 000 O11-2 4 0 000 ee -_---cro WA # bar- are Hearst : malities z a State's at formal is that Man-| good fellows, certainly play en ? :e@ Jarkites i: ed | Parkites < 6 YOO ON) UO) Louis oHut *: stop Pp to football as I practice . among‘* | St. Batterles-Patten and Warner; Pelty the University of Chicago players un-)and Richey Umpire-Sheridan RS oS ti October sl . wses p <i Te : he history . of | ) TLE Sis SUE oy tc aie field, staat Marshall Stens- the ar ae Seen hers be|afternoon one has pulled teams Utah no shining to Tintic scheduled In in d &C Eureka 2 sh, rather big& é ia The are SS fick Vinner W all saGhoats Sta Seore Washington of Tells eae wu cna Assistant Parkites have not| take Unlevswith there 090.0000RH. 6 4|'wrong the Wins. a Washington ‘ Louls, Sept. 4.-In* an interesting the Washington: Americans ‘shut oe St. sams. Straightened. Sulzer. S dancer clear the 0%! nly Control. has feel that without their ticket they indictment] ers. tue ade|fress a a a | practically ale vulged every, part with the wrecking \| the years. there - Until Rules that the violent hurled Despite present candidate of the Independence lone ue for governor, will be the choice po- his trip from Tangier, Stensnumber talks pour Gla a Z " i ofae y :and ne . }| | _ : The fact of the matter gether, are Bam and ; , lang kleinow mpire-HHurst s Chicago Young signed Stensland team. N G R one contests stS even abd admit is will 4 | ing. : a E. RH TX anit pec fn) tok x 4 a hesbro uyne to by Assist-| ‘B. Olsen| ‘¢under , governors papers. ff will ae h trouble in winning|this properly home, and should easily| he and the ok : her aia ae TIME TABLE Arm- anenatia were 3 SS rh ioe tt eid hoes Mire the so-called bosaes, ten thousand|/Thursday, the melo-dramtic success, Democrats of New York state are as-|}"Shadows of Sin" begins a three-|\ so » are Z ig >» are > before the fact, made| the bay together with] ury, RIXEY The her. 118 3OXx-7 10 0] win about two of the ga "mei s here. {f FRANK WRARPRECK, New. Prague. pared to laugh 3 At least, the ye alt ind Berry not the three This will settl : th : D. residence, unknown.men, | CooUnuous ales bi ae performance. ee OF Ne BROS eae were traveling killed those All GREEN, pes = nti at -uesti Umpire-Evar 1p ans. | Guestion of state champion and will], xcept one, Frank Wrabeck, a brake Mr. Coliler, in the character of Robgive the Miners the John Dubei chalrman why * aay it » aa aren eet qs cee | ert Ridgeway who pretends to be Score: Batt ones pvan and Illinois. and and rules grounds-and at for 00 disiaticalie sent Adalbert himself ; least prospectives | tion the ane has plays, so to Pight| eee oyiep. her Will ° ee ere 4.-Slamming Sept the De Football r it, |New HALT A rails STAGE o "vela vee sees ve jatteries-Schurmann Clarke oaae sand . - and in ¥., N. Buffalo, Convention }on three Umpires] aes who is a rcarerre asked] at PomsianyncMasnedRune-Park os so City.|qig ouCleveland, 0. Rept. 4"ere The Score: Cleveland E | the gregation, 2 sily they all 2 play pS good yball Bi and Rh Kreitz, (2). Three-base Hit- ree the Philadelphias ‘state First on ery Bases-Park ; Murpby stensland's departure . for Chicago, au-| thority to remove him from the liner| diately 1 y {ts arrival a9 0 immediately was the TreasSecretarySs ofarriva by the Ipon granted good| made ee City ade self to the rhythmic movy enients anc 1 sensuous appeal of the music. aR she co » lance with ¢ a kick she concludes her dance BOSSES Down Hearst Mur Svidenc Evidence. county, that] that} : -which we Carri-] , eu : she OF Narrowed Between ca 2 4| 2 and aoe Fanless . ics 2 be . again e ent a SO s~-Tannehill, ae CHOICE Has st , : . rie ervie € to s ale . ; champlons, with threes ind had a brief interview with StensStens Bames to her credit against one for|!and. When he was leaving Mr. Olsen], the Eureka nine. Eure ka won the|said that he would call at District Atfirst game of the series of seven games| torney Jerome's office tomorrow morn- : 24-Chi¢ago oi een Fooaeatine them | of Cook decided decided year's R TI By3y talayed at : for the lead by defeatAmericans today. Score ' RHE Yorks New : the Bostons NOT |Contest Will Turn brought to this country State's AttorneyHarry jand, eine surveillance, on from | both rienced oth games % aay 0) He Prince says] have Suits infringing been the last. Both Doubleheader . eon At- titl PHILLIES by STORY State's of custody 24-In Sept. York, officers, Paul O. Stensland was| So who men their of now |] | New Yorkers in In B wew orkers . Games Assistant steamer must] was "U"|ant any reise manner whatsoever] curthel notice, be dis-| from n lice headquarters for the night. t the party and his nomination will]... In The Millionaire s Wife' the LyThe fugitive bank president, who rie the support-of leaders.of Demo-|"!¢ Stock company. present the strongwas discovered at:‘Tangier, Morocco,|.cracy tn. New York, Inasmuch.as they est play that has been seen at this gridiron \] == THE Nationals Defeat ercal ms 7 the to represent iMaddock a h as ae | *"eakins the. Milwaukee Avenue State] tions are that& William" Aces R.t Hearstarsrethe|i , nee 1 bank of Chicago. He was taken from 5 Ss are ~andidate oe Coach : 9|Chicago 0 me 00 FOR WHOLE : ' is . ; brought back to this country this afternoon to face trial on the charge of| | rict y = in of York. oa men can be strict refrainers | g¢ rgeants James E. Dowling and John| that if they nominate Hearst he will re will have no use for them on his] pjefenthaler of the New York police| carry into office certain: Democrats and i team The laws which he has posted|and_ four detectives, to mee PF the} will also be under obligations to rec-} {read that any man found smoking steamer. "lognize the party in all appointments | drinking keeping late hours, or disTo overcome any attempt to prevent| Therefore, tonizht it is- Hearst against a «iD Air 2: ain saclanion |} | ea ete e 366064610 by Cita SHUTOUT TELL : Yi as Ws i or es. mach h American 14 0 0 0 9 | the 0 : 0 oO)ing paei ae Oo ‘ im oO 1 fe 1 Pennant. aoe iT 6 0 10 3 e1 carer parte Totals Score Bureka PANIC 1 2 } 0 oe f 7 7 06 St re varsity "eleven this year eee non-tmbibers er the fours 2 racer Ore Oe Jere its. as £ayilor, Tf, Clark, : 1 bc Wessler, Mortensen, ‘ | League. Up Governor New Promises torney Olsen That JOE t ants that res Squad: ; Park es te ek, City.: as 5 Park ball > :4 Wey p Totals 19 sked caries 2 50 Banker New federal k W Se . 2 3 6. 9 Cincinnath Even + + +/ ' : State's SAYS Madd Re ites theatre, which will doubtless cause aj] sensation Impetuous, graceful, full of the fire and spirit of the role w Feta + 7.++ Temperate Bunch on Foot- are Leaders for Today. + + WILL be- ball in Skaba +++ oc | by y to . tion + +# --- br 38 * Coach n ohn ee m nv ne 0 ASV Oy League. York 2, : 6, a 6, ol Boston Louis 5, the ; s. 1 te a Already ure three bureka. Beck, Reed, 60 &3 6me large a oe ; Chicago pees "607 dur- | play re threw BOOZERS - NO es es He) 55 fence closed be d< : santa Nate The score off iS otters 1906. Actress Kicks at Grand Theatre. NG ree aon Ogden, Chicago, npnThere te POR uietireSpanish ante maha, zuis, is @ characteristic City ‘and St. ‘Denver 3..2.. Kansas : ‘8-From No. irl | the dainty dancin by dance done 1 j + missed the blow of batsman he struck the a week ago catching ~ {sipating in wi a : aaa caus Taken + --S . Chicago 4, Boston 1. Cleveland: 7, pe Mae Iphia 0. Detroit 7, Ne ¥« 4. Washington 2 St Uaurs 0. _ . { j was _ 3 ri fou two left was games final e ne ‘ of game houses ing my yee attendec out g the long business Cc en , single also ckers Sa 8 one eae was 25, P ; j iti + 24.-John: died today : a ball bat‘ j eee American Isureka, were the opposing pitchers in today's battle. The former pitehed aj wonderful game, allowing only six hits! and striking out ten men, while the!latter hs 18 found for ten safe ones with whet | + Sept years old, the hind as a game + YESTERDAY E AY. a National 10, New 6, *98 eae Ot we eee 20* a : + + Bn rves" soe - oe4 a8 RESULTS Republican Special Service. Park City, Sept. 4-Park ,. man oo 85 seecine es unk ; | Philade phi: ste 5 detroLoui Sere ome sraves! Be SI ee ee Yorkarte ., | CNew ntl icaga GAME IN which = 75 2 59 - Le iim Lach cove wee HITTERS HARD TWO 7 87 Oca af hicago, Skaba, 13 . from the . asote : a oe Me. ie St.Louis 02 6t " | Cine inna atte. WTh<: Standing. Won... Lost. S ni P ie | Bittsb Philadelphia . Third broo Game League Cc Chieago:::. |New York At ae ' j Park City CATCHER amas ---------------- National, SEPTEMBER Waives Extradition and Will Be |Probably Will Secure Nomina- ins tenvar Stave." now at the Grand| \Butte-and. Som Pranciseo 8:30 am. + KILLED. ee TUESDAY. AT NEW YORK, CONVENTION FHT Sia Hs ate oe tl | UTAH, i lee ea eeeeee test tee44| =--S-S-S CITY, STENSLAND LANDS HEARST LEADS IN i? %s¢.%%28 tl] t : ae BLEXRUD 5 WING LAKE z | REPUBLICAN, 5 => | INTER-MOUNTAIN = THE | 808 STATE STREET. ¢ |