Show CITY GIrY N NEWS WS I IN BRIEF BRE RI t John Q Critchlow and J. J II Garrett dan turned to the city yesterday morning after aftel a months month's visit In the cities of ot the East Among tho he cities visited were wel Chicago New York Atlantic Atlantic At- At lantic antic City and Boston Wants ts Woman Teacher A. A C. C Nelson of oC the lie state schools is desirous of or securing the thc services ser ser- vices rices of a a. woman oman teacher for fOI time the schools at Sunnyside A capable teacher teacher teach teach- er er will be paid 70 a month Will iii Give Gi The Campfire Tho J. J B. B Mc- Mc tc- tc Cean W. W V. V R. R C. C will hold holtI Its re regular ular meeting at 30 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon In Its rooms In the I. I O. O O. O F. F temple The McKean post pot and anel corns corps will vilI give Ivo a n campfire In them their hall Saturday Sat Sat- evening Married in hit T Temple William Clark of or ton and Miss 1 Margaret 1 Jones of or this ell city were m married In the he Temple yesterday Mr tr and Mrs Tra Clark will leavo on Oct 1 for fOl Chicago where Mr MI Clark will continuo continue his work in dentistry at the lie University of Chicago Chi Chi- cago 5 In lii German 1 Miss Jean Ha Hayward hayward Hay Hay- ward of the Salt alt Lake o High school el class s of 05 has successfully tull passed the examination In German before the he city board of examiners Miss lIss Haywood Haywood- has the dl distinction of oC being the first person In the state slate to attempt un an ex examination examination ex- ex animation In a foreign language wIthout without without with with- out fir first t going abroad Want nhi to II ert Water James I N. N of Independence Utah coun coun- I t ty Iv flied filed an application with tho the state i yesterday asking the right to toI I divert two cubic feet of ot water from GI Green n river r system In fn county The water will be conveyed a u distance of O feet Ceet and used I to Irrigate acres of land lane Colored cl Democrats ruts Colored voters of the eft city have ha called a n meetIng meeting meeting meet meet- ing for tor Friday night to organize a aWilliam William t I I I lam Jean Jennings I rigs Bryan DIan Democratic club The call for the meeting has been signed b by about fifty colored citizens citizens citi citi- zens of ot the city In palliation of their action they exclaim Anything but Va Waterloo Sd School mool Open Open- The The Waterloo Vater Water Water- Joe loo school was opened ye yesterday with Miss Grace Frost as principal The delay In iii the opening of this school was waa caused b by the fact tact that lint the school was wa not t turned over oyer to the city by the county school authorities In time for tor opening with the other city schools A large number of or pupils wa waa enrolled en en- rolled s of 07 17 Ol the S At At cs At tine the first Orel meeting meet of ot the 07 class of oC tho the High school Monday l afternoon Roy Coates president of oC the tho A Athletic th l tlc association was WM elected pIe president Denare Grant was elected vice president l Margaret arct Parsons secretary and anel William Holmes treasurer Hal White was elected editor of or Red fled and Black after which the tho meeting adjourned The staff starr of ot Red fled an and Black Dlack will viIi be bo chosen to today a I Utah at Ht Governor to Governor John C. C Cutler la is In receipt of a letter Jotter from Crom Miss Jessie Palmer Weber secretary secretory I of ot the Illinois State HI Historical society In which she sho asks Governor Cutler to I Inform th society regarding the Intentions intentions tons or of this state It In connection with the display at the Jamestown exposition exposition expo expo- eltion and amid what department will have charge of oC this states state's exhibit Governor Governor Governor Gov Gov- Cutler Cullor will send his reply at ot an early date Semi Seniors mrs Elm M Tho The university I sHy sity seniors held their annual meeting yesterday afternoon for the election of oC i officers l for the ensuing year Manning rung Eardley was elected president C C. Young secretary and treasurer and anel Carl Scott custodian of oC trophies the executive committee Hazel Stephens red Fred Bennion and amid Charles Gebbs Gobbs A meeting of or tho the freshmen 07 and amid fourth year ear has been called for COl this afternoon for fOI tho the purpose of the yearly carly election of officers 11 lit Mining l B Governor Governor John C C. Cutler received ed a communication tion ion from William M M. Porter pr president president l. l dent of oC the tho International Mining Exposition Exposition Expo Expo- company yesterday In which a u request Is made that tho the governor appoint appoint appoint ap ap- ap- ap point a commissioner to confer conCel with the lie exposition company's officers regarding regarding re re- re- re garding this states state's exhibit to be bo manic made at the exposition to be held early In 1 DOS 1008 A request Is made for the lie cooperation cooperation co eo- co- co operation of or this state to make inako tho ox- ox position the tho success that It Is hoped will be bo attained The commissioner will probably be named Tuesday nall Badge c Inn for Wool I Tho rs The tie dc- sign of or the badge to be worn by hy delegates delegates dele dele- gates gates to the lie National Wool Growers Growers' convention to be held hold in this eit city in January next was wn shown yesterday at atthe atthe atthe the Commercial club From two parallel bars of or fanciful design is suspended suspended sus sus- pen tied a pendant On one of ot the bars barsis is a reproduction of the Salt Lake temple on the other the lie words January Janu UI ary ury 1907 The pendant Itself is a ashield ashield shield In the national colors a rams ram's head In the center and anti encircling the time head heath the he words National Wool Growers Growers' Grow Grow- ers ers' A. A Association On the time reverse side of oC tho the pendant are arc the he words Fortys Forty I s second Annual Convention Salt Lake Cit CIl CIO January 16 16 I |