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Show LANDLADY HAS «© MISS MILLER'S DEATH DECLARES HOWELL CLUB TO TURN OVER (so : STRONG RIGHT ARM) CAUSES DEtP yl | i@ | Green ri Colored fs s everely Pummels Body :of Well Known Salt Lake | Boarder) : | 4 : ship by Building Club Judge- Ogden in cision Accepted of death the of News Miller, eldest daughter |! ‘ Rachel mens of plore: Te of c eae ‘omme ae eee ina .! ty of governors eid ------ Unable . Gain to Satisfaction tion Floors| Partello, an -_-- |Matter taken ine : _ of Irregular Italian laborer. js}guSt, when her mother and sister Ballots, However s } The Ogden the 4 tt a noe Bel at lef club "3 boulevard. iG Ww tl is W mi Lee an 4 t ica on a [ac ( begn Complaint. ac- Monda | to turn. toothe pre a nt : by Covered Aol oN GE : | ‘ : © ' ve a‘ be a a en é : ‘ i i € as for and trouble, from ROTHER heart TLE REVERS PERLE Ca: ferer SEI ae Joe been ae had i known ocecurnight, wit ate bebilptel | Poa. . Corridor. r where she was well loved The death Angeles Saturday Miller: where Miss Mery pace. Sta- in Police Delinquent , She in this city, and greatly red at Los ‘ 4 pi ee contest be-| has i had in. . the ! members. engincet h s cot of the supervisi 10nA<ofathen oO ‘ citl-| () bill, sa he yesterday received a very se-| drubbing from his landlady, Mrs arlo 2e - Mrs. ° 2 x roseniit Fosselli Sonn Second on Fifth 1 living as ae "day an a reals Italian boarding . between y house | . Fourth e was an to cite a ine RTHa eer iististar Migs olis ul ) runs : North, - ler, and ments f nents for leted will = ans be ear buried . Tends a raat MAL = a lelected and i 1¢@ Second 9.4 here. ; the the funeral il arrivs oay Y id willrh not » qualified as the Judicial district ini - The opinion MeCarty, and Arrange- be com-,.| . is wi judge of Ogden it 7 ; was written concurred aorse v2 eet 5 , \ wie lth on I by curred in and. Justice. Justice : ‘ f yn on > ana \ t operatio : and road byStrat Chief) ling ter to the ; ' application filed with tes BA OS 6 EYARCHIRO at || interurban. < mayor city - cor | was jses asserted time and|cjty. and save for a few months able, and because of his prom-|health, had spent all her he has been allowed to remain in| « a ‘ house Vest j h M She was a graduate of the ouse esterday owever, rs.| bicHigh lo school, and anes s ear peo aeeh an fecidal Whaat h opponent here 5 Lake herF on the Democratic. ticket. the contest was. filed Dec. 21, 1904,1 the election having aT > | 8 1 4 } s ing taken place Nov] ThisM judgement eee Lobv! [oeAnother nok Sree of es endered for to her Waduunted. 7 try headquarters could. Mrs. that nothing . | and he remon- Fosselli was again could be done for The desk sergeant > back s in an ; his chair gle out in the dashed son just GIRL ROBBED Prevented by he sett) and station terrific a of the Faia ing the], ... One cn ine On Be sight so poyented before him. Mrs. Fosselli had| itterday cé an i pore Is for ae y- the Afterward | oc it cannot nee ae see one where-| Ai aC ee e ee of will Sat iaatic. pos drawn point In| irregular shat Pe ee The on O Mase F 5 decision of Maizie isd girl, 38 a oe a & it _to het Ate kil 1erself She and Naor pa i) complishing Hep earentG, Canada, Sept. 10-11. of wa 7 Red | | or en-! n first High the At of the pace etl a nS. oySSO Cotten oO nibah Ben ian mee Margaret presidentBenareGrant 5 ogy an hha sai ei Block Pees idjourne I. : rh | and _ Black will be . chosen : 00 Joh? co) IsJamestown--Governor ‘ : oS Sn-Palme recelipy Wel of a iether ‘from Veber almer ‘ Jessie; yes. ‘ ecretary of the Illinois State Historical society lin which she asks Governor Cutler: to intenrezarding the soclety. the inform () {tons of this the displa () t state the Cutler ¢ aplate I laren will connectior Jamestown. send his () ith expo have Gnu reply at Nien () 0) ar our univer: _ tie -ers- one pe: BE in department exhtbitwill states what, this and -of ernor early ar] ao of ‘Shy ‘at t tHe it th to railroad the yearly. Want Clecwon Mining Cutler GC. John having of gt o eC omvere a communicaPorter Mining ing 1 = Oo r S$ @ () Exxihibit-Governor received tion from William M International dent of the birt fone nHOL at gi: oclobly ang the ‘evening -of ' : C presiExpo- . ex Se able President attention will probably Quigley was authorized to the board to RB mining of lire; ie J. Charles Ross and J. "officers - re: to be made ‘Tuesday . ' a i : . eo min Of the 1. Woot. frowns Dadee toy 58 wor hee ei celles patoe tp tne Natiqng! wood) Grawer this (sity: ‘held be convention,next,to: was atdn shown in yesterday January two susbars From club Commeretal the is bars of fanciful design parallel pended a pendant On one of the "congréss:.th the tdinectedatocald: disc he ean. way whatever G: W.-Pursell, A: D. Bowen; C:°H $61.90| Monroe, be named , YW ent > consider attract |the. expoaition. company's garding this state's exhibit }at the exposition to be held early i the cofor made is \ request 1908 the exto make operation of this state hoped is it that success the position will be attained The commissioner | | | | | expressing its unqualified approval of ‘The secrework the was of governors boardcongress. of theof the || tary 14..$69.80 in the The apecial' train. carrying the request is made that the governor apdelegation will leave Salt Lake | Point a commissioner to confer with icity) court . SATE tk C 3 Mexico, | daily, Sept. oO celebration ef importance Morse, | Name two delegates elects d|s8ress at Denver, the qualified Mn he EXCURSIONS SEPTEMBER a Utsh. Cutler at that Sept. 28, arriving at Ely at 1 o'clos lock Saturday - morning Returning, the arevening, Sunday. leave will party busifor in. time Lake in Salt viving the will_accompany Held's band ness Utah. delegation, and is expected to | Supreme with WV 1 J truaticent hatarents a ae ~~! sie ) 6 Was ¢ at that t wed by obeas ee Fe veining day Utah case e the the The Utah's sented th ces (© pow. $80 cash,}affirms the judgment of Judge diamonds and declares Howell to be duly attend completion the J unge | elected.' duly been have to of the case,Ps not hay-.| we; - Issue ie meee hee facts he appeal} the | of outside Heer Roriiatbec a ap Morse | Judge. h pre : ees a SET appel- | the owell £ Ay , cones peer " as 10 ground for complaint! a froma that mores 9 Sone EASE Rael oi Me i a oO Supreme or) » court of holds fraud that! , evidence no and We x e¢ annus elr helt eniors |* aming fs S s ©! a special building committee, w tobe yesterday Sternooni for ‘th 2] oti rot oe oe MI ent ing officers for tt as rapidly. be to proceed it shall duty rns eae: alacten Was Eardl f completion' with - the .possible 4S Plans for the erection of a club build Your séret ie . Re "te ae } 1s. This committee includes Charles| Carl Se ott, « iatodian of ‘trophian rf . + Quigley, president of the club; J. | executive Comimittee.. Hagel ie shi ne \W.. Houston, W. J. Halloran, Heber M.| Fred. Bennion and aC} res G ak ~ A ian a } i Farnsworth H. L. Wells, and ‘07 freshmen, the of meeting t} during announced: It was / = : . . o o other 0 purpose < the eee for ee afternoon nine y ie this onteot that thout 150 buyUSINess ine Ut man ee of for thin Ht e ne of { Gree ind City Lake Salt holds | court the ballots defective and to adverse issues. the in deciding that rapt the trial court did not err for rea ae thie complaint, In thi HERSELF Who : : the ee see te i station.;and some _ prized ietters, Byakely, Officer inCarl-} ue 8stree Pee a a a .Commercial the| nancy" thepiot counter \ ale callber aa el head ae > ete a . b St. ce "&? P% ketbook containing Pawn Uckets for valuable When disturbance the of direction or a. second corridor the ota reached he Pn aes aaa at the Partello Main --. KILL Arrested Ranh . were} strug-| 54 --- TRIE TO told] her se just as corridor of a thoughts around With was when in' the noise of Jeweler, --_--»- As she left the room she was heard It "taking about to mutter something out of his hide Tertelio on the Mat. other officers startled by the 5 ae er ar McConahay, fol- the sergeant Partello and intention. of soon as lie desk the To strance story, her woman in turn, told relterated his spliline tiie' account as d assistto station, slightest' police the to the low her Without. obeyed' ;! for Partello ordered she : se determined landlady the police So ance. Build, nn 10 puaupe ; ca ; : 3 eee ge os I < : x long enough for ; her : money - and she!pnopular of the society girls. Miss MIltrict court, who tried the case in Og-| Howell, | Judge of favor in was den, unand pianist. also a gifted |ler was little a matters hurry to determined elect-| duly to be the him and declared from her prevented health failing to aid In mak-|tjl in the law bringing by ing the collection, So she brought taking an active part therein, was ed judge of the Second Judi jal dis- | Partello before Justice Dana T. Smith. | prominent in the musical circles of the | 2° It was from this decision that] an ae she told her troubles. Par-/city. In addition to the mother, brothHamer appealed to the Supreme court.| e o sale _that he had no money at/er and sister already named, Miss MilSees No Fraud. | |} Bo SldMrs. sister, a younger }jer Jeaves told Smith Judge whereupon present, yes-| down handed opinion the In eee 5 A sis I a in. Pr ney nothing| do he could that the woman { 5 : Club Will atter as ane |e) hee Tee Taner fc t pupils ‘ ; ‘ MAvice > oO: abutting property owner v ndvelti= d iti _|Sition | charge be protected.' in general zens) | in| ‘court trial the of judgment The of life Salt letine: ean waited hod. bhe that eac search in in California passed year he| as pay as soon he would that again has - staff oda "Tete let- and Justice Bartch inci ‘voic-") The communi|ing their endorsement Straup. J y : ,,. of Miss Ob Miller's} the arrival until pleted SRR ; | only has: been TTT TG BLT This is the case wherein the election| cation. suggeste } : several) p "Cc who le ft for Salt Lake City of J. A. Howell to the district judge- { privilege ing a ] $3 vee that any Ni ne : Be ot ie ieote Dan' Hoa ieht by contested was Ogden the | Ship_at . : sey: Pes eaten aredinials to about amounting bill his months, $180, she alleges. Of this amount she]yews of his sister's death el Hamer, the stenographer of Judge | traversed by the proposed linc } uid has not been able to collect a dollar RTE] Gita ean ce ote thie H. Rolapp, who was Judge Howell's} 1 carefully cuarded so that + : aa boarder: ot oa or elected clected:. t (the) £G% a number olmes : easure Holate ean elec ed "aditot ‘of Ri which the ‘meetings ae street Partello West t streets at her house for The s was of a if = i addressed: hid r ¢ "iether other eit: the seal wesiden oF 7 2 =| é Opens opened: , open r OT Organizes OF, Os aa meeti got the 07 class Soneicue. econstruc- 7a their} but} ate ing 'lled now a firm advocate of the wisdom of {< ompanied her to Los Angeles, had |/tween Judge J. A. Howell and Dante) | 0°" of .the boulevard Pro ident saying y Ibeen in a critical condition For a} i} Charles A. Quig t I will, club. the of duigley ra th oping |, an in settled been has Hamer Califorsouthern reaching after as soon as it is lim, bill paying one's board ; - And . he has good ye accepter or due. reason for his|nla, Miss Miller seemed Improved, é but ion by the Supreme court ; handed | ait \ varSmtr ere eas te ‘i mae tn ‘ convictions in the matter, for bepe improve ment was but te mporary, {down late last evening, in which Judge | ©'Y by Mayor 7 hahiveoh. cause of his own failure to settle his one nae eee oe e ee : eae |J. A. Howell is declared to be duly | / 1¢ board. of governors. also .en- iE colored School ¢ ' ee the) ry poeta special Eg tL =SSsesssSsSsssesss]e DK OD DOOOOOOS SDOOCOOIOAOD - n palliation. of laim Anything mee Gis abs th at tl ‘ i at turned over ti tha . Te mtv x hoor. se hte ; tile vart pat of. | mee -- ne gros city exe ‘was: | delays ci 1 Pi to. by hg the they L100, school . eq eee over a SM Leva ans Included. mayor, city co cl ‘ t at ener | torney pi: Ena iee ae we judgeship. n a ee Acarns Aj © ay "aller. Nace a drive over apenitie and Uintah} Busy.-Colored ) ea Waterloo Set) thie reculara Atiahe at bee! : « SHE TRIED COURTS FIRST]s. suiter, causea the deepest sorrow |SAYS NO FRAUD APPEARS) y.10 sonaay at uio n, it was desided delay in the opening of | in Thu, wall for the, mesting has: erp Case. eae Almatia Miss of Mrs. Democrats Oo ana, ae system City imMari for ter, Friday.7 Ata night to onganlze |: Se vote Thursday-Proceed With , Account. Be . |Supreme Court Renders De-| Burial. in Behind Fell Who |Will --_-- Girl Brought Home for , ctans WAS DULY ELEGTED, WASATCH BOULEVARD Sa earn ay ay) | } 1906. 25, SEPTEMBER TUESDAY. UTAH, CITY, LAKE SALT REPUBLICAN, INTER-MOUNTAIN THE 8 F if em ROumL Won) Gk Bie. Rely 7 eee down on the floor. and was | Ccstruct! a ib Burton, an in-| Denver, Colorado Springs, Sept. | Tiurst, all of Salt Lake City, and Dr. |‘ MUD Sin Ope, LCL ne oer Red itself is a The pendant 1997: teen ee eens 17.75| F. J. Drake of Ogden were elected to|2'S:, grap-| <i, 64, 23...... who hopse, ar delivering into his face and body 4} pj6q with shield in the national colors, a ram's Sleepers, Ry:Din-| membership in the Commercial club, . head Pullman Midland bservation in tak-| succeeded rand from upper-|ing ot the f gun gives and Ganaitn punches of straight ein aterie: her. ng Cars, Colorado in the center, and encircling the series Be shame, from Se case each eee ae ee Gea In $10 at ' keeper street, and Steve. Shurtlift and ; : oP painting, paperhanging, framing. Chas.| Miss md Henderson, habitues of the place. | PUDlic ; Service Company Loses|,, H. Bodel, 33-35 E. 1st So. Blakely had charged the house. . Or . Everett aa AP Sa V. Peck selor . Made to Sen. of keeper with the robbery, but , investi- es gation produced evidence of her inThe pocketbook was found Wrekcrt) CHANGES WARD CANNON hidden Second Bishop Coun-|in Cannon. pie e Seyeral changes in organizations of cat! the eA Carinon ward:were 7 Ss the Pioneer sta ke Sunday dency of( ! |. || evening'. Everett counselor V. Peck apart as*gecond of service j ent set to wasBishop of room. was|four hours coun- | gress. ee at 6 p.m ep ‘Salt has ‘Lake i Public' Service. : > Weman com COM-| Pe Will Give Kean W. meeting. ea Mca eee ne the ratiied: ey pla ng? eee transfer of the was franchises One of these to J.H a Teacher-superin-| glee monen: Campfire-The C. will hold 2:30 o'clock in Be \ e-| ca hall Hall Rev. Mr. | passed the With friends Ss Sat-|} ede laa Me i If you Have start art . ne on PERSONAL ; ey ee Inspector Durand has rethe southé trip pusoue pain and Mrs. Frank greater part in Ogden Fay of Eddy Monday left Monday his studies at Bowman F. to continue for the i rc University of Chicago. lew Superintendent of Public the inspect to goes' he where schon'. Instruction City toPark for leaves Nelson C. |day. ‘Margaret iss' ha J ) A. Clark Temple-William in le B. their coheir' "arm/ngton = an rar J. its regular Wednesday! John tka 7 coms See te oeF.{| inthe I. Ne 0.0, ee 1e McKean post and corps| Chicago campfire ning . aan come |9> So R. in urday e eve op- power and heat Merde the ot the for Curtis Ught," a, .of ae H. lL. and aaa Dac at pany promised es At oe Jan. to 1. sell City be byable Lake to in Salt power has soho meeting of the city council lag t) will the‘ening give to| the twentyc| bureau for Y#nts year. not, a 8,000 accounts than a ssavings account? gS cco cities) the York ork, At- | schools Taviloreville . has * Pix g, Mrs} and Mr. yesterday 1906, and. the other was ‘to. the | (cmple May, es a * ge seagbra . Chicago, | Citizens' Heat & Power company and | Clark will leave on Oct. 1 for his eS wOO Rae retuned s LOm work | Just a steam | ‘Yhere Mr. Clark will continue construct to right the gave aes 2 oe mae hot water and heating system and vend|in dentistry at the University of Chi- cceee ane bo ag or Eke Univereity oe Gtah. Saale Assent to the trang-|/ Caso eng pay thesame. president, reviahitte sae Martin Anderson; first Edwin oF. Mary Anderson; attle Howell second counselor, Cannon. Test 2nd at : tal ligt the "athe excess. of PROTEIN ; tempe F per C. 2 spe Rta of T. B. O'Reilly -and £ ! eilly were disinterred at Mt.) ivet cemetery yesterday morning for shipment to Ontario, Canada, | mu 21-A. GH. known For in Salt several Lake years a they few years conducted clothing business on Main street. dled ten years ago seven years later. Mrs. T. B. the bodies. which where O'Reilly to the she and will his will erernn o citals e the leave real estate again oe soe -_ regular these for semi-weekly two te (&) rane the time organ which Saas le he PRE ee the and new | Miss S |, - ee age aus ie aNCG, wi ee ne ah DAY" "WEDDING Haywood| EXCURSION TO PROVO . e e FOU are te m p. m, IAsk agent. -_- IS furnace and Mug AND Under ° . utfitters I SACK or omen ° _.chimney tag pone ne ase. cit O i Mind Avert a Serious Blaze. TT I| most popular market OWN; det -$ ; cernes one for - - L Ph t us Meats youl and Or- which and She Gro- set fire ' feet until the Bey Een 0 © wa Sot aie A R K E : to some up in } = I 1 } (1) in the! : ou at heed an been turnec |the fire was out. by tesult:. fire was put out, She | to the edges} her attention. Sher th ther den ie us SR not have I: ¢ Y IVI I . f Lineof Dr s, Gowns } ' ' , 4 Furnishings ever Displayed in the West a also me Se SHOPS dainty line of from Easter ‘kets evening. dresses, markets, tailored ~eitora sults dainty DRESSES Designing ES. handle them, : , Uttle Result: G their from finishing Gowns ane soem r handsome and "ale . and ts correct eee products-Every selecting alaotine of touches that +O , ‘dresses bringlng | \ eaves our agent. ke Provo 6:00 p.m. 11:15 Return- p. m.. Ask 5 Phones-Bell 22 West and . First Independent South | | o wedte-Té aate--1O Veil tira isoee oseph Bull M Mr. BORN, Zao cantar little materials ateriala please. ree cur WEWILL and - 4 anc rs. ry J. eer - mo n j only' the 9 | BEST . | A, NO t Bon CHARGES FOR is ns - - } vee | IF { ¢ 90 SOUTH 122 J. MAIN.: wT Ladle, be ‘ the detail is carefully gone designing, and -£ ;to the Everything ts done right. he MAKE "ERA a8, : cloaks. clever, are that | n, because randentia of Depeputy aSheriff rift suns , . perfection. PECTAT,-- HERE: - SPECIAL: -HERBAFPTER tie Sten See Soe Pee any oe- putting out the fire Miss Sharp| telephoned the fire department, adMas im d Y perfectly. and mmogthix fitting ent; ee Ow EVENING DRESSES AND GOWNS are from the most: noted mak, lity ; zaboutit it , : an Individuality aving workmans Paris, ; their in ers rkmanshiphaving it that tha caeeeeee peubae iS cpntmaciew oF ame See cui gowns, TAILORED under her! Ai waitlcries D -_--Ox7"-_o-_____- Tuesday, Sept. 25, Via Salt Lake Route 7 5 are une trip. Special train t | L = instant! an : with: them H A theFurntshi Handsomest Ladies' ailorir Security| curtains See> trampled aatatikdee 9 M and of} be- have in the fire ge They blazed the as was: necro ro emy hangings and Wagnet PROVO presence might what prevented a disastrous afternoon. | Monday Trust building & Cecelia Sharp, a musician who has the} in 531-532 rooms. in apartments building, tipped her alcohol stove over, | ; in tl O ‘ Mrs, Charlton has just returned 5 line of exquisite most her the with ii with onsen anata > come and best the this akes t and . 7 M S| showingLadies! d of) Presence Z and SERVICE DAY" TO ae South | street. SWEEP SE an -- re- time pro- Rheinberger Aas CLS cia . | : EXCELLENT OSs Te , ing, leaves () Route Sept. 25, Via Salt Lake S28 round trip: p. 5:00 Lake Salt . lleaves N. | ing, leaves Provo 11:15 coun- | our 9 . power | Second West ROM.) OO Pluck . Her GOODS painting, paperhanging, framing. Chas. H. Bodel, odel, 33-35 5 E. E. 1st 1st So So. -- EXCURSION fe. pene Ree Wall paper, paints, picture frames, "WEDDING erect First i te ee QUALITY been act 3, and |."Bridal "Taoheperit' co: eice a eae ee cia Aei ees eer Deco ..+->+ <0. -"Viaton: ; Se ty | and fit gram for Tuesday's recital will include the following numbers: Concert' overture ,.....+.+.Faulkes a to Third CHIMNEY GIRLS TM examiners, - é é ee é out first pole abrowh. a ‘ < : Ww BetcnGe de tindemeidonca | ane has days at to 3 o'clock, changed the doors will be locked. to Introduction Sha" from: ; on tn- Tuesday} early city ae) of his contract these works must be fin- | ished and in operation by Jan. 1 and! the ‘company has already made con-| Lizzie | tracts to supply power after that date. | Bountiful ' ee Power, sites in: Big CottonMr, Schrott of Chicago had between . Ethel ie as the i distinction of being: the first| lines wie 1 ersc ace to attempt an ex-| Tuesday, aifinntier pia rs Lake, Time of Recital Changed. 5 : Owing to the fact that Mr. McClelmust ace a' GES ar 5 peered after Salt cee The "Keister" skirt in hang Ga oan ait and ie yevenne ees lan ETT a 100°' GOOD Co. A. eee of work construction the 4a igh school Ward . of. arethe Lak ety Hig shor : I '05 has successfully passed the class of before in German | examination the LCcity fore wn ; ' i Salt Lake. Arnar ae au the company . r that short time. bssince » ae FR city, to she has valuable Sey é Rarcirited Gandy Z Bh ‘ Canadian return a on contract house Margaret | Streets bet Thomson, Laketon 212 ~Jumes b. Oswald. Salt Lake; oe a0 Ringwood, Salt Lake. 26- oslah | : emp. Mereur, NM ago. J. J brother| Laka, | he *| Laketon; put Adela"Iwood. | oe, to, ' Salt Where they will be laid in the O'Reilly | o), rape a: tr er GE amily burial u plot. 7 Se RCLLOE J The (Oallly brothers) were: <wellSh epee Edith White, th Centerville. c¢ ieee said ea company, already in the be Logan Webb, alrez is Bree Lake 5 to work; in fact, fifteen men beean our in Little Cottonwood canyon Monday morning and others were to pe Blackburn, Holliday, B Sali ity incorporation acquired several hun-| of propdollars' worth thousand dred erty 6 time was to be lost in ‘get- ecast. fafr. ars MARRIAGE LICENSES is meriet nT incorporated ea : oh ander. Peer, the state of Utah aws ofof $3,000,000 ' capital aJ with Gudies Lawrence who ‘apheavedt eos in-|'thehe had x ‘ DUPELION 6 at cent ¥ ok Servicea Fubliec fu apes 2o-Herbert F. Lilley, Salt ‘Lake; T Shriphon;s Siapiney Olivet. Gy precipitation of the ‘month,' :77 precipit excess..of. 3 »Ss 2c i -- CANADA : ee first. Brothers Disinterred | 210-Joseph Mt. oe: ches r Accumulated aa since Jan. 1, 6:29 Inches. 26 humidity, Relative Pan te is ; Those of O'Reilly are er de of ficlency ate a Accumulated 1, 236 Atnteas Jan. since ; No J precipitatio tion. r South. TO SENT BODIES ee ture Be since ge fg aw ‘ . had VERTICAL LETTER FILES. System, Cabinet Globe-Wernicke Breeden Gtice Hust to. } . The jany Woe) Grow jot tendent A. C. Nelson of the - state} : I schools ts ; desirous' of P securing the ser> Fi Postoffice teacher for the| vices of a woman eS en ee A capable teach- | turned prom seated to fre and and eee Grae rec seaitat ending In Getting ° Business. rubbish She locked up released. : Fedo ac tins property was restored weather the half|of selor, } : Yesterday's Cyrus| a bishopric, quantity girl's Peek as aa eg eee eNO DAILYi WEATHE ee of BR REPORT. Peck; e] : Le second counselor mache Lorrin; Y. L. M. I. A., pres- | Q: Cannon; sel-|. ¢ B. Cannon:1; firstfirst counsel ident, Louise : ) ' the a Burton ire men were then colored woman was Time ee 7 BRIEF degree 81 temperature, Maximum high| the stake member of Improvement | ™inimum temperature, 58 aauinaeciieat Mutual The is 6 d which temperature, 70 degrees, 4 reorganized were associations tis 6 de-) following are the irritates ater ihe gress above normal. temperaof ae ‘organization: \ ¥. M. M. I. A. pire EIROe the Hee new. made 2 council. } in and ten after who, .,Gold, years' succeeding ‘Cannon, M. Lewis : beneath the No IN Among East Chicag Ne CAE, New of the cities visited ‘ i» were Burousei. on igeethier with thee e colorec AG,'theresort.at 60° Cor ton: eee Wall paper, paints, picture frames.|cial § POWER Y ha nad saved her. life wan Coa Sortiinitted tt oe abe charge of having When Serecant Yew lava . Patrol, len "ca ¢ a jay Carlson the scene ered' on iar |they took ea one Heed tie Worms, On.the reverse side ers' Association."", the pendant are the words, "‘FortyHage ne Annual Convention, Salt Lake City, Utah, January 16, 1907. ed John Q. Critchlow and J. H. Garrett : Zion's Savings Bank and Trust comreturned to the city yesterday morning after a month's visit in the pfricipal| pany, No. 1 Main street, opens more ae Tse she and composure, the police, a 1 her ve Bape ree ; er loss. loss toto his sire and oneDub of nose Materated® 77 W. 2nd South. ne freely | oxtent renwercdhere noma flowing was Blood Partello's ee HEA Fosselli seemed as fresh and vigorous as when the fight began. When the combatants were finally separated they were both booked on} Bail was fixed a charge of fighting. | OPENING ODAY THE r ‘ IT'S TRUE REPUBLICAN J Zz A= s a HAS IT . vt |