Show OFFICIAL IJ Ii CALL C. FOIl FOlt COUNTY CONVENTION A Republican count convention con enlon Is hereby called calell for Cor Monday Oct Ocl 8 8 1306 11 at al the hour of oC 10 o'clock a. a 1 m. m at itt lt the tine Salt Ial Palace Palice for or the tine purpose JI of or nominating nomi one county commissioner for Cor or tine the four year l' l term tenon one county commissioner commis abner for time the year two two clr term lenin county c citric chirk rl county count treasurer county sheriff sherlf county attorney county count assessor count county coun coun- t L ty auditor county recorder county surveyor SUCO stir sur SU CO two t o state stale senators for the tine Sixth ten lea representatives senatorial district for the time 1 representative e district d an and fifteen members of oC tine the Republican t two Iwo from Crom noun each of oC tine the five fic n e municipal wards In un Salt Halt Lake live from the tIne county outside City and I e of oC Salt Sil Lake CI City anti and ani for Cor or the time transaction tion of ur such other bu business bushiness as may ninny ton properly come before said convention The rime Republican electors elector of oC Salt Sai Lake county will wil meet leet In Iii their respective election districts on Monday Oct Ocl 1 1 electon 1106 1 at al S 8 o'clock p. p in 1 for Cor or time tho purpose purpose pur pur- pose of oC delegates lo tu tine the con- con yen lon Delegates arc are apportioned among tine the election electon districts as follows s DIst Diet Del Del Dial Del Del First Ost S Fifty 3 Second S Fifty sIxth 5 G Third 8 S seventh Fifty seventh C G Fourth 0 U I 3 Fifth 10 10 Fifty 2 Sixth 10 10 Sixtieth 3 Seventh 9 Sixty first 3 Eighth 10 10 10 Sixty second 5 Ninth 10 10 Sixty third 1 Tenth 10 10 Sixty fourth 1 Eleventh S Sixty fifth 3 Twelfth 9 Sixty sixth 4 Thirteenth 10 Sixty 5 S Fourteenth G 6 eighth Sixty 3 Fifteenth 1 I Sixty ninth 1 i Sixteenth 9 9 P I Seventeenth 1 10 10 Seventy first 1 Eighteenth 10 10 Seventy second I 1 Nineteenth 19 1 10 Seventy 1 I Twentieth 10 10 Seventy fourth 1 1 Twenty 1 10 Seventy fifth Se 2 Twenty second 10 sixth Seventy 3 Twenty Twenty- Twenty third t 10 10 10 Seven Seventy seventh seven t-seven th I 4 Twenty fourth 10 10 S Seventy eighth S Twenty fifth 10 10 Seventy ninth 5 Twenty sixth 9 0 EI Eightieth 2 Twenty seventh Ke entY 1 10 Eighty Oral Ort 7 Twenty eighth 10 EI second Eighty 1 I Twenty ninth 4 2 Thirtieth 10 10 fourth Eighty 2 2 Thirty first 10 10 fifth flighty 4 Thirty second 10 10 sixth Eighty EI 1 I Thirty third 10 10 seventh Eighty 2 2 Thirty fourth 9 G 5 ICh 10 11 10 BI ninth Eighty hl C G Thirty sixth 10 10 Ninetieth 2 Thirty seventh 10 10 Ninety 1 Th Thirty eighth hh th 10 10 second Ninety 1 Thirty ninth 10 10 third Ninety 3 3 Fortieth 10 10 Ninety fourth 3 Forty Fonty lorty 10 10 Ninety 3 fourth lICy 12 12 12 sixth Ninety 2 2 Delegates elected front from districts outside out out- Ml side o of oC Salt Lako Cl City will wi meet in iii II their respective precincts und and nominate on one Justice of oh the pence peace and one ono conS con con- S stable tab Ic It Is I earnestly recommended el that the tine primaries be conducted 11 in iii time the following follow follow- Colow- Colow ing manner that the tine district chairman in each district appoint three suitable Republicans to act as Judges of oC the primaries one to tal take e down lown the tIne names and addresses of or nil all 01 persons voting that the tine voting be Ito by ballot and amid tho tine 4 be he held open at al least Jennat leall ono hour moor from Crom S to 9 o'clock p. p m ni All Al Republicans applying between the time above ubo c named hours who wino are arc entitled to lo vote vole should bo be given the ni The rue electors of oC the tine various tl districts will wi organize for or tine the campaign by electing elect elect- In ing imig u a district committee to lo serve C for two years cors composed of ot a district chairman chair chair- moan man secretary and all three committee committee- nell men committee I By fly order of oC tho the Republican county count I J. J J U. U ELDREDGE Jr Jn Cima Chairman I II hI I. I H. H I. I Smith Secretary 1 |