Show I LANDLADY HAS 1143 i ARM ARMS S Severely verely Pummels Boarder Who Fell Behind in S Account SHE TRIED COURTS FIRST FIRSTS S I S Ulin Unable tile to Gain I ii Sn Satisfaction I lou Si She ic Floors r S Delinquent In iii Police SInS SIni Station SIn Sta i S HUll tion Cot Corridor r. r r 5 Joe Partello an Italian laborera Is isS S flow a firm advocate ad of the wisdom of oC paying ones one's board bill as soon as It Is due dile And he has good reason for his convictions In the matter for be- be cause of or his ins own failure to settle his I bill he yesterday received a very se severe so- so vere yore drubbing from his landlady Mrs 5 Marie arie also an Italian Mrs Mis Fo runs rubs a n boarding house on Second North between Fourth and 5 Fifth Firth West Vest streets Partello has been Sc living at her house for Cor several S months his bill amounting to about 5 S 1 SO she alleges Of Ot this amount she S has not been able to collect a dollar 5 The 1 boarder has asserted time and again that he would pay as nN soon as he lie 1 was able and because of his promIses promIses promS prom prom- S he be has hils been allowed to remain Inthe in inthe 5 the house Yesterday however howe Mrs j.- j. S decided that she he had wHited waltel long enough for COl her mone money and antI she I S determined to hurry hUIT matters a n littleS little S b by bringing In the law la to aid In iii making mak In lug ing the collection So o she he brought S Partello before Justice Dana T. T Smith S to whom she told her hel troubles troubles- ParS Partello Partello Par Par- S tello said that he had lial no mone money at atS S present whereupon Judge Jud-c Smith told S tho the woman that he lie could do 10 nothing nothingS S S for her Undaunted the landlady determined assistS assist assist- Ift S to tr try police polLee headquarters for fOl a S ance So she or ordered ered Partello to folk follow fol fol- fol- fol k low lou her hot to the police pollee station and he S S obeyed cd without the slightest remonstrance remon remon- To ro the lie d desk k sergeant the lie 5 5 woman told her hm story and Partello S In iii turn tuili reiterated his Intention of ot settling tho the account as ns soon a as he r- r could 1 Mrs was again told S that th nothing could he be done lone for her S As who she left len the room she hc was heard S to mutter something about taking aking It S out of his hide l on Oil tile the Mat Iut zat S. S The desk sergeant was just settling 5 s hack back In his chair chah when he lie and the theother other officers In the station were S S V startled b by the noise of a n S gb glo gle out in the corridor or of the station With thoughts of a u riot CarlS'S Carlson Carlson Carl Carl- S S S'S J j son dashed around the lie counter In the thel l direction of the disturbance When he reached the corridor a second or two later he was as astounded at the h I sight before him Mrs had Partello down on the thc floor and anel was 5 y delivering Into his face ce and body a series of of- of straight punches and uppercuts uppercuts uppercuts upper- upper cuts that would have put Joe Gans Cans to toS S shame Blood was flow flowing InS freely from ron Partello's nose and one of oC hI his 5 S e ears r was badly lacerated but Mrs 1 S S Fos seemed as fresh and vigorous S as ai when the light fight began When the combatants were finall finally 1 l separated they were both booked onS on ona 01 S S a charge of lighting Ball was e j at nt 10 In each cach case caseL L I |