Show S SAYS YS I In iii IK SOLD SOIl FARM F. John 1 P. P Pierce Sues Sites for fm Mono Money Ad Advanced 1 to tom Work m It John P. P Pierce yesterday flied filed suit against Nephi P P. Pierce to secure Judgment In the sum um of 1000 The plaintiff alleges that hint in 1905 he lie outfitted out out- I fitted filled the time defendant with Ing Imig- Implements Implement and auth other farm Carm acI accessories ac- ac I I and supplied I mone money with which to purchase farm lands the lie a agreement being thai lint the defendant ant was to work certain farm lands hands di dividIng dividing II- II viding the profits equally It II Is al alleged alleged al- al eged that this agreement was entered 1 Into nto b by both parties and that the thc plaintiff has since learned that thai time the defendant has sold the farm lIe He asks the court to decree him entitled to lo one halt of the time proceeds of ot such sale MC which Is said to be he of or the Lime value of or 1000 |