Show WOMAN PUT PUTS OUT FIRE Her Pluck and presence of Mind Avert a Serious Blaze A plucky woman with presence ence of mind prevented pre what t might have hu be become he- he conic come a disastrous fire in the Ute Security Trust building Monday londay afternoon Cecelia Cecella Sharp a n musician who has apartments In rooms In the tho building tipped lipped her alcohol stove over set lire fire to some curtains In the room Tho They blaz blazed d up In an instant and ancl the tha room was as filled with flames Sho She tore tote the curtains from their hangings and trampled them under her feet until the lire fire was put out She then them turn turned cd her attention to the edges 0 ot tho the wall vall paper In the room loom which i had been heen I Ignited In a few tew seconds i It was all over 01 and serious results were a averted After putting out tho the fire tiro Miss Sharp telephoned U the fire Itle department advising ad ad- it ft not hot to hOed heed an any alarm that might have ha been turned In Iii because I tho the fire tire was out |