Show 1 JOANNA MINE IS SHOWING RESULTS Shipping Rich Gold Ore From Properties on Cherry Creek MUCH WORK IN DISTRICT It Cl Times rimes Expected In the thc Calli Camp Between Now Xo anti amI t Year A J letter to The Republican Re Ite- publican n from Cherry Creek Creck Nov C V Sn's says tays that that camp contains gold old cro ero which ranks among the richest i In the state this belll being shown by the recent shipment made from the thc Joanna Joanna Joanna Jo Jo- anna mine the property of tim Iho H Hart HIt It Nevada ford Gold Mining company L whose head office once Is at Hartford Corm Comm Y This was a sample shipment of live j 7 tons which was wa shipped to tho the Taylor ray fay 1 lor loi Ore Sampling oom om- om t J IF pany jany any of Murray lura and was sold old b by them I to the time American Smelting t Refining company ml ut at t the le price of or a n ton 7 The Time Hai Nevada hartford Ne ada company compan expects I t to continue shipments of or ore Ole equally good at frequent Intervals gi The Joanna mine IH is being worked b by a a crosscut croscut tunnel which is Js now over ovet 00 feet In length and has cut out three parallel veins eln Levels are arc aO being driven Ic en CI el both ways wag from this tunnel on the two most westerly veins known as t veins No Nos 1 and 2 On No o. o 1 the thc level IC el to tho limo north ha has reached a length of sixty feet and an on the vein in Is being made whole where there Is a abod bod body of oC ore two feet teet wide with wih value values from 45 15 to lo 50 a ton In j- j the south level on the same vein eln work woric I. I IM Is no now being done In an ore oro chute chuie chute three feet wide with wih a rich streak 1 him foot wide vide which gives average c ca a assays s 's o of OO a ton tomi Lc Level C Connects With Wih Shaft Shuf On No 2 vein a level has been run sixty feet north on a n ledge varying In width from two to lo four our feet and ah an I l Is being made in two Iwo feet feel O of ore asa assaying ins from 60 RO to On m the same vein a u level evel has been driven south to lo connect with wilh No Xo 1 shaft which Is lOt feet deep leep in or order er to tot V t- t furnish air al' al to lo the Iho deeper workings s. s f In this level also several good bodies r 01 am O Ore oro have havo been encountered This i 1 level lo cl is il at pre present enL 10 feet In length and tho the air connection will wi soon be complete The TIme foot foot tunnel In Its Is course also cuts culs cuu In imi 11 a addition to lo the thc yelps veins already al- al l- l ready rc-aly spoken of or a a soft large large soft dyke dyko ko or orin vein in of and talc laic from ten len to twenty feet wide crin carrying values aluos ranging from fromn rom 5 to lo 1 12 a ton This in itself should It I prove permanent perma penna- nent shou should make this mine mile a a bon boa anza arza As soon as the tho air connection is completed a double force of men will wi b p put t at al t work and In tho the near future a large lar e milling plant will wi be erected The rue high grade ore will wi continue to lo lob tobt b bt bl shipped to lo smeller t 5 Tho The Gold Goll C Canon non Mining company nd ld tho the Mining company 1 UK th former operating a n short distance tou h south and the tho latter a little to lo the of the Joanna arc finding good goodS I S I. I alucs alue aind good quantities of ore oro and andar c. c ar are palling up tip IJ largo large comple compressor or I dud Aid numerous buildings for heir machinery S About Aboul a mile mie south of the Joanna and 11 on n mi the sipe mountain range Fred FredS an and Allen len Nuckols are arc workIng workIng work work- S Ing two claims called caled the April Fool the on which thy they have haveS S several line fine from which they have had assays recent recently which run from 1 to lo a 1 1 ton tomi gIg giving g- g I ing Ig an average e acro across two Iwo feet of ore ot 01 about s tG 25 a ton alt alI within Ii tj live foot feet oct of or the thc surae Numerous other claims In hi time thc tin tin- m- m worked wilh mediate vicinity are arc being very cry gratifying rc results 5 Much tuch Ore Blocked Out Omit I. I 1 The locality of all al the above b L in hat is locally known as o dl district and Is about live five le miles mies south south- south south- S of cst of the town Mine Mimic Will Ronnie tlC i To the north antI and east cast of Cherry A Cn Creek ck town and within n it I radius of 4 I three mites miles are a a number of line prop prop- i it tics chief Of f which Is the Star mine r. r r tIC ono J of the loading leading silver er 1 mines of the Iho Gl Glasgow Gins Glas state owned and amid all operated by the thc got gow W Ve Western tern Exploration company At present no active work worl Is being done dOlc but iUt it I Is said operations will wi soon oon be resumed largo large ar o. o shipments r could he bo ma made e a as there arc hundreds or thousands of dollars dollars' worth of ore oreS Ole S blocked out in the mine mimic Among the other properties now j working or about aboul to resume i orl work are arc the tue Tea Cup mine 0 b by the Biscuit hits Bis lis- lis cult Mining com company pan of dl Salt Lake and the tile Biscuit Extension company com pan also al o of ot Salt s1 Lake On tho the 1 Mary an Ann nn owned nail and operated by bt tho the National Mining company of Salt Lake a a new lew hoisting plant has hag just been erected and amI operation commenced on a largo scale calo This company shipped several carloads of ore oro 00 to Salt Sal Lake a few weeks cols ago aso and shipments will wi con- con to be lc ma made e from POW ow on About twenty miles south of this camp canti at what Is known as Hunter splendid resul results In copper silver and ald lead are alO being obtained The he Vulan in Mining lining com company pan recently shipped several f sev sev- UI eral aI 1 carloads and has many more moro for 01 shipment nt when teams leams cil can he be procured procured pro pro- cured eurell to haul the tire ore to the railway Tho Carbonate Mining company is hs al also also alto al- al so to operatIng In the sm same locality and between that place and Cherry Creek tho the White hito hlo Pine MutIng Mining company compon has commenced operations on a D gold prop prop- o Across the Steptoe valley Is tH property properly of the Iho Siegel Conot- Conot ca cd a cd compan company ho whoso whose recent shipments shipments ship ship- ments have amounted to twelve to lo carloads and which ho ha has at al nt In sacks and bins Id for or shipment nearly a thousand tons awaiting teams to get it Il to the Iho Ne- Ne railway Many prospectors and Investors are arc looking over these various districts and numerous bonds and anti purchases of properties are aro 30 being reported from da day dayto to day hi This camp I Is sure to see ec lively lively live live- 1 I ly tm times between now anti and tin tilt open openIng hl lug Ing of tiC If I 19 1907 |