Show SHOUT l LINK EXTENSION Corl COme Brothers lo 10 Lute Line 1 rw Twin imn I II l Falls lIL I to I B Ogden Sept 24 Tine 24 The for Ol the Iho extension of oC tho the Oregon Short Lines Line's l branch from flom Twin Palls Falls to Buhi Duhl eighteen miles distant 1 lias been awarded to the Corey Brothers Construction company of or tills this ell city A. A B. B Corey one of or the tine firm has ha hasi i left for or the tue scene of the tine work worl and u a ul l big ig force of men will be put to grading grad grad- lug ing Immediately It is estimated that x tho the cost of or the tiLe work will be between and Core Corey Brothers engaged in working a fifty fifty- mIle stretch on the Great Grent Northern between t Gl Great t Falls a and Billings HI Mont Mr 11 Corey recently returned from Ely Nov Nev where he Inc had gont on business connected wl with h the tine proposed proposed pro pro- posed hosed construction of ot the lie big smelter smeller al at that place Through h some orne technicality the tire bids of all alJ the contractors ve sveto 0 rejected and new bida bIds were c fOl for This ruts enterprising Ogden firm of or contractors will put in a a. new bid |