Show S U Ii ONS IN TIlE THE DISTRICT COURT counT OF TH TIlE THU Third judicial distrIct of the State of oC Utah Ulah county of oC Salt Sail Lake Hen Damn Butler Buler No 2 Mining company compan plaintiff s vs Frank E. E Wilson trustee defendant Summons The The Stale State of or Utah Ulah to lo time the said Defendant t You are arc ar hereby summoned to lo appear within twenty days elas after ater the servi ser le of or this mis summons upon you If it served sel pt tine the tie county In ill which this action Is brought ht otherwise within thirty days after service and amid defend tIme the above entitled action and anti In iii II ca caste cane of your our failure BO so to tn do tb Judgment will wil be lt rendered against you OU according to the tine I demand of or the thc complaint which In ten days after service serice of ot this Ibis summons sum mons linens upon you ou will ivill wi bo be flied filed fled with the Inc clerk of oC sal said court cork Mays and Orem Orm Plaintiffs Plaintiff's Attorneys I P. P O. O Address 3 X and ali SOS 1 Auerbach Suit Salt al Lake City Utah |