Show CASSATT IS IMPROVING PIe President of or the tile Penn jl anla H Railroad Rail hail road Ha uris Whooping COIl Cough h. h New York Sept 24 21 III In reference to tho Ito reports circulated In iii Wall all street today that lint Mr 1 Cassatt was ery very ill and amid andIn andIn In ma a a. dying condition the tine Pennsylva Pennsylvania Pennsyl Pennsyl- va main vania in railroad Issued the lie following statement Mr Mm Cassatt was vas rapidly Improving and was out driving yesterday Simply as a malt matter mailer l' l of prudence his physicians clams nd l advised etl that lint he remain away from froni rom his office for Cor a few days The slight loss In strength which he Inc suffered surf suf as at the tine result of a recent nt attack o of whooping cough is being rapidly re regained ro- ro gained b and his ills physician states that Mr Ir Cassatt's condition could riot not be he bemore moro more favorable The Thc re reports reports re- re ports ch circulated on nm the lie stock exchange today are entirely without foundation In iii fact II |