Show t Salt Lake Lalta Photo Supply Co Ko daks claka and Main and 3rd So Sn n 1 i SA SIT SALT lIT CIP COMPANY Ion to 0 Logan Septem September cl 28 S via O. O S. S J. J L. L Round Hound Roundtrip trip rip from Salt Sail Lake Special 1 train rain at 3 30 1 p. p m. m Tickets good lor br return until Sept Sort 30 Sweet Marie Mario l' l Fa tuII all IN Cincinnati Sept 21 Sweet I.-Sweet Sweet Mario MarU tried and amI failed tailed at the Grand Circuit races race here to break her own record of The mare marc could do no better better bet bet- ter than 3 SALT TIr LAKE hAKE EXCURSIONS I Autumn Outings Via Iu Utah's Mot Most Popular Road Hond Mexico City and return The tour of or old Mexico affords the tho grandest grandet grand brand est cst autumn trip to bo be found on th the American continent San Francisco Los Angeles and Intermediate points only 25 Short line quick Utah's tah's finest Onest trains Los Angeles and return only 30 S Special sale dates datos Sept 4 I to 14 Positively Positively Positively the last 30 excursion of or the season seaton to glorious southern California Low v rates for fOl settlers to points In southern rn Utah miners' miners excursions s to Nevada Ne points and lowest rat s all an the time timo to all nil southern California points Follow Fonow the crowd clowd to the ticket South Main street I Meredith's Merediths Trunk Suit SulL Ca Cases es Bags PUl Purses Purees es Main LAST EXCURSION TO LOGAN LOGN September 28 Via Ore Oregon on Short Line Round trip from Salt Sail Lake 2 50 Special train at p. p pm p.m. m. m Tickets good for tor return until Sept 30 Salt Lake Opera compan company com coin pany pan In The Tho Wedding Da Day D. D I IU U I I I 14 K r i ti r i I U E Y I I I ilL Manager and 1 Wed eil TONIGHT Wed Wel MilL Mat ni at t 3 i i iCharles Charles Frohman Presents WILLIAM COLLIER In Au Augustus ustus Th Thomas Thomas' mas' mas Comedy ON THE QUIET Prices The THURSDAY Y NIGHT ONLY JANE CORCORAN In th the N N. Y Empire Theatre Success s The Freedom of Suzanne Prices 2 c to 1 Sale Hale Opens To Today ay Friday Saturday Saturday Mat I D. D V. V Arthur DIGBY BEll I is In th the Gibson Play TIlE THE EDUCATION EDU OF 01 MR Mit lIPP Seats Scats 2 c to At Al Matinee All Mi Lower Floor 1 10 MODERN VAl DEVILLE ALL THIS WEEK Jill lIole Holey mill thc IL Tolly 1011 Arthur Doming Dick Illicit V cruc erue eruc Jewell Ie cli Every ry evening except Suna Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day a ie c. c rile rIc c. c 25 Box Dox seats seals 1 Ma Tue day Thur du and Saturday We COe 5 Es k- k lOc Box Slats seats 7 dC J DUlIT l JO 1 iN I I. I I IT Souvenir Mat 1 3 p p. p in Gordon B Arc jou nu I I In linc line g I Beautiful Dutiful Romantic I rill rr ho Drama of tho the I I Southland I A R I I I i Royal oya I ur it i Slave Story HOI of or I the year I Old Mexico fn faiNt fOt Iro Pro A t Noteworthy tt V i Superb nM I the Slime 1111 Y VS or OP SIN MX LYRIC L C THEATRE THEA IJ E Salt alt L Lakes Lake's Family Theatre TONIGHT The Lyric Stock Company IX A M Millionaires Millionaire's r s Wife Matinees Every Wed and Sat Evening Prices PIlle SOc Oc Matinees lOc be and Y V. M. M L i. C. C A. A Auditorium II III S 81 IZ I p. p m. m TON TONIGHT H I Cunning I IZ Z Vho ho fail Jeaker I Single admi admission 50 cents course six entertainments I I SALT LA LAKE TURF MAIN ST. ST California and nd Eastern Easten races race I Direct wire for all aU 11 sporting events event I TIMETABLE TIMETABLE II I ii ix EFFECT l- l I L Sept t. t t DUG ArrUe No o. o From Irom 4 From O Ogden den Chicago O Omaha St Ix Louis Kansas I Ci City ty an and Denver r 15 nm dm No s t Fron From rom Ogden Portland nu Butte He and San SUI Francisco am alII No 6 Front 6 From Ogden and ancI Intermediate Intermediate Inter Inter- mediate points H u-m. u No 0 12 12 From From O Ogden den Cache Val Vat Icy ley Malad Park CIt City and In- In r termed late points 1113 1115 ain om No 0 IS IS Prom From Chicago o. o Omaha Og Ogden l Mi n an and other points 42 pm p.m. No 2 FrOn 2 From O Ogden n. n Chicago o. o St. St Louis Kansas City Omaha Denver and antI San s. Francisco pm p.m. No o. o 10 JO Froni From Ogden Cache Cacho Vale Valley Val Val- Icy ley e Portland un and San Francisco 7 73 pam pm Depart n rt No o. o 5 5 1 For 5 For 01 O Ogden Omaha Chicago Chi ca cago o Denver Den Kansas City City- and St. St Louis Loula am nm No 0 7 7 For O Ogden den Portland Butte Dutte Ely Kly Nov NC San Fran Fran- cisco an and Intermediate points 10 1030 irn nm No 1 l I For 1 For or O Ogden cn Omaha Chicago Denver Kansas City St St. Louis and anal San Sail Francisco 1 13 pm p.m. No 11 for ll For Ogden O Cache Valley Val Val- ley Icy Malad Park CIl City an and In Intermediate Intermediate In- In points 40 pm p.m. No o. o 17 17 For For O Ogden en Omaha Chicago Chi c cago o and other points 53 pm p.m. No o. o 3 For 3 For Ogden Denver Kun- Kun nn- nn xa sas City Omaha St. St Louis Jouis and Chicago o 60 pm p.m. Im No 9 9 For For Ogden Ollen Butte Helena lid Hel cnn ena Por Portland ml San S. Frau Francisco cisco and m Intermediate points 1113 pm p.m. D. D E E. HURLEY BUnLEY G G. P. P A.D. A.D. A. A D. D S. S A A. G. G P. P A. A 4 City Ticket Office Main aln Street Telephone 20 r Train Note otc Train numbers shown sho above ubo are Oregon Short Line Lino train number and do 10 not apply to the Southern PacIfic Pacific Pacific Pa Pa- west o of Ogden or the Union Pacific Pa Pa- el chic le east thereof UTAH'S MOST if POPULAR ROAD CURRENT TIME so U TABLE Depart Dally Daily LOS ANGELES LIMITED US p. p m. m LOS ANGELES GELES EXPRESS 1201 a a. a m. m For Garfield a. a m. m For Stockton and 75 a. a m. m For Nephi and Sanpete n. n rn m. For Garfield p pm p.m. m. m For and Utah county US p. p m. m For POl Nephi and Lynn p. p rn m. For Garfield p. p m. m Arrive Doll Dolly Daily LOS ros ANGELES LIMITED p. p m. m LOS OS ANGELES EXPRESS a. a ni ra rn From Garfield a. a nt m. From Lynn and JL m. m From and p. p rn m. rom From Nephi and Utah county 55 p. p m. m From Garfield 6 p. p m. m I From TIn Tintic tic and Stockton p. p m. m From Garfield n. n m. m Saves fIO miles to Los JAS Angeles New routh roul to Bullfrog 13 S. S Main st. st Phones 1385 J. J TL lL BURTNER District Passenger Agent CURRENT Tl TIME E TABLE 1 J Juno 3 1900 HJO J In n Erred Effect Leave Lome Salt Inke Iok CH City No 10 10 For For Provo and anti ale 8 80 No For 19 O Ogden den 11 a. a nm inT No lI For For ham sum tm m. m No o. o Fo 10 Fo- Fo Park City am a.m. No 0 6 t Fol For D Denver n vcr and antl Ea East t S G am lm No It For llor For O Ogden den 1023 am a.m. No For 5 O Ogden den and West cst 1035 am a.m. No o. o 1 l 1 For Ogden and und West Vest 1 pm No o. o For For t i 3 SOO pm p.m. Nt No 2 For 2 I For or Denver and anal Eist f. f pm p.m. No S S For For Provo Pro and TInGe GOO pm p.m. No o. o 13 13 For For O Ogden en 61 pm p.m. No o. o 2 For 21 For Denver Denser an Easl aniL-Easl Eust pm p.m. No 4 4 For For Denver and East pm p.m. No o 3 For 3 For Ogden Osden 1110 pm p.m. City No 19 19 1 Promo 19 From Den Denyer Dener r am and East am nm No C From From O OgOn cn an und and West cst 8 84 1 turn Ilm No 12 12 From From O Ogden den 91 am nm No 7 From 7 From Tin untie tic and Provo Pro am nm No 5 r er From er end and Jo East 1025 am nm No 3 From i IO W a. a am a.m. at No o. o 1 l-Fuini l n Dinver Cr un and East Eat 13 p pm p.m. m. m No o. o II Front lI From Og Ogden cn pm p.m. No 0 2 From 2 From O den and West pm p.m. No l Front l I From rom Park t C CUy 51 pm p.m. No o. o US Front Frum From ham to pm p.m. No 9 I 9 From 9 From rom Provo Prove and Mars Mar's 5 55 5 pm p.m. No o 0 20 From O From O Ogden G 62 pm p.m. No 10 4 4 Fromn From Ogden and atHI West West pm zm Jo No o. o 3 3 Front From Denver an and Fast East 1100 1111 pm p.m. All trains except No Nos 1 3 2 2 3 I. I Cr G. G r. t 19 0 ana and 20 inclusive stop at laU kite itt itt- points Ticket Office Dooly Block Phone COT oct I I. I A A. DENTON BENTON G A A. P. P D D. The Lagoon Road RoadS S Salt alt Lake C O Ogden Railway Simon Bambarger President enl and amid General Manager l Time Table in Effect Sept Sent 1 I 1 1010 Leave Leavo Salt Lake 5 50 and a. a Ill in and p. p m. m Leave Ln Layton ton for fOl Salt Lake and 1015 a a- m. m 2 4 GOO and p. p m. m Every day except Sunday special trains for fOl stock yards leave Salt Lake a a. a m rn and p. p m. m Returning leave yards ar j at 8 00 a. a m. m and pm p.m. J. J H. H KNICKERBOCKER OPTICIAN AND JEWELER lEVELER S. S MAIN IAL IN CURIO SHOr SUO I CLAYTON GLA MUSIC CO GO Viah's 9 oS Leading Jious I 13 11 South Main Iain I Street SALT LAKE CITY SURETY SURETY BONDS I FIDELITY ANn AND DEPOSIT CO OFt OF OP t I MARYLAND f fI I CALLISTER ANDERSON-CALLISTER CO J JI I General Agents l 1 08 Sr STATE TE STREET |