Show SPORTING CHAT if By Dy RIXEY Park City has practically won the title to state slate champions with three games sames to her credit against one for ho time Eureka nine I Eureka ureka won the first game same of ot the series selles of oC seven se games gaines gameson sameson on her home grounds and grounds and that ha hta been the last The have not experienced much trouble In winning sinning both oth games at home and should easily take ake at least one of or the games gamnes to b hi bl played here To win the thc title the pla players r- r have to take every one of or the three contests I scheduled In Salt Lake which the Eureka even cven enthusiasts will admit is rather a big lug ins ng The fact of time the matter is js that Manager Manager Man Ian Iana a ager cr Waters aters has pulled t together on one ot of the best besl teams Utah has seen In late ate years The nine men play to together together to- to gether sether are arc good fellows know the game Jame and certainly play it While there here arc no shining lights In the aggregation ag- ag they all an pIa play good ball hail and com easily eaily tho be best ben t of oC anything In th i r rs s s there thero Is something materially Ton wrong rong with the dope Ole the Pc s will viii wIn about two of oC the games gaines here i it not ot the three This will settle the question of or state champion and will gle e Ive the thc l Miners the John Dubol Dubel chal chal- enge Inge cup CUI Dubel says he will play the winner with the thc Salt l Lake alec team but the will experience little In n walking off of with tho the lions lion's share sharo of the games gaines Erven Jensen will probably probably ably twirl for Salt Lake but hul that will hat ly be bc enough to hold the thc victory from rom the tho Park City team S The soccer season Is again on and the he boys In iii the knickers are art training serIously for the time opening of the Utah State league games gaines The sport seems seem to o be enjoying more macro attention this fa fall and ami should on Its merits become one of 01 the leading games In the Inter Inter- region The Time association game will not o of course take the tho place of the Intercol- Intercol game at least for a good man many years rears Rugby seems to bo Ie making i I in that direction especially on the he Pacific P coast but bUl this fever will iiii probably die out Americans should lave have more loyalty to an American same game than to pick pic-I up the strictly Brit Brit- I sh h sport True Truc there are many mummy poin of oC f ad ad In the English game g but butt It t would be a sad commentary on th thi- thi brains of or the American athletic ge- ge If the Yankee game cannot be lie KII reformed as to make It fully Cully as as the English sport but American The association game however how i It different It I would supplant nothing unless It be the desire for added clean sports In the open air air- It I is gaining favor and monte merito a continued patron- patron ge The game brings out more of the he qualities of or the athlete with ess es danger anger of accidents than titan the thc collegiate game ramo It I trains the eye the hand hane the he foot the arms and legs less the lunE lungs and ond ever every part pall of or the bod body Every Ever muscle Is 11 called upon And the tho game games 1 is s so o much in lit the open that the no ito ore 7 than human show how ot of dirty work works is 18 s eliminated The rhe men muon who vimo nr are arc backing It arc are time the right kind of sports men who love amateur sport and anc boost It I simply for tor forit J ili it amateurism Such men as Wilham Wil- Wil 1 lam ham lam Service John O. O l and other others oth oth- ll er ers arouse the best element elemont In sport anti and their tireless efforts strict strictly lous lious lous seem destined to put hut the game same before the public in this country so strongly that the game will vill 1 draw draw In Increased increased In- In creased Interest with wih each match |