Show DELINQUENT T NOTICE VICKSBURG Gold Goil anti and Copper Co Principal place o of business bushiness Salt Sal Lake CI City Location of ot mines mimes Milford Beaver Beav er em count county Utah Ulah Nolice- Nolice There tire are delinquent upon the tine following described lt stock st ck on account of ot ag assessment No o. o 3 of ot tenth tenth 1 10 1 per Jer share hare levied le I leIthe the time hIm day lay of or August 1 lOG 1906 the time several se fral amounts set le tine iho names of oC tine the respective shareholders as ms follows No 4 Crt No Shares Aunt Ami Amt John uric Varley IS IS 18 1000 1060 10 Noall Noal 23 1000 1041 1 James I. I F F. Smith 2 W j l' l LP 10 W. W V. V T r r Noall Noal 27 7 l. l 11 1 CO J W. W T. T Noah Noall oal 1000 10 W. W Yo T. T 1 Noall Oil D J 1000 11 G Ceo Geo o. o J. J Taylor u lor 31 2000 2001 20 00 Joseph Josepin Nelson h 3 34 3 5 1104 1 Itt d Thomas 30 3 1000 1001 10 James Perry 40 O COO 1 CO m Joseph Jensen Jense 11 Ii 1 50 00 50 r E. E C. C Wheatley 1 4 53 5 2000 20 20 IS E. C. C heatley Cheatley 2 1000 1004 10 1 10 00 B. B J. J Stewart 4 W i SW Y Ci GO C C. B. B Stewart SI 51 J 00 Ci M 15 And In 10 accordance with wih law and an Oi order of oC tIne board of or directors mado on 01 tIne the hum day a of 1 1906 so 80 man ninny many sh shares r of oC each parcel of oC such stock as 11 may be necessary will wi be sold goll at nt public pub pub- lie lic 10 auction at al tine Iho office of oC Young YounG Bros lit at II 33 West cst First South Routh street streel Salt Sail Sl Lake el City Utah on lurLa Saturday th tine the hilt Ith da day of October 1 1904 at 12 o'clock noon to pay ia UK tint lent thereon to together to to- gether Jethel with wih the time costs of or advertising and amid expense of oC ta sale sah saleM 1 WM M W I r T. EDWARD Scene Secretary tary First publication Sept 21 1905 1906 |