Show TAFT IS HOPEFUL OF SETTLEMENT After Conference With Liberals s Believes li ves Outcome Will 7 T Be Be All Right TROOPS TO TO- TOMAKE MAKE NO MOVE Both Sides Agree Not to Renew Hostilities JIosi Hos ilos- i Until After Aftel Com Coin J J Due Dime Notice Havana Sept 24 The conflict between between be be- tween Moderates and Liberals bids fair rail ht to lo rca reach li a n s settlement which will not disturb rb the present s system of or go government In imn Cuba unless the leaders leaders leaders lead lead- ers In the tue two parties partie fall fail to fulfill the expectations which Secretary Taft Tart the American mediator now nor enter enter- Mr Taft Tart concluded at 8 8 30 30 o'clock tonight a long conference with I tho the Insurgents Insurgents' committee headed by Senator Senator- Zayas When lie inc left the conference con con- ference chamber the Secretary of War Val said I I am ama hopeful of a settlement There was much pulling and anti hauling haulin on the tine part parlor of the Liberal conferees but I believe that the outcome will viii be all right In com company pan with Assistant lant Secretary Secretary Secre Secre- tar tary of State Bacon and amid his military aide Captain McCoy Mr 1 Taft Tart entered enter enter- ed an aim and drove immediately immediately imme Imme- to the palace to confer with President Palma and Secretary Montalvo Montalvo Mont Mont- alvo Mr Mm 11 Taft Tart said there were certain certain tain ala propositions to be submitted to the thc government go evidently the result of the deliberations with the Liberals Liber all als but the character o of which could not bo le discussed at nt the present time A I miC new element clement was injected unto Into the tho situation today by hy the complaint o of Mrs II an American n property holder hohler whoso estates are arc situated situated situ situ- aled between Arenas and amid Mar Mar- lanao lanno According According- to Mrs complaint filed with United States Minister Morgan n the tine Insurgents are crowding crowding- forward in inn that vicinity and arc threatening to destroy livestock H and amid nd other othel personal property upon Mrs land lana Mr Cairns an American legation Inspector was Immediately Immediate Im un- mediate mediately to the front to remonstrate with the lie Insurgents and prevent If 1 possible os all army any depredations Soldiers Mu t u l t Be lie Kept Quiet As an au added precaution against further fur fur- lice ther encounters during the ne negotiations between government troops and Insurgents Secret Secretary ry Taft faCt toda today obtained obtained ob oh- a written agreement from Senator Sen Son ator Zayas ayas representing the Liberals covering the verbal understanding reached yesterday that th the Liberal soldiers soldiers sol sol sol- diers will make no advances during the ne negotiations This alre agreement was subscribed to by Secretary Montalvo o representing the tho government go The understanding Includes four loris Tho The first Is that there will wm vilI bono berio bo be bono no rio movement of troops troop on omi either side without a previous notification to theother the tine other I party through Senator ayas nhI Secretary tt r d respectively such such- notification also to tobe be be furnished r to a tho time Taft Taft commission Secondly the tine truce shall be effective e throughout Cuba Thirdly If Ie one ono side violates the conditions of or the truce truc the tine other side shall not riot take hostile action without without without with with- out first filing a a formal complaint complain with th the Taft Tart commission Fourthly hostilities shall hall not mint be resumed until twenty four hours hours' notification to Mr h l Taft Tart |