Show Trouble netting a H JUl Jury 3 Ogden Sept 2 21 Nearly I.-Nearly Nearly fifty tales tales- men have been examined In the District District Dis Dis- court in un the tIre case of oC J. J D. D Skeen vs S R. R I B. B Paine and correspondingly corresponding rejected in an effort to secure an ann impartial im irim- irim partial jury Jun to try the case Today It itras was ras found necessary to lo draw an additIOnal additional addi addi- venire o of twenty five from the tine Jury box boy The Tiie following is th tine the last venire drawn In inn tine till case Ogden Ogden To T. T S. S Browning Oscar N. N Brow Drowning Browning ruing Benjamin DInsdale Frau Frank Ic Carl E. E Peterson Isaac N N. Pierce A. A E. E Shaw James Macbeth l John Jenkins W. W V. V 1 P. Foster John S. S haul Hautz C. C J. J Tribe TIlbe Albert rl Stratford George Griffith Andrew JO Jost it Ij hi Thomas Walter Waltel II II Dadman Hooper A Antono Antone E. E Jesse 10 Powers Powers' VelS Eden Eden Daniel Daniel C. C Walker Farr Parr West Vest est Charles Chatles II Owen J Josephn Joseph II Monson 1 Plain City Hans City Hans Poulson Paulson J Frederick A A. A Miller Jesso Jesse A. A Child |