Show O Ogden Bl Briefs Ogden Sept Kept 24 George George Fol Foley y was down from flom CIo Croyden den yesterday Deputy Sheriff Charles Charle Stanley o of Elico Nov Nev Is vl In Ogden A force of men Is 18 now engaged In Inthe inthe the he pushing o of tho tine Ogden Ogdon Rapid Transit Tran Train sit f company's branch line to lo the tine Hermitage Her lIer- In Ogden canyon R. R a 3 well known stockman of Rock Springs is in the ito cH city with a avIew aview aview view of or starting starling a meal meat market manteL in iii this tints city Surveyor Ex General E E. II H. Anderson Anthem Ander t son f 11 of oC Salt Lake CIl City was an Ogden visitor today W. W v. v R. R l of and Miss o of North Og Og- n k-n n c-n were Vero today granted a license to towed wed J. J II Acklen of Nash Nashville vIII Tenn I Is in Iii the city to lake tako In tho the opening o of the hunting duck season on Iho thu grounds oC tho the Bear near River flyer Duck club A at message o was received from rom Los Loe Angeles this morning bringing the tho In Lu- Lu formation that J. J S. S Noble h hail had l bce been stricken with willi apoplexy and was In a cerious condition In lii tina Pacific hospital hos hos- pital f |