OCR Text |
Show > r THE : REPUBLICAN, SALT ' | 'The - of on --- | list Smith, -- jr, t. \ Liquor-Seller. ate Maintenance. | sus " ANFURIATED! LO MAY BUY Take to the t 1 when = | Swamps. pitched } cnec a . killed. Policeman Were other | : ttle vit Troops were a distance of two aera ; and Eubanks wounded injured hurried ha ber 15th SEPTEMBER oO to swer In when wanter furnished Atl by to Frank answet awal fa Crov. Cn charged OWN two from the scene, the rite | . . , Month for Demands in Custody a in the f o LIVING Child and of At with Kessler, Joseph Joseph W F.} ty Summerhays, to battery, then which waived sum was time granted. for the Permanent complaint of : , against his wife, in the ; Juvenile co to birth appear are not;ane out yout of|yesterday the resident |¢ormerly in that - in| {¢ her known cen- | ervation, as as Uintah citizens of ‘ SAYS of Utah, | district ter of the city, special cars being used | grates subject to the state laws, civil | the custody of their minor child, sult | to reach the trouble Negroes re-/and criminal, and takes the super-|money and $50 a month for permatreated when the soldiers appeared in vi jon of ca es like the one in ques-!nent support force and are now surrounded in the l tio n from the general government | In her complaint Mrs. Greenhalgh | Swamps \ heavy killing of blacks S| The indictment against George Boss |sets up that they were married in very possible under the act Jan. 30,) in 1902, that been since forced Four Sepof the negroes were captured, fisa7 found and charged defendant with tn- neteDenver ine r 10, 1905, and she has and under a heavy guard of soldiers |troducing intexicating liquors into a}t« separate and apart from. her OR ; 1e. Fite to injured policeme Kétend officers believed that anc ii themselves. returned they < the Date of Opening Aug. 25. The un- fire and injured a number The proclamation |opening of |try the and of the unallotted settlement was | which time President lands for Venta a issued July : es (oe oie Lyin ad e entered P. HE 2 sked Onde ' Pierce vanced to Work narnia f cg P adeg It. hey ber bi beet It[eet1 Ada oat "Oregon LUO block except lot December 22 19, n from 1895, described In the ‘J rf at St cs paces: tet , eek fee: ani aeere pe ¢ of t pa ie a er that'in 1905°he -out-ls feat "Herentiant ie eokicive ae SY with a certain oleh ames farm-|"" =| one OT . in ren 5Joseph T te b Sa ee WIPE | au during Husband Will Be Amply eh Pun-| quences, of their Hlide sUe When the reached sions of and i SP of outbgeak armed for the 6 of that same hat ay this of the city were again upon seene the to said of intent {civil against the The troops, each said of and respective to the criminal, of | the defendant al-| the the | Al, assumed jurisdiction matter of Charles Zuckswert, when, every | fuct, he had no H. as a Heritage matter jurisdiction in in| stepdaughter vs. Mrs. of |burv _ and abusing laws, the both | forth state |territory in which they may }and no territory Shall pass or or| in the Charles H. complaint Heritage reside; | debt, which enforce | through an of the this| evuit showed -satd) that it was sought to action in the court the collect of the his ariel Battery meantime <Hisvbalk Mrs | softened | ana /She toward of his was: UTAH de- wee 1Ve: |?! Tilbury's her. she refused to says that she fixed CORLMECIS heart abusive of July, were ‘one ST eee rE eee 1904. the In- r to shoot tempted soon to down every reinforced their hour by in and little chance of swamp without ; vu The who who cordon, were there at-|Clared militia civilians place in the the negroes hemmed man escape |@nd took |¢ees and |@hy tribe few heart their leaving being killed. . injuries were of the city to reported. it was there was practically although no negroes is be a citizen te all Sian. fo" oe of om continued to effect. |JUdge of the streets. rights, privil- ‘citizens, the Sears te. an to ina Dees popuiat afloat me oe e | ent status ane irtue o allotment of conformity SNE of cakes wT. the for eosts the in of all and ordering | 500. He also; this portions actions (ell'Im a dle the action. this action sums that and have the ling for a writ which. WAS ne" to ees Large Ks county attorney's yesterday with offices witnesses in were; by | 7. se witnesses; in appeared February the;their of the ease against Joseph charged in the aHidavit eer: the F Of 1 support William limitted: to spong and is a he he alleg to of the to.$339:55, by no sire Se aariigcn te Sere ES asi as : "| yas =C Roa > or case of Draper 7 pee united States it was against held = by . the eleo: court : |did not warrant prosecution therefor by the *Hhited: wiatke whonthe beni : See . can-< : cht i x ' ‘loc y y shoot.shoot: city ( ce An fea aa eee: groes made their escape and were pursued by a posse of citizens. The wom- | en and children sought refuge in a po- | lice station. No one was injured Irs. Thompson who lives on Crew | street, shot at two ne ie who a tempted to enter her house g) etaok and abil dead from fright after firing the shot A. Kiciterates RE the ELECTION a -_-_-r ; Views His ; On Tariff, "visi Revision in the indictment. "The opine the court is so satisfactory," "ays Jndge Marshall, "as to render necessary. further discussion ‘here.' of Cr ordan, 1 election here t a., this ari, cmphasizing Sept Se follows Peeé that the i ad and demurrer must. 3 the indictment unIt be disiged}\s;. F speaking -He reiterated for revision of at the same tariff, emphasizing at th me his devotion to the protective ciple in the following language: his the . time|$!-25 tir prin- eh TUESDAY, : Round al oe » were Salt after "Tam working and waiting for Re- | Everybody weleome. vay day a hushed Democratic Sime ; revision which pdints e toward, a tariff for revenue alone?' He declared he was endeavoring to| strengthen the Republican party and to this end would direct his endeavors untiringly. 8 eaking of his fight against corporation. leon In polities the govcrmo 6 "Tam a for election by every political railroad the state, and every monopoly, trust and ee tion throughout the country. IL ha in some way incurred their hostility end their power is not to be despised." re $1.25 TO PROVO VIA SALT LAKE so Tuesday, Sept. ROUTE "Phone our agent for ee ee a COUNSEL ‘ Chief eS Is to} in her he a Lake a a THREATENED Advises Ilim to Carry Revolver. sit.h We Can an Sehd THE REPUBLICAN It fairly Lake and aac of Uta to your the people tis nota Sousshid o ate. It tell the truth fearlessly, prints all the news that's fit to print, and commends where it can. 1 Itepublican never knocks ' ‘ . ait 1} 1 « n vit f | re to oecurred The -$ x plaii (1 ie Rane oe thelei] | FURNITURE Jr. Sec. and A ED i ' hat economy' ‘ "re-world lhnd 40S {only to CO. Tre 62 $$ -$___-__-_-_ East Second (C Page 5 ‘ by -~ - they this all did time, he paying pin. Salt per ton at the said, ----~ 3 ' Hirtiniat- Ordered: Radiction: Sharp. told of his resigning, it: because he but declined he had. spent to ps LIMIT OCTOBER of the " OBSER VATION Ticket 54 Main a PULLMAN SLEEPER-DINING CAR. Office 77 West Second South. 2 jus-| - is 20. OVERS j 4a offense 10th-STOP 66 with ~~ - - San EERE --- aed St. excursionists separated of way of cum i D | Union i 7 Via Utah's and sShort intermediate » line finest quic quick trains. Southern r for the land acne ° DEM, as ~a was given ‘hurk of Clark to ou for the arbitrarily to Pleaase ant $5.75 in NV «ane Governor |that visited‘ Wells he had asked forced ‘oal November, He said his dhderataniaiih after the advance had been Have J { REMIN Have you tried the you seen the iT points, ° ?$ New An- Utah; 5 Le California an e excursions 5 oe en a pas to all southern nederdel ee Salt' Lake,a him all of 8 why the ne and it oe : ‘ Chirles iz M. testified that }up a quarter at Abbott Hardie then} a of. Farmington, two years ago section of land ‘ ‘sg en. Years. Soin. quarter section | turned m over to by the aac wtationary ene "Union coal company > Spaulding Was Reluctant. |questions put to him were along lines| followed by the attorneys, while D, F. W. Spaulding, who said he was Sharp was on the stand. Mr. Morris an attorney in the legal department of fold of the methods of the pool of t Union Pacific at Evanston. Wyo., coal dealers that disbanded some ten sald he had taken a quarter-section of |or twelve years ago, and said that so land which had been transferred te far as he knew there was no comD, QO. Clark or Mr. Black of the Union bination among the local coal dealers. fic Coal company. He was He was unable to explain how tit hapreluctant witness all through and his) pened that advances in the retail coal i experience on the other side of the prices in Salt Lake were made by all} rail, while being eee by local dealers at the me, and same attorneys for he mmission, was yee prices were kept on a uniform g to all eae, the witness, In' asks. _ ] k to know work : A and 6k has ORS BY st | The New Jatest and do bet {ter ever done or greatRem- work and before, WHO by . CURE Tivate Diseases. the latest and for of Men most ad. Deaf Ca- Medical ienuies ot ne-tenth Sharan oe to one- eeLcir ineie eae Services Se oe Consultation SPECIA ; hores and enables a ises, all. > I" DEPARTMENT Special Des FOR motnatvely for othe orance, Senn them te ou Aaa are. atarrl advi l. have all ¥ ind { sts oe Con eee in need ena iG : 4 excesses or PRIVATE bad patria: gone-unfortunates who o have contra need the course! invited tad and Giseases-the find their sexual victi t B ald of experienced ead toe MAIL I¥ YOU LIVE OUT OF TOWN WRITE Drs. Shores & Shores for on their new sympie and get their free. i - restorin the t ~~ ae a it ormal state, and ac lish promptly and pr aes, 6 without. the use of Internal remedie r treatment ts a 1 Urely. It fs original wae scientific, a hes en proved absolutely effective by thousands of te We aro ato that ot = ber methods can ull perm mt restoration o stobnathi: and riooe re accomplished, monthly or s7ou ‘may AK MEN "PAY Www atter what. y o-called ‘‘Weakness" in men is me rely a Symptom of chron! inflammation in Spectaliats the pr @ gland, brou mn by early earn how dissipation or by tha proper treatment CALL OR f some contracted ai complet you can WRITE. yet be c : te Drs. Shores & Shores EXPERT Houston posite SPECIALISTS, Block, 249° Main: St. Kolth-O'Erien's apa Be SALT LAKE Clty. OMice Hative-Weedsd a, O'ay cot. to 6 p Evenings, Te 8 5 a Sundays and elias one MEN treatment mont delicate emba. advice en or honest who olson-and who ysiclans, all areoth cordially CURES lat COMPANY hronle 1d and n sture rt oOof vie S0r HOME . AT MIE INT fre A eure of the hine, YPEWRITER Temple Street Lake City and all Curable Nervous, and children, of every name scientific methods / a t| mac ing private tout soon instigation of his-son, who} the money, and all he did in the mataffidagent in the transaction. iter was to sign all the papers, vits and deed presented to W K. Le é, is now. right-of-way a clerk in the orice. of the Union agent for the Oregon Short Line, told Coal y Lee had him il was a coal claim. Mr. Abbott the land, and' later had never seen the land and further took the deed to the coal company and testified that he knew nothing about paid Charles H. Durham $200 on his| it. is wife also took up a claim in the same manner and both had been | "investment." P. Morris was called, and the sold to the railroad coal companies.. DOC t a typewrit any and skillful teeming CONFIDENT middle deen he took |@fterwards. rham said he bought in Wyo| the land for $3,200, but he never saw the m< ak c easier than HE of writing oe = eo a All bac ohio 20 ne. RRB. On & of land which was the I Catarrh Women vanced ‘en- eaten? yet the oe earn 1g ; nave of REMINGTON a "Pack ake More Work oe fourth the seu oR eR was | you Models F | J then OV ement cari thea>)i coal deal t| imp ington ticket the » Union of the Duvhion: loved: Or. Companion: in (Miele. WO: Sevens Fc al HOmaEAy their prices arbitrarily to $5.75. He vas: ae Sa understood that Mr, See a.‘reduction. . t not, est eget California| iz Engineer's "Profit" $200, was other connection - ding ac ar nee . If in 7 Benes Although ‘ % cs the : ‘ Was that made, E. ee i connect- Los had | Say | e| either e 099 Most rates for settlers to points rn 8 090 RouUT E I EXCURSIONS. Utah's glorious e here the the |said > Mr. Black' loaned him $2,200| j)and that this loan was repaid when the | deed ft -- i ¢ $265. DS. an advance, which |got a profit: on same time, At|spent the money, local dealers were | how much money $3.75 a ton for coal set down Lake, giving a profit of $1.50 "he 29 en i way by Outings Ange ‘les ee ante One.) ewill South St reet EY. Manager. Notes, party on others LAKE Low ~ From beaters you aid to Sept. Burlington The kk. G. and Pacific South¢ ‘ontinued - ke NEBRASKA a METH, i: li u th' the direction of Tourist Agent passed through Salt Lake veson their way East from Los tions; ming Chicago, Sept. 24.-Because he has been instrumental in revoking saloon licenses, Assistant Corporation Counsel E, Wade, is threatened with death, he says. js "Your information is rather indefinite," said Chief of Police Collins, when asked for protection, "but you'd better carry a revolver. "My information is absolutely reable," answered Wade. "T know the threats have been made. I surely will carry a revolver,' --_ geles and return, only $30. Special sale dates, Se to 14. Positively oe the lastas $3trillentrne _excursion 0 ftthe season Route. | jy.as 3 Harriman. i % 5:0 performance. 254 ne Ailes msade sworn Jeweler, of going }Autumn renames -yaegen Sh ‘ ing exhibited City Attor- al substantiation have ‘party SALT "= (0 Temple paid be Sheppara complaint. to \neejes man So. amount- to He "been has Lou Railroad A ee Testo Aya asa homas of Police a oe 25. Lake Opera company ee rein leaves Salt Returning after performance. youn W. "betwaer Spetpaiy aceunsthe: urice WAS Tate Sa andafdcMiown teas' contac 25 ee c: a Salt Stanford charging McConahay, of Poland City > 21-27 Setanta ingly $e, "be examined bythe county isnt ed Vite Bure haryin the frst derelative to the value of their Road. | arg Bike : tore ; milPopular stimony in connection with the|sree for the robbing of a drug store Mexico City and return, $69.80 The testim a fv4iie e Chare Most of|2pa few weeks ago,50, pleaded not guilty|tour of old Mexico Mexico iaffords the gre prosecution o arge Mo ae a Doe 3 grandthe witnesses. named Detective |to the charge in Judge autumn continent. Owen's affidavit who trip to be San are in the city|court yesterday, foundFrancisco, and took Armstrong's/est until Octo-| on the American agent a SEPT. i Trip, Salt¥ Lake ny n leaves urning publican revision and I will work and walt for such revision all the days of ny-life'rather-than accept for a Augie Daly of the contributed Sans Gh: R attorney Mr. 34. G overnor 24.- aftacnotn. not Ysika is a native resident of Park w fact that a crime was an Tndian reservation Cummins bined bis eanyaikn tor re- EXCURSION TO PROVO ti a latge crowd. unwavering views has aosimilar FOR of c South, Phones in |imal act was within the police power ce, 208 s Er Cer. | of the state. veloped the fact that the local agent ]}answer to questions he was forced to a Judge espe also. cites the de-|o¢ the Union Pacific Coal company|admit that he paid more than $3,000 DR. BROADBENT'S Cision of t Cireuft Court ‘3 Sypeals Was responsible for the last advance | for the land: This money he borrowed Dental Office, 500 Scott Building, Of the Ninth circuit-in the. case of the-}in the retail. price of coal in Sait Lake | from Mr.-Black and paid' no" Interest | 168 Main } United States against Dick, a parallel | trom $5 to $5.25. He said he raised |}on the loan. He said he bought the C#8e to the one in which Judge Mar- | jj. price when requested to do so by |land with Mr. Black's money on the a Tera ene ten SDS. in he manager of the Union. Pacific ye oe Mr Fie ae bial . te a Wiel the Circuit" Court .of Appeals.|company and.at that time, he was in-|short time and then resole to Mr. held that. the district court of Idaho | formed that all the other retail dealers | Black at a profit, He said he knew he | id not have jurisdiction of the offense [would make charged ion of CUMMINS ney tice swore J division ; Morris nf he lent to $550 and = the |COUrt that |coMmitted en civil TRANSFE LAKE in y. suit it Mitch- that defendant which Miss Stanford blackened eyes alleged same A: crowd of negroes drove fourteen white infuriated people, mostly women the on Judge P. Osika was yesterday ad-} citizenship by Judge Arm- | however, a battery,of pair writ. ‘ award: dates the defendant payments have ‘amille eaten laint some without foundation sie . hone ae Hleprasry g oe © allotment of of land in severalty to a ee ited States infantry comMe" and thereafter his former conne UME) State : Bee to dition Glage afforded ‘afforde vanies stationed near here returned |@!tion ofof tutelage no basis for H ee posts eee ‘ olice re gulation by the > national = their tonight coefrom Chickamauga. | POltce Oe a: The e officers offered their aid to the |¢™ment within the boundaries of officers ald: Or tate irnamed we nae nae reds tet corpus the UTAH. rigs 118 W. Second ShiiA, Mer | Revolu. comfort Calls ermined those of Jo-|city court, charging John Sorenson) unger With failure to provide for his" two Ityam minor children, She alleges that since | t¢pqay of | Charles. Mo styn Owen, the: Ameri-} aL Reariye sleuth, with the crime of aa Ces habeas Emily J. Sorenson yesterday a complaint before Judge Whitaker Number Testify in Case Aaah OR Smith oe Be oa The of denied aKe Flia SALT Grate ° ‘Director, ay filed F. 1. "1906. sum of |} / eee ie Court Notes. BASSETT, a domestic k Citz a -F.. PROVO, has offense was commifted early/Sun released ign i Y Just before his arraignment on') charge he appeared in court ask- been|4tmstrong uo . EXAMINED. WITNESSES was ve the in e Thi District, subsequent had | obligations husband | ing in ‘raig: yesterday court against. 27. and Aug defendant the | that charge' Of balng a So en 1 to the charge ANIC furnishing bonc in recovered by garnishment proceedings through the court of the defendant and atter with | smith, Indian ceased ebruary 8&8 act matter dismiss fccovery every | fled the outskirts of the eity, how- | Sides, and subject to the laws thereof ever, there were numerous reports of The case of the United States against sa tea (i and dears is thenthe cited by Judge Marshall, outbreaks several killings= of Heff in. which' , Suprem nae oP tth 3 Ww ed. 2 Feme:* court .'o ©! arose ig Seru acatick state of the | United States held that the depend-| 5 finn Mo says make of that act, a citizen ons aes recat: ee in. the terri- provision," "was whom made firther United States withimpairing or otherright of such In- this Marshall, no a eee en to ventured in the | had been patrol United ‘of such Indians within streets and it is eabebly Saari to this | the provisions fact that things were peaceable. The age Beeler militia the imnfunities the ibe ae omen: property': Every Indian a Citizen. The and of said Indian has been or not, or otherwise, a member of the | torial limits of the ut In any manner wise affecting the In quiet be entitled At a late | Whether completely | bY birth seemed Sscueneet, Shots Bien were Shots frequently exchanged owing fo the darkness no deaths nd he to was The plaintiff! asks the court to issue} - a'writ of prohibition forever restrain- | BUI Ine the defendant from proceeding |?" 1 . working g in Chis ii i yesterday Gunny on Ry testify against him. | back will get a Bae te laepdtdieaah apatt trol aty trive of [Overruled tle motion accordingly .- |gqcierday on the soldiers and captured, being sent back | °*parate an ; = a ay, EY) to the' city under a heavy escort. Indians therein, and has adopted The soldiers were thrown about the | habits of civilized life, and every Is 7 tion S It = however, were ordered out in time to|any. Jaw denying any such Indian defendant, was contracted in this city. | pom Tilbury and that will bring him {and judgment in the sum of $889.55 reach the neighborhood" before the | within its jurisdiction the equal pro-|It is further a it that a motion' misery enough to make up for all he | is asked mob. ‘The negroes, evidently aware | tection of the law. And every Indfan | Was oe en a a eee has caused her Ii. T. Byron and Robert Baird failed| thaf swift retaliation would follow the | born ee the territorial ae of oe ae ndwnk in chich these f aa baat. ng : ee iceme ee . e eltyv | LO appear . Tnite in the criminal division of States Ww allotmurder of the policemen, te | left the efty | the Unites Ee e ngs City cour + the Os the | Were set forthi and ¢ o x in advance of the troops, who pursued in which an order |Ments shall have been made-under Habeas: Corpus Writ Denied. " ythe ked City to court ‘esa!| yesterday morning answer to the charge of drunkennes them to the swamp in which, acecord- | provisions of this act, or under any law | fer dismissa alte 4 the "att the "| Harry Groves, the young man ar- + ond their bail of $5 each was declared ing to the latest iformasion.. the ne- |ol treaty, and» every Indian born! srounds. It is plemcs tat Act rat or rested a few Saxe EO Eon a tele| forfeited. Baird was arrested again | groes songnt hiding for the within the tefritarial mits of the | entering of this order, aN if en rHe raphic warra rom vada, was |\just before noon on a charge of ¢ | Pour hegrdes ‘gob cut off vere the | United States who has voluntarily tak- Coe denied ete, ‘ha ae that he erralgned befo Pyaiee 39 yy. ene cer Rurbing the peace { allege. that ; ‘by |e1 i 3 s, his residence | Matter con PY. tO.) 18 asterds tt harge of being a /#he off 5 arly Sun- Sette tit oper, Order with tnettuctions: |. e028 lanier Territory, 4s hereby. de- atc fr b Sah , DC marrarrled Guitiwad District [Juls |the the hata SCHOOL FOR AMMERERS WILLIAM assessment| a: Nt ae ke a ane iy 1 a Morse 0 ie mn ane anne ot Le} , in hie i na " ere is unt a orderer to ‘ony? with pre on on ets of cone 18 one ma el of: 1e estate of which 7 4a Us boris N trator 7 rhe deeds to ea eat, : 7 Ly ae ered » D eormec - it the hei to the « state ma lay in called In canta a vii' informatl a wife. which he case was yesterday ani phi Tor end yesterday month ee ; y 1d i ‘ . WTpr pr aati coe: couple ie d oade i xy Tilbury called the police and Tilwas booked' on the charge of.as-|the bands or | case, the plaintife being a resident of! a¢ $200, in default allotments | Salt Lake City at the time the action | jhe city jail until the bene-| commenced and the facts - set for consideration to whom shall have be subject and of patenting allottees, the | tribes of Indlans |have been made start- | fit of and act provided: completion and |member the pasaroused men om wreaking yengeance Blacks in South Atlanta ne Liotme nts, OIWalMNps. reports liundred Immediately. and Swamy the heart the whites several ed marksmanship in Rice . shat isEroes, but owing to the darkness /14, 1905, the date set for such opening WANTS DURAND RESTRAINED. | ete bere ek. of the alley in which the latter were | being August 25 of the same year. An --- | Jecause she is going to get: a dihidden, were unable to determine jact of congress passed Feb. 8, 1887, Al. Zuckswert Asks Court for Writ of vorce Mrs. J. Tilbury, who caused her definitely what damage they inflicted. ee oe the allotment of land in] Bacaieiiruk isband's. arrest" last. Thursday. reThe negroes greatly outnumbering |seyeralty to Indians on the several Te d to appear against her spouse them, the policemen retired, leaving | rese rvations whenever, in the opinion Al. Zuckswert yesterday filed an ac-|and as a result the ¢ase was dismissed the dead and injured officers in the /of the President iny reservation or! tion in the Third District ‘court against | by Judge Whitaker yesterday mornstrect. Apparently the negroes be-|part thereof would be advantageous! Charles Durand. justice of peace}ing. Last week Tilbury put his housecame frightened at the deadly conse- | for agricultural and grazing purposes. | at Murray, in which ft is alleged that! hola in consternation by beating his scattered, the nhappyApel cage, bse Tr /Thinks ot REFUSES TO TESTIFY. | n g e-ina es: 7 oh Oa Sp eae ea " mp , Howell re ue é propert taxes ‘ wa 0 vear on as not ac- "4 Retr nts a quis ted in Ath heldse t tis"ptreedsperty und ap cribed as 3 Beinc ! collector:-of the: Just STANNERING 18, Folsom ItESISKE is alleged theth WOMEN. ‘ sTy 8 LO- Orego P all of ae the plaintiff keeles) peut td ls 3 ios ekotite ender eRe 7 erda Relay wie, veres tie terday a:Hits 1 r 41 i WEAK = Folsom yesterday filed>: the district court against and. Truth' A Milner to to Ouch boucht urately to SOLD FARM, ee < c Sues for Money ;2@ainst Ono cci aeEriif eel | dispositio Beautiful y | filed. suit tacos und "supplied | money ith in the Third Dis tric! court agi rinst Be rt were safely lodged in the city jail part of the Uintah reservation, the | irda gina. with no fault on her. part. Me Rae + purchase farm lands, the} Ha! neoeck and others in - which he alThe attack upon the office which | specific date of the offense being nam-j|She says that she has been forced to} mn pee iraa vet es eae the. defendant.|)!¢ Bes that the defendant are indebted resulted in Heard''s death ind the |, ‘do as Sept. 20, 1905 To this in-|earn her own living, notwithstanding| See tes Scaitoottalih tarmnelande ai-| t him. in the um of $700 for. serwounding of other policemen was, ac- |dictment the defendant demurred, the |the fact that her husband, who is a | viding the profits equally It js al-| Vices rendered' by. him'. for. the de‘cording to the cording most reliable reports, of | point j : o of demurrer emurrer bein g that before | carpenter, is capable I of earning $100| leged I that this agreement at the in was entered ond | lfendants request He alleges : most atrocious t he charactet It 0C-|Sept. 20, : 1905, J a I portion of the land| Sept month Mrs. Greenhalgh filed an at the} that the have not es paid any part of curred fnto in by the both south partt re side negro and sel- | within that th the Wintat reservation : had affidavit of impecuniosity with her plaintiff has ‘since learned that the ae sum and asics judgment for -the tlement Twelve soldiers were on theiz been allotted in severalty to each of Soe a ant hi ; sold the farm He asks! 'u amount of the claim with Interest way to protect this part of the citY |/the Indians; the remainder, Shey 1e case of the Greenhalghs now ee eee ae Reise shit entitled to|@nd_ costs from possible mob violence by the | the land deseribed in the indictment, een consideration before Judge SR Pa alf of the proceeds of such. sale, George "I Schuessler filed: sult oY whites. The officers were in a body. |had become a part of the public do- | lis Brown, in the Juvenile court, which | w tel is said to be of the value of| divore yesterday igainst Maud' M when from an alley the negroes opened | main, and the act of Jan. 30, 4897, was continued last Thursday, will! $1,0 chueéssler-in which he alleces that hi fire The attack was entirely un }Wwas no longer applicable, come up this morning in that court, at | i Be wife. deserted him without just caus pe cted and mes ee 2 and 9o afternoon in connection} quiet title Royalal GG. Smith; was} addition, « the} court against her husband in Indian res-|which she asks the court to award| the United | her a decree of separate maintenance, | John portion , j New Bright, One Hundred FAVORITE He passing y. B. Beatty and issued by Dr. C.F taxes the ibove described Wileox and Dr R. Stewart It} sold by him for. de linquent Lee ee ae oe ai Oi jc Set os ets up that pee ay r Smith, 56 Eas ) Z ( assessment tha | Saat. on May 9. 1906, a son was born this: props rty chit: hint it s Henry ried Nora court, cI 2 ! Walter G. complaint in 5. Bi Milner certificate with the birth of before the county attorney In the form|that on copy furnished byy. Dr Dr.) fendan ie a: cel tifled ed copy lants: the United|Greenhalgh, i notifled The 0 a riwas ‘ eeon' hrivehit: 4 l re j y cht the|case ihe uae to: tion : nowt j irare give informa riveoetheir attorney Those who have CE to been ) Support, of ? ) assault Winder, j/town and will be asked to call upon {the county attorney when they return) to the city. 5 S50} ; case 1906. 25, default States against George Boss, in which | which he sets up that their dependent Mi Christensen, when ask roland that. the defendants have: no premises in the title nor eae} right eee See Aya ate eae aged Greenhalgh, Margaret to indict- | child, of defendant demurrer the . | having ex: ec se esses, ive charging with {ntroducing | years, Is in the custody of the mother, | ihe facts above stated and declined | Charlies L a OL x ire ye a$ ras |jment spirituous liquor him into the Indian |who, he alleges, is an unfit, person to) i to make any further ] statement : lee warded i 1 oe emea a : "J ryi i Judge ae : Ok; Se Was sustained This jlcountry ruling;jhave . and = eare for the : child,' Nora! { aoe id C ora { ne ie srait Wehr jot W > Marshall recognizes the In- | Greenhalgh te . r hi} h th ‘ yesterday filed suit In | dians to miles and Re } An opinion of much importance was Following : rendered yesterday by Judge John A.|Greenhaigh fol1.0i- | Marshall © oneal Jordan dangerously officers were TO Severalty.q | rolhes > outh at . ie anta. a Sleenent A as " Ta im¢ uI a iw ras L "¢ viceman MAT ‘ "5 cart o. ‘ime to | Not & Crime to Take » Liquor on | ervation Wherere Land Z Taken Ta in Time Negroes . G Sept. 24-The race war 4 Atlanta. anta, Ga., sept. « W q Bituatlonnlonicntincscmediiinte> race irs wWnicee HAD > vr Out But : a ee us nity appear witnesses John ae FIREWATER -- 1" Troops Are Ordered Prevent Massacre, marty ee Others 5 a ManyC. ofCutlerthese have called at the] mnie ceedings instituted sting "by; thehe . ate WHITES ' examined. to of Donnette pil | ippearar yew TUESDAY. | Anthon aun, sentence, and is sentenced b Judge : i uncis: M-Lyman,-John Henry Smith, x) ctirone to) Blacks Opens Fire payeaciine of ( (Judge Marshall Dismisses In-| Following Husband's7 Charges) ra Frencis. M- Lyman.John Bent a eas ie j A Smith, Obarite Charles We W. Sense Penrose, George Officers From TiViBRin, W. Axel Koster | dictment Against Alleged ies anne sin th ihe | she Asks COUT Tor Separ-) = )2camiin. ana William judgment in' j ; Ambush. i UTAH, | Owen is as follows Juliana L, Smith} with a deadly 1 capon, was yesterday Sarah R. Smith, Edna L. Smith smith, before Judge George G. Armstrong fa K. Smith, Mary T. Schwartz Smith, | ¢pjq] He withdrew his former plea Calvin Smith, Samuel Smith, James or not guilty, and asked to P ylead guil- ! = CITY, i been | willingness N Mob have. LAKE been asked and have signified their/ ballWe wax committed to the count CIREFNHALGH Mio, | ATUS SETTLES NEGROES ATLANTA INTER-MOUNTAIN 10 a. m to - DR. eit ae Ss G. ef y Ww. : aye. - ORES. ° |