Show I I LEGAL LEGAL NOTICES l I t lIMO L ON PROPOSING G AN ut At AMENDMENT DIEr TO 0 Section 2 2 Article 1 10 II of or th Constitution relating to Education Public School Schou I System Maintenance Be Ue It Il enacted by ine legislature of oC the thc state stale of or Utah Utah Utah- eelon I. I Tho Ilio following Jo Co ull amend nd time iho Constitution of ot time ihu State of oC Ulah Uth h Is' Is submitted to lo the tine qualified electors of ot the tate State of Utah Ulah I lor or approval 11 or disapproval namely That Section 2 2 Article Artcle 10 of time the Constitution of oC tho thu State of ot Utah h bc Iv amended to read as mat lS follows The Tho Public School System shall auth Include kindergarten schools common schools consisting of oC primary and anid grammar ralmar grades rades hl high 1 schools an nn a agricultural college a a. a university and amid such other schools as us the tine legislature may Ish lish lisin The common sellouts Sh Ul b bit tieu imea The Tine other oilier dop departments of oC the system smith shall shul be as aM provided by law Provided Pro that high schoola aa may h be he maintained free Cree In iii all thi al cRies cities of ot the tn first t and second class now constituting school districts aud in un such other cities cit cU- cit cit- its ies and anal ant districts all as may be designated by tine tho legislature But lut where the time proportion pro- pro portion porton of or school monies apportioned or 01 accruing to lo army any iY city cly or district shall shah nol be sufficient to lu U maintain till nil ni the free schools In such city ely or district time the I hl high h schools shall be hi supported by lo local local lo- lo cal taxation Provided et that when any I cities or districts shall establish high I schools the may authorize the use uso of oC state school funds to assist in inn 1 supporting such Huch schools said sall untie funds being apportioned to the tine cities cites or 01 Inlets concerned by tine Iho state stale board of ot Section 2 2 2 The Secretary of or State Is hereby ordered to cause this llon ton to 10 be bc published in at least ono one newspaper In every ery c county of oC tho the state stala where a n newspaper ne Is published for two Iwo months Immediately preceding the next general electon election Section 3 This proposition shall be submitted to tine the electors of or this state slate at al the next general election electon for or their approval or 01 disapproval All Al official ballots used usel at nt such election shall mayo have printed or written thereon tIne the words For Ton the amendment to Section 2 Article Ar Ar- tide 10 of ot tine the Constitution and A Against tine the amendment to lo Section 2 2 Article Artcle 10 of or time Iho together with wih such other title tte designating such amen amendment rent as as' as may be provided by law Said Sall ballots shall be bo received and said votes voles shall be taken counted canvassed canvassed can can- anti and tho the returns thereon be ne ussel ant made In Inn II the thc same manner and In all al as ns Is Js provided pro by law In inn the case cuse of oC tine the election electon of or tine the state slate officers Section I. I This amendment If IC adopt adopted d at itt 1 said election shall take lake effect and amid ho bo In force from and after oCer the Iho first lay day of or January A. A D 1907 1107 State of ot Utah Office of or Secretary of oC States I I. I Charles Charles S. S Tinge e Secretary of oC State Stale of or Chares tIne the State of oC Utan Wan do 0 hereby that Is full true truc certify the foregoing a ii Cul and correct copy opy of or Resolution proposing proposing pro pro- posing amendment to Section 2 Article 10 lOt of or the tine Constitution relating to Education Elu- Elu Edu Edu- calion cation caton Public School System nance passed at al time the sixth regular session ses ses- sion Ion of oC tine the legislature of or this state In Iii wh whereof I have mayo hereunto here here- unto set sel 0 my hand inand and ant affixed the Iho great reat seal heal al of the State of or Utah at nt Salt Lak LakA Lk City this tIde rd tIny day lay of or August A. A D. D 1 1906 1106 Seal Seal C S. S TI TING Secretary of oC State Stale |