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Show THE INTER-MOUNTAIN REPUBLICAN, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, R EL E 25, TAFT IS HOPEFUL OF SETTLEMENT WATER FRANCHISE PLANS COMPLETED KNOCK-OUT DROPS LACK OF WOOD PIPE | TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER | PASSED BOGUS BILLS | Ogden Council Passes Measure Despite Opposition of Weber Club of Ogden Has Everything Ready for Browning and Others. Trip Friday. Panguitch Man Robbed of $25/Provo Water System to Be De- After Conference With Liberals ' Believes Outcome Will and Watch in Salt layed Another Month for Be All Right. Lake City. Material. TROOPS TO MAKE NO MOVE David Eeeles, Appearing Mm s Company, for Says Service Be Water| 1 Many 7 Will Expected I to Kate and See New Extended, 125 Ogden, wate Sept ravork Advantage & Nevada Are es Inter-Mountain oe Bureau, 410 Sth Take of |Two | Town "Friends" and Met Worked Going. ed Him Train Merrill : Brace to On Game-Walk- Provo Company, . ports Penniless. of ‘ to Council to Get Bingham, Both Re: Their 24 | Ogden, Sept. l-sire to visit El 24 | The Same was the 4 old] mining all-im- Migtiionomulorace| Nev..:the new Ney ca} | Fé camp oplk are in ¥ which Intereste so d, i ‘ many Will ao Ogden have an Provo, Sept. ore tired and } ford op- 24 Penniless, hungry, Parley Deliveries on Time ed of . Pancuitch, j night after a : ; reached two > fF days BUD Havana, footProvo, Sept, 24.-Through the fallLin-]ure of the Merrill Lumber company of y ac rovo la UN ooh: t Binghant re pipes rrocure to aa procure oo . the nore! tween , wooden mater stave Syston, the the to' canyon Provo from re-|extension been had he where Lake, Weber | Salt The so Friday to do session | portunity regular the at subject portant | eOr 4 . p et ; o of the city council this evening. The club will run a special train: from } lleve d of a gold watch and $25 in cash yy will probably not be completed new franchise havir been ‘returned to ace eS ite all who wishlanad left today : for his home. He found | until the‘ first « of next. year. This was i i \ Lp 4 oe « r ec | i Ogden ‘ 1 to go and .the rate | low that all} friend here who provided for his brought out at the regular meeting of rom the law committee, came up for} may go who w ish, ' vants4 aniK tontalca the city council tonight, when a comx rvalliiinisnoneve € i its third third reading readi iz and final a was and passage, stormy pas but | round over became 1 umd Anny eet api eels * a i : a offictals re oft the Sitionm in the Lane } venuig Mii peace ! reasonable Bouded Debu Th on ‘ ; wt Luditor's report regarding Che and debt ne da ale that a edne eneral of 1¢ cit M hy oO Ie i one Vi { the local) pin, on Friday train will - ° tas bs Wi to ce thre 1 remain had two man "fricnds"' been got on the train his is en spend-|™Munication Oakley, Idaho The story told of fo a etd fe ee ollows: sisted on me t the servoirs and make other improvements desired ' ‘ral Make Tmprovements David pany, Eccles, said of in, this in to Denver the Delon town Pullman I ovel ight Roped the Soda ‘The friends invited Ely|]qrink, recommoc rangement We heer - oO n aE on ard focir shh ekell aan the lum- aaa for'. eane found stave a aaa Provo shipped within sixty days. The explained that I wanted to go On| Wij) however ship them as soon as home, but finding that I could not get ossible and the Bingham concern E fout of & Lake on any train that | ws) rush the work as soon as the miawould earr n o Marysvale be fore terial is landed on the ground. next morning, I al: cided to stay in Sa The mayor and city recorder were but I told Water. me to them authorized to a tract a|4n acre in take that I never] Sad - ter bm ! = ‘ After x to sign a quit-claim deed of about three-quarters oO Provo canyon, conveying the Property op of the train, |arink anvthine stronger than soda- | PAany be fationed On 2 | water Thev sald that was their drink | Part may return to Og-| and w saloon just train on Sept nant oO tern depot ae ae ge n Bs re oe : 5 ul ‘ lu ) offic i ] have tached » the train: for the the hung wy while en by the neca t going the cil : Onee at w iter the its to the Telluride Power This is In consideration on the company granting for the pipe line for s extension ver some of com- the the the of property. 5 : ‘ . comthe drinks were poured out and beCan Go Into Committee of Whole. Bl fore we had drank them, the larger a . or eC at-|or the two friends, who was tall, has d a previous meeting of the city relief Of | oark hair, blue eve a gold tooth and | council the city attorney was instructyute and | waleh sbout 160 pounds called my |¢ d to render an opinion on the coun- and many agreeing os Mayor from | ore as i the » the 5 com. | arpyiding. Conroy informed the : . . er abe ‘ | ‘ . find ae ----- sed giles enough _ Attorney Oqden Hulaniski Agr ees to body of 7 with ~ japan \ Ah L Uicket the the by oo ae ‘Dp to end » ether busine transacted «} the of importance eounceil Republica not-ata pt i | SHORT LINE EXTENSION i it ] part Corey Brothers ‘ Twin to . Valls Build Line to Buhl. From | be he ‘ y ny rmutd Me ha didate eine tg } representative i jou ton the nominati a ervices o th of p ! ‘ cn f that he| be affected & the!) district' on but that |) Ce el 1 a probable) the flies i : : t re th for haiti ' fi othe of out. Vv him { h nove (fe rivaet The 4 Sept Ogden, Che hip ribo eounts the | ! = Sho Orer 4} i f : tensi mee a the reron Liv Minidoe incl f nm. Tw name hn tr mentioned count Falls to Buhi:-cightes miles dist lattorn are' Jame Il. Devit : } oy weal : Cor Farr th id >} ha Ie Wai ary a : Da f-this| Fri 1 { TLudelpl u ler ha cit been. urgin him to enter the rat ore a oO } by a oO t Ow hor of the isla A: "3 ; : - ine firm 5 Be rot me ATE Tio] fon big force y : men of . att will ry immediate the of It thé ¢75.000 and ire "al ne + ais tretch ny Latw ae G ' a eh EI | rom beteh put 4 vl itt 1000. et n 1} { all‘ to ( 01 ‘ on:rosedbusin that} ) x with the DUrCha ca wid. for | erred tot I matte held ‘ { i ing t he 1 rhe Lake aly I orl 1 oO a I gS plat A A. dl 2 : C vel ri B, RV : \ Op}ar ited: su division tana, seat ello, vice asigned i etl ul 4 i cele ‘ i sy i j 7 ht1 } rir dy : D | i : I thy -rane a t Prichtful Death lot J. ocl hea Dudd has the rte. f t \\ Fert i I engin:b etaOo } Oo at : ‘ 0 Crit The ont ot a c dumb hoy this « roaoatle Ode from Deput ellco es will i m : oof 1. te edeheol u 1© hook rhs vent Rit Jame tu oe be Pail in every pavem« pistol finally. ; The this the Price Oe Hos- Com- of i Philadelphia, to 0 the ) est in Stout { an undivided one-half iter; the Mountain B Lode mina ituated in the Tintic minfor the consideration. of mineral neh Amana deed ito warranty a sandy given right to Maggie S Lode near Knightsville, Juab CC. Jensen for the con$10. The grantors reserve rights to Sip 8 pa oe) GREAT city ‘ Miller | Child | tre ire | alev Foley ¢ den yesterday heriff Charl Stanley i i in Ogden of of men the jis' now Ogden. branch. Martha Millie. « the BAZAAR pavilion property FS AT LEHI in ae ra One Head wards bazar eae of at The to the iurel and tary eb Mrs. M1 Ellen Jones, Mre Sarah EF. Taylor Mrs Jessie ite Stake Sevier Live held day The Her-|church Inanit all, from: R I The rh Ogden SHED ed re Oi {th fibihot put} Ear ey fait on :\ a: ag Huntsville n of North it eee tal ) Hee j oar aitl tricke serious | pital. vital FH im ake PMR ‘ ) me granted i he tin eal with S re «Asaat, apoplexy condition th Sia opening the Riv . er in ae on Duck the Pacifie $1.25 Prof. ~Lake -C ENS Los}m CEL a| in el h ho train to fulfill Be Kept Go at Once f Oyster the good 25 so. company ° e Salt aft aeem trunks, VIA excursion es Lake 5:00 p performance. particulars Trunk. > 156 Matin. You to Jeweler, 54 Main St. bed Leet Order J. EB. Has edi) Grocer. AN H. P. ACCOUNT Clark, ashier. WITH Commercial National J. J. Daly, W. Vice H. Presidents. Peabody, 5b. Ass't. Bank. P. Noble, Cashter DEPOSITORY. DESERET NATIONAL BANK Salt Lake City, Utah. Capital .. 3 icinsees sc meen enon, 0U0c00 Surplus ....$250,000.00 Safety Deposit "Boxes for Rent. 1e*S; Halle "245 is Ci se o2 ey enident Moses Thatcher ...... Vice-President BLES Vouriey 525% 65 oie tees Cammier Edgar Y.M.C.A. 8. Hill...........Asst. Cashier When going East why not enjoy yourself You will if you travel over Evening THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL Institute RAILROAD It don't cost any more SETA The best of service between Omaha, Chicago, Minneapolis and St. Paul, as well as between Chicago, St. Lo New Orleans southern and southeastern points. For full information and lterature call on or write OPEN OCT. 20D J. A. FOLEY Commercial Weat Salt 76 "FOR MEN-NOT MONEY" Agent Second South Street, Lake City. Utak. See President WE MAKE TRAVEL EASY 5 TRAINS the Pennsylvania Whooping OF Ask Redoced CY¥Ty Rates, oO. Balt We collected from the old this F. some | Merchants' Merchants Poison. Fifth | ‘City, the WARREN, Utah. who amount accounts for WNurserles are of members of association, in YOUR claims if you need money. iation Protective Association SCIENTIFIC COLLECTORS OF BAD DEBTS Floor Commercial National Bank Building, Salt Francis G. Luke, General Manager. -"Some above and County Utah, Turn Man notes Davis Roy, Sept Pittsburg 24 Frank Marconi, an Italian miner of Cooley station, wa called to the door of his home today yy an unknown fellow countryman and probably fatally shot ee - Lake $1 gdb | | ment Bedbug PASO, G. &, A. T. & 8. F. Ry,, 411 Dooly bik, Rail- Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept, 24.-Mrs. AlVina Cope years old; widow committed suicide this afternoon by swallowing bedbug polson in whiskey The cause of her act was ill health. EL MEXTIOO Me About Cough, Unknown 5 OMICAGO. GALVESTON, Was ‘Mr ssatt rapidly improving and was ae driving yesterday matter of prudence his as a advised that he remain clans trom his othice fora -few day los strength whieh he slight of a recent attack fered the result is being rapidly re of whooping cough gained, and his physician that Cassatt's condition N more favorable The circulated on the lan ee port today are entirely In fact' by DAILY COLORADO TO KANSAS CITY, ST. JOE, reference| New York, Sept { -In to the re ports cire uluted in Wall street today that att was very il and dy condition, the Pennsylina Vania issued the following Swallows back BROS.CO CITY, UTAH Your Cosgriff, President. OPEN -_-_-_+-~> + -_____ of from U. SSSSSSSSSSSSS CASSATT IS_ IMPROVING road Money HEWLETT SALT LAKE A. of Sept Cartagena, 2 Secretary State Root arrived this morning on board the American cruiser Columbia from Colon Mr. Barrett, the Amerito Colombia, introduced Cobos minister who wa represent designated t N r Root and sed the question at issue the governments. the conference was pleasant throughout expected that Mr Root will re Vashington about September 29. Colomblans tendered MM) Root a splendid reception Cordial feelings rood and spirits were Splayed throughout the visit President Want IF YOU INSIST ON THIS BRAND Quiet. Bay Won't greenbratks McConahay, RIGHT HOME to Thomas counterfeit nor forged, the law can not reach the men who passed thern, except through prosecution for obtaining money under false pretenses. of lead- fail cause fair which the and -____--- Sept. y, Sept. leaves Meredith's Are th e SALT LAKE ROUTE Opera Returning ND ee | parties Must Murdered PROVO e Lake 7 under : Jones. Tuesday, Salt " ‘: |Special wasis _~_ a TO ofif the club from ‘ Nahibenca was -and a to bids system unless Service. Sept. 24.-Edward Roach 24 -Orders have Washington, Sept. been issuec to the captain of the classes adapted to men Educational to proceed to Sylph at Oyster Bay, trades and industries and boys in all mectNorfolk, Va., for the purpose Sse scretary ng of State Root, taught by instructors who are specialcoming trom South Aimertea ist the the Columbia secretar 2900 for | Call at building or ‘phone to. othe »President's Syiph will bring | Pree Prospectus. conference the Pres delayed for res Sylph week, the convey to W: prime minister ington President Roosevelt will return the capital Monday afternoon, and is expected will at all a cabinet the purposs meeting for of discussing question the Cuban state quarterly has been in session fivemembers meetings of were the sic music und of and © ont license Sau Ti Beat Ess 1 a Meeting Salt singing iInging direction Melntire of Woodfield n a dt sec. Rudger Clawson and J. G pinned » rhe speakers were R. D conte Judg | iim ball G ‘J. Jensen, M. Chidester cknian with "land Minnie Jensen; and in the evenIM this | jhe . Petersen, Emma Christensen, | I. é AR ae Go Kimball and Spencer ¢ . nomen toda W | Saby Sad | Richfleld, Sept. 24 The of|conference of Sevier stake }coneluded after having been engagedTran in| Rapid line Darton, Russon:. a two the Liberals settlement present be- Albert Tron claim distri the in a the Cuba the is 57 in am ee i S Sees rewinnl osc inaenn = | abs ut 160 aere of ilicious clay situfated near Goshen, Juab county, for ae = ithe consideration of $1 aiid 2,750,000 | hare of capital stoek in the com)P2" John and Catharine sestel- z : : | ma er, of Wureka, to ‘ Jensen. of ac- and reach in Will mining Jones: deeds: Oliver DAN |} beenrhe filedfollowing with Recorder | Stout disturb conflict Howard, Cole, were arrested at McCammon, in this county, today, charged with passing bogus five-dollar bills issued by the notorious Merchants & Planters' bank of Savanah, Ga. The country is being flooded with the worthless paper, ignorant Japs and Greek section hands on the Short Line being the principal victims, although two Pocatello business men were victimized last week, ‘The leader of the gang working at McCammon ese ture, and with him disappea mueh-wanted stock of bogus ane stop- Denver, Afar Mary friends many hi une to not ROOT COMING I Marriage licenses haye been issued | tc Jesse W.Prothero and. Tillie M. | Harrison, both of Prove ind John Crandall and May Cordic both of Sp wy > Da an eg Macbeth: incQetland Gn ior m > ' I Icbhling ell iO 0 x pt) i j j ae f orate a 4 re ae i > near market a Sutyby ot" Gongeny a. POP 1 of Salt. Lake City was; an ! ee age. here ovet veld from beginning at M1 > MeGra tye Ove Stein the | Te sec mit t ! itt! horses: pes t it be of line jing Shaw. 2ASE Ne te amt in Date ae reached services his wi fe wt ward Tuesday | Bowe teat hh Ogden Briefs saneJ ‘ BUeNoadtre reoreg , pushit ' "Fred | Rio ( belo city pee Notes. of Fe Horse brute and then | ell, tot om Officer Pari out of its misery.5 ‘jt . yt 1 ) ACh Knight "uneral ‘ of } ay the corner ; ruins aes Pods M ‘ ! ut { i he News Kanab, = e rigpet ab ates snes: Mr eM taA Ei | nally cays Pint e Sears ; mto ch 1 SI a ; ey ceMme) fr ie ! oe a m ith mie 1°6 Sony ni to 6 +} that otpswen Ie. alti my 4 vemire rol dod of { he. ll-oft for stat Plain, City-Hans PoulsonA. Harrisville Frederick ‘ ey the fy i hou it I pla f the tit best mirth-produce ; ‘ hy i lventur ne [ON : Van ; Raymond morning ed, invan-eflort to secure an im-|all tial jun to' try: the.cast Today it} | found: nece‘ uyyents to rdra in addi|| yeni | 1 nd 1 ' ' } Lit 1 ) ect wlas 1 y | rth. ! wu) 0 ; ‘ent ‘ eT : n 2B i ; pate his rene position . leurcka, j vlan da. triends 1ndidaecy < 5 Piers ; beens tnd 1 Provo: Hulaniski, the il-announee for-the the Braunos usec but wilt grounds Mrs Johanna Benson of Grove. died at he county" and ea oll todayag froma paralysis ; oe buried here will be remains t pIDE using fatr TohnJ kin W.-P.. Foster. Jonn S,| relief rcielies of the four ward a Hout ‘ I. Tribe Albert St tfrord.|charge of the affair and work has alCeorge Grith Hh Andrew Jost, Moroni} ready commenced "hers Was a i Phom Valte H Dadman | meetin o a the ub-committee Lloope n Eb Christensen,| held) and plans were completed to ye ie jmake his one of the largest celebraiden Daniel « Walker | tions ever held in Lehi Ia VV Charh H. Owen | The general committee is composed : : Hunt ibte Joseph H. Monson of Mi Kate Allred, chairman; Mrs . Wit Oct. ; of he : The following - i the Jast. venire . Mie a ra in the. dn ji our Wards Combine wv nder Ode r..§ Browning,. Osear Yi re Celebration. Browning, Benjamin. Dinsdale Prank | Leni, Sept ahs four Neitsbitt::«Cank iy. Peterson: Isaac | Lehi will unite in nga i ai bs att on finanes @. a ; ve : association t } ; , Mhe ) it f rH : nts | T- hare i Makes j ds 4 ais { money a i { ht ugh t the of department at : m fedsiend™" Ik. T. Attorney "ye fire 1 5 , aia oO 7" {ou Fn indidate side ‘he sprinkler has b the enmmme enths, allowed on the fatr Trouble Ge 2 Jor >I Feast have |} Knight a vury CONS ‘ 0 : Sept. 24 Nearly fifty. tale ~| the urface 1) NAVve hee x cainined in the Dis-| mining claim, ‘ aes Inthe \case'ot J DisSkee njcounty, to J, I Bb. Paine ind correspondingly| sideration of |}! I TTA ‘ , - PK Hs oO : the Whitt a tow \ dase i arm ‘S i : "4 ' ha SPT i part: hie , a , rr 2 6 Dee a tte } i : a of | t om. this county Mr. Hulaniski 1 catha not et lefinitely determined to by : Ves sees ition ome candidate, although. his friend }him I ul at ryvin to pre ‘ iil :upon to make the run Th aptair considering £ the' ‘ mat- J ter carefull ind: Will:State'} Zan pe HEI lay Ene) he / Ord ith G: 1.650 Stevenson peng ) = ere j a : ae 1 F "Old : to ‘ himself Carver of | chureh d High school ‘ : : Consideratio ie yed ecelvec x that l Eben 1 ' Anderso ! . ae - Ne u . ; , 1 Peat hip likely Capt D¥esent that county nee % hool thi rm iun- kB. Robertwho. died sud ent addres c A Hye ed t ‘ pe iE and It vote tit right to Cl , f : : 7 ee i l ult ol onside Tho ID. The ere 1 ) er J 1 \ va E46 afterno h | bl OR 1 ee Ltlo ' ane a wan, ae ' ), 1} by referred é FOR SENATOR _ Attorney May Announce Himself » Candidate. » Ogden ept/24 Is is not at all un- theo I represented) County \ecompanics ~ Mobertson | by byteria tin rt | bid { Cons t te ! 7 Mian' i ' j , ‘ d Ay ration "i rin Deeds Filed { Phe follotl ce o : Co Ee Peo live j , ' melia er th I The dety lat thal to = 1 Warranty Sep : ; warral cou hella A = 4 h iP { tees the bi er hh an roth lair sprinkler k. young eine and ajyot be HULANISKE ;} ( L ile < the SURE Opero Salt mat rae ee ee { Hoketsd Dive } | ‘ Prawn committee proposed sew body of street south of | the Fifth About one-half ‘ wa »the on anc ommittee on ewer urthe ‘ or i ae aif ; ‘ elite tyre ; DEAD BODY IS SHIPPED EAST | 1 Geen " nel val \ ‘ | The eae bl vt Parker P cing a lid ; or il il . live aS : An dditionaly TT mio les por th l lain I urer.\ th ollected 4D. fort Lion Su A Pop the pr ! I d dist t in ict ! ; P hee 1 , oO. ‘ I | perm machi de t ' xt fifty-si 1 fADL if vr the rut te Re ‘ 1 melter technifica at sSuporintendent Allison 0 ' " Norman re called Tiemains of fivr i Me f OBC | ia: : | } t the lich f Von Routine | nu prot ir A | hun i Do r braereniiieyethul ; "| | mat Se 0 1 pre-| ill mh 1 FoLurned has re- i Commissioners Orden; ; file ] ¢ en Broth es meg a tt ‘t-Northern| rin hel milli econstructiatr f i J that. place rhrougt ome ; | 2 tive hia if : th ~ * \ reA re ‘ i i bi for rh rprisi Orcd I t i | tas t a : : I ; cominissi ee ‘ ‘ tod Ae : 5 ti I rouruitiné lktkudolph a grad imated Core ad driving 24.-The Moderates will government Soldiers judiciary branch.:;One | after the West ‘ property pe. ge lection e641 } the hould Bi fi for }phod a mensure put through taking away the privilege cone 2 ae yee in ‘of the he Provo that if it would pass thie franchise Hé the Race. of the men was described as. bein would withhola his signature until ee ess pay Mand darkeen ge ee the such a contract had been properly exe ? ‘ < euted by the water Cort pare A vote Ogden, Sept. 24 Capt. FE. -T. Hu- | -- -- was then taken, resultin is follow laniski has at last heeded the earnest | Too Few P roperty Owners. ; s , | ‘ vr passage and four in opposi-| solicitation of his friends and has deProva, Sept. 24 The city father i as | tio dissenting ove were |, it ; th oe { ay held a meeting this morning for the aeChe Brownin Craig, Austin and Dickson PEE MUn ec : 1 Ree : purpe of istening to complaints The franchise was then. pa a enator Vir. Tulaniski said tod tol from the property owners who would | Was Renew Notice, Republican Special Pocatello, Idaho, J. As an added precaution against further encounters during the negotiations between government troops and insurgents, Secretary Taft today obtained a written agreement from Senator Zayas, representing the Liberals covering the. verbal understanding reached yesterday that the Liberal soldiers will mak advances during S agreement was the negotiations Secretary anes subseribed to by government he representing the four stipulaunderstanding includes there will be tions. The first Is that no movement of troops on either side notification to ne without a previous other party through Senator Zaya and Secretary Montalva Pas pectinaly: such notification also to be furnished to the Taft commission, Secondly, the truce shall be effective throughout Cuba. Thirdly, if one side violates the conditions of the truce, the other side shall not take hostile action without first filling a a formal complaint with the Taft commission. Fourthly, hostilitic shall not be resumed until twenty-four hours' notification to Mr iy r principal thoroughfares ~ of Provo, matter the disposed dads city handing. it the committee on o gave ME home ; ta itatied In and the 2 with a smile the : @SSIS ‘which wi meg anaes ! ay ‘shor un ow boarded tions race‘ i 1'TO parties, do uae |! ¥ vith! Make /the to. , one Ac : et a yen : Sid < a Gasper found friends nme this morning. fn | ghar the aa on improvements Je sda a aie o ane the franc Bind would Be ally this evening. This appe ame to be acceptable to most "of the cpunetinien. ind will join connection make tio sned more county would agree to: enter ‘into ee bus city, other than the Scmiit hive? men to Giving Due Three Men Charged With Victimizing Laborers in Idaho. the expectations which Secretary Taft, the American mediator, now entertains, Mr. Taft concluded at 8:30 o'clock tonight a long conference with the insurgents' committee, headed by Senator Zayas. When he left the conference chamber, the Secretary of War said: "y am hopeful of a settlement. There hauling on the was much pulling and conferees, but I part of the Liberal wil! be all belie ve that the outcome right company with Assistant SecreIn 3acon, and his military tary of State aide, Captain McCoy, Mr. Taft enterand drove immeed an automobile to confer with diately to and Secretary MontPresident said there were ceraha Mi ain propositions to be submitted to evidently the result ve with the Liberof » character of which could als, discussed at the present time rot new element was into the situation today Mrs an Vangorder of prope rty r whose estates are ated between Aroye Arenas and Marlanao According to Mrs. Vangorder's complaint filed with United States Minister Morgan, the insurgents are crowding forward In that vicinity, and destr oy are threatening to livestock and other pe rsonal properly upon Mrs. Vangorder's land. I Cairns, an American legation inspector, was immediately despatehed to the front to remonstrate with the insurgents and prevent if possible any depredations. ae rth Se cn a 1e aepa ee) Gg ; * eae yor ee to a view from the front Ah pee 2 inea ; exctude a d oo the he put i nlo ¢ 1 bi Li 1 eee n |lattention the whole pubhe doo Tickets ixtension of ing of the franchisé uld inerea : When \ returned to the bar we|ffom these meetings. At the meeting the indebtedne 10,000 He Lin | Ticket for the excul ion wT be Annie aul odas and started out j|this evening the attorney said that advocated mur pal ownership tnd} s from Sept Ss to Oct Chi Koen: ito feel ee ind told my|the matter was an open question, but 1dded that nov the time for e| ill permit ample time for anyone de-|-ic ig f aaah SUEE sted that we|that he world hold that the council citizens of Ogdk to secure it | siring to thorot shiy Investigate the]. pack to the depot and sit down, | 2a@d the right to go Into executive sesCity Recordes Critehlo reported | copper eaump Not few of those in-!*> c J ; . ed sion He was instructed to appear in | : ‘ and siete hold of me, they started ca. that he had reeeived a communieation | tendin to take in the ip will a ail} o im reminection yvchalf of members of the couneil in from Seere i Kriche f the tter| themselve of thi Bennrbunits to re-| = suit brought against them for ejecti pen lene a | hat was the last I knew until i Acor'd, £r 4 session of & Wo! compan dvisil Mim that) meaty V yay the next morning. when I awoke in a|i"@8 # Acore rom a s é upon the passage of the me franchise | \ indications point to the ucct = committe of the whole, for which the : 5 ie FE field below the track without a cent = the compuny would ree to extend] of the undertaking. Fuily 125 people ry oe ere = sold watch | Plaintift asks $50 damages. regulaof providing matter the In wa ‘ ; welt : de See ies intention | their signified already | have enlarge city, the in mains water its ed Not After Sept tonight ers ae wes hs Teaas the it they must have the work com Neted by December ‘ e year. 1, : of thiss year Z ‘he Colorado Iron & Fuel com sany : . Ra! ao whieh will furnish the pipe to Merrill f i a ao sent letter to the latter company a |e... days ago to the: effect. that they are at present far behind their orders and may be unable to get the pipe for from Oakfor a fey young men route iking was rec elved from Datemcute i5 ine ae fare : \ vit} nes } 1 I fell in with them on the Way anda j exchanged remark with them W hen jwe reached Salt Lake City they ™ nod in the | of peo- | at young I was on 1 Ly home ley where I] had been month At Pocatello two- of over Parley few months at he has relatives the with | "land Ely licence at nome }ing a where : Good, lrop inte the then Ives For the con 10 re , . aad Se urate ; ; 5 Date which $41 s000 On he stren th of this report Mii Thre iz t hi nreument XE ul t the franchise it-; a ee ; "y the arLake special the trait : li me ; on tale‘ : Great fe el : oh . ae ~ Aare! given on the Sethe 7 For the-entire round of about 1,200 mile of $10 has been made Will Be \ longs than the 1 Pullm car will | iding iu foll !daden on th vening b ding j os iperintendent of ti P within ' ail ; ) iv 1 ma t of oO he my aa VILE Ga aeeel so : respect ic curelonial il { climb intoc thelr perthe at o'roc nd find norning ; leave o'clock on the Reese Service kexinusted: cit bonding margin and he nding debtedne Which wa asked for Councilman Brownin it. the last sion, Wa endered to the council 10 eepers od nad aid that he v nore lan anxi that the old wterwot troubl und litigation would be settled ones d for all nd that his company mu be willing to agree t tnythi that | was will ip < A Ate rival of the Salt ill oO ode ear" teblished bet : | : } th lowe ver | ern Paecifte lin trip, a distance 4 whiform fare Service being nd W.! made niat excursion the water ‘ ; NOV As he . latter ‘ es Kireh lal mt tin) a th The of Jaw Brownin the "ne councilman, again had out his little hammer and renu. ously opposed ti fr whis« There Wa t Jarge attendance of citizen Agree Until mission eee een Street. question it wa mily after discussion that it Sides tilities Inability 1906. People Don't Like Us. Lake City. |