Show i ATLANTA NEGROES KILL POLICEMAN Mob of Blacks Opens Fire on Officers From Ambush t WHITES ARE INFURIATED Troops Are ro re Ordered Out in lii Time Jo to 3 PIC ln Hut But Negroes Take to tu tile the S Atlanta Gu Ga Sept 2 1 The 24 The race war situation tonight assumed Its gravest I appearance l when a n pitched battle followed tel fol 4 lowed the ambushing b by negroes of ot a ai i party parly of or policemen In lit South Atlanta I County Policeman James Heard Boord was killed Policeman Jordan and Eubanks were dangerously wounded anti and two other teL were re f Injured JIe I i were mimed to the tue scene sceneS a distance of two miles from the S rein center contea cen con tea ter of the thu city special cars cm'S being used I to roach reach the trouble Kc Negroes roes retreated retreated re re- re- re treated when the ho soldiers appeared In fn force and arc are now surrounded In lii the i swamps A liea heavy killing of or blacks s Is 1 vor very Vcr possible q Four Foul of ot the were d anti and under tinder a heavy guard of oC soldiers x t were safely lodged In the elt city Jail The attack upon the officers which I In iii Hoards Hoard's death and tho wounding of ot other policemen wa was acV according ac ac- V cording to tu the most reliable reports ts o otho of tho thu mo most L atrocious character It oc oco occurred oc- oc o In the south side negro set pet ct k Twelve soldiers were on theIa thoU their q a way to protect this tills 1 part tIt of ot the city 1 from Crom rein possible mo mob violence tJ by the whiles The rhe officers were ver In Iii a bod body when from an aIl alley the Ow nc negroes ro s opened lire fire The rhe attack was entirely unexpected t p peeled and the casualty c. uc occurred before bel bey be be- y l' fore the policemen had hall an opportunity 4 to defend themselves The uninjured un un- it injured officers returned the tire fire and believed 1 that lint they Injured a number of the JI negroes roeN but owing to the darkness of ot the lie alley In which the latter were 4 v hidden wore were unable to determine ij definitely what damn damage e they Inflicted Tho negroes JT greatly outnumbering I th them m. m the lie policemen retired leaving thu dead and arid Injured officers In the thc F l street Apparently the tue I negroes became be he- I came Caine f lightened frightened at tho the deadly consequences consequences conse conse- of oC their marksmanship and j i scattered J- J Ji i I In iii S of this outbreak he the Lite reports H reached the lie heart of oC the cit city the passion pas pas- 1 felons sion of oC the thc whites whiteR were again aJain arous aroused and several se hundred armed men nien start start- cd Immediately ed-immediately for or the scene Intent on oil wreaking vengeance against the i blacks In South Atlanta The troops t however howe were ere ordered o ou out t In in time lime to lo ie reach e ch the nel neIghborhood before the I mob The negroes evid evidently aware th that t swift s retaliation would follow tho the thoi i 1 murll murder 1 of oC the Iho policemen loft left the city i In advance ance of the troops who pursued t them thein to the lie swamp In Iii which accord- accord lug to 10 the tho lie late latest t Information the ne- ne gr groTs ro for UI- UI the Ihu night I. I Four lIeros lIero's got cut off of from the main taut body and were vere overtaken by soldiers mid and captured being sent back baci to Ow iho city under unde a heavy y e escort cort Tho The soldiers were thrown a about out the swamp in open order with Instructions to shoot down lown every man who at attempted at- at 4 tempted to escape The militia was wa T non reinforced by b civilians who took their place in Iii th the tho cor cordon on At a late laic hour homo the nc negroes rocs were 10 completely h in lit and anti there s seemed to lo be 10 chance of oC their leaving heavIng the 1 swamp i mp without being killed h 1 Many Jm hots Exchanged Shots Shot were vere frequently exchanged ed but owing owing- lo to the darkness s no deaths I and few Cew injuries were reported In Inthe inthe the tho heart of ot the city It wax was quiet and amI hero was practically no disturbances although h no nu negroes roes ventured in the streets and It Is probably duo due ue to lo this Ihla fact ct that things were peaceable The militia continued to patrol the streets street d From the thc outskirts of ot the city cily however how how- ev ever r there were numerous reports of or outbreaks and antI several eral killings of ur blacks lacks were verc rumored Owing to the feverish state elate of or the popular mind man many rumors arc are afloat however ca without foun foundation in lii fact C The United States State infantry companies com coin stationed near here hec returned to their po posts ts tonight hl from frum Chickamauga n The offered their aid to the Iho state and 11 municipal authorities In case caso It was vas l It II was declined for the nr present A c crowd of or Infuriated negroes throve drove fourteen white people mostly women and children from froni the thc home borne of or Mrs hg Anna J Veal Vea In McDonough road near tho city tonight hl at 10 o'clock by shootIng shoot shoot- shoot shoot-I In lug Ing and antI threatening them The negroes ne no- groes 1018 made matTe their escape and pursued pur pur- puri i suet sued by br a a. po posse e of tf citizens The wornon wornon worn worn- I f- f on en and children sought refuge In a police police police po po- po- po lice station No Nt one was wal Injured c Mrs l Thompson who lives on omi Crew Cre street Il I shot hot at Ctt l two WI roes negroes who at- at li to enter her house at 9 o'clock and dropped dead from fright I after firing the tIme a |