Show TRUE WING WINS FEATURE I to l-to-l I Shot cal Captures Capture the tue I 1 i. i Stales t at ra I f Gravesend Race Itaco Truck Track N. N Y V. Sept I An L-AI L An off of Monday Ion a card e only I moderate sport here hero this afternoon Time The Speculation it a 1 0 1300 lf affair for or the time veterans vett vet vet- t r I. I t emits erans was sas won b by True frue Wing at 4 to 1 1 backed down from front 8 S. Summaries l 1 f First race cown five an and amid a half hal furlongs furlongs- t.- t. U 1 J. J Jones Jonos 8 to 1 I. I wU CO 0 to 1 1 second l i.- i. Vals Vails 9 9 Haywood tt 1 J. J Martin 9 0 to 2 third Time rIme 10 3 a k- k o Second race selling steeplechase Vt about two and a U unit half miles mius Caller 13 4 r Butner 5 to I. I won Spencer cor 1 iu Finnegan 5 to lo 2 2 second Alleg- Alleg i lanc lance Houseton S to 1 1 third I- I Time rime 1 1117 17 Third race handicap about six ix fur tUi longs Big Ben 15 tJ J. J Martin Marln 5 to 2 lons-lg lons won Gurn Garnish Koerner Koelner 20 to 1 I. second ll FIsh FUh h Hawk M Miller 2 to lo 1 third Time 1 is 11 Fourth race Time The he Speculation mile mie i alit und and a u sixteenth True sixteenth True Wing 85 iS Gar Oar Garner Garner i. i ner ncr 4 to 1 won wes Ves 91 t t 2 to i 1 1 second Iu Rapid pl Water Ill 11 1111 Miller Mil Mu- ler Jer 9 to 2 third Time rhine 1 3 1 4 Fifth nice Handicap mile mie and und a L six six- Lady O l Savoy 19 J J. JMartin Martin 10 Moonshine J J. JJones Jones to 1 I. won 17 15 to 1 1 second Nemesis 15 Homer Horner homerA A 6 G to 1 1 third Time 1 I t. t 1 IMS 18 4 1 Sixth race selling five fhe an and a A half haI race Winsome furlongs ome Ways Vas 97 91 Ulmer Miller r. r 13 to 5 won Slippery M 0 I 15 II to 1 second M 09 I oter 30 3 Time Tinie 3 3 1 i to 1 1 third 10 |